Vizualizați BARCA noastră cu vele BLUE WATER OCEAN reamenajată. Privește înăuntru și vezi ce s-a schimbat după o reparație mamut și cum am pregătit-o pentru următoarea ei provocare. Am aplicat ceea ce am învățat peste 50.000 de mile de navigație offshore la bord și peste 7 ani de stil de viață pe croaia. Pentru conținut suplimentar și actualizări în timp real, vizitați Flew Sails Portchester @BandG Navigam în jurul lumii de 8 ani după ce am plecat din Anglia în 2016 la bordul navei noastre de 37 ft. Florenţa. Acum o pregătim pentru următoarea aventură. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim culmile, minimele și provocările călătoriei în jurul lumii cu barca, navigând în larg peste Oceane și explorând locații îndepărtate cu propria noastră casă mică. #Sailing #BoatLife #boatlifestyle #SailingB&G #PoweredbyMastervolt #RollyTaskerSails #boatrepair #yachtrepair #circumnavigation #SailingYachtFlorence #yachtlifestyle #boatyard #SYFlorence 00:00 – Introducere 01:25 Priviți în interiorul Florenței – 122 Schimbam în interiorul Florenței Muzica în interiorul Florenței – 122 Schimbam în interiorul Florenței. în ordinea jocului: Epic Inspiration – – Licențiat
Post Refit BAT TOUR | Sailing Florence Refit – Ep.181

35 thoughts on “Post Refit BAT TOUR | Sailing Florence Refit – Ep.181”
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ALL THAT in eight months – absolutely incredible. Thank you for taking us along. And greatest thanks for sharing the reality of what the refit demanded of you, That is such an important message to all the folks who take inspiration from your efforts (and results) but have less experience. Signifcant repairs, and even some routine maintenance take a greater toll on persons' mental health than most would imagine. Our rule has always been to double the time (and usually the cost) assumed in our initial estimates of work on our boat that we plan to do ourselves. Reality has a nasty side. For us, it means that we sometimes bite the bullet and outsource to professionals the tasks that require more skill, experience, and/or tools and equipment than we have. Our experience has been that doing so often doesn't exceed our "double the assumed cost" rule by very much and almost always results in a better result attained more quickly. Then we go boating. We're in our late 70's now, so that objective is taking on greater priority in our decisions. It will be wonderful to see your new adventures on the water. As others have said, yours is our favoriate sailing channel. Fair winds. Following seas.
Great job guys!
True voices of experience, absolutely golden info for all prospective cruisers. Thank you for being so detailed and informative.
Using cushions to store thermal clothes…. Bloody BRILLIANT idea!
You never have enough cushions and those thermal clothes take up so much needed room in the limited wardrobe space. Seriously brilliant!
Florence looks like a new boat. Marvelous workmanship. At the end of your adventure, you may start a yacht making business. Wish you best luck.
Hi Guys, great refit! Just one question – do you really have only 1300 hours on engine after 8 years of sailing? That's impressing!
You guys pooped me out just watching it! Good for you and happy wakes -Darcee
Amazing dedication. I'm six years into my one year renovation lol. That barrier for condensation you used. I doubt it is enough. If you find it isn't, check out Froli system. European I believe. It raises your matress. A bit higher with plastic spring things which are very lightweight and make your ,mattress feel more like a home mattress easy to install. Most difficult part is getting the mattress out and back in. Two hour job
Thanks for the update
Do you have a video on how you brought your gel coat back to life? I have a ‘73 that is in need of a facelift. Thank you
Thanks for great video.
Can you please tell what is the Florence boat model and size?
Looking very solid boat.
My takeaway from the refit videos was "how on earth did they finish all of those projects in 8 months? They must have worked like hell non-stop."
However, people should take inspiration from you. As you said at the end, they should also know it isn't easy and probably cost time, money, frustration, anxiety, and every other emotion known to man.
Look forward to seeing you sailing again.
Great job people, and given your disclaimer at the end.. you must have really been going hard for months. It's unhealthy for some, sure. But given your drive and motivation it has paid off. Now you will reap the rewards of the brutal work. All the best and wishing you both a fantastic new adventure on your beautiful little ship. Hello from Australia!
As someone who knows how difficult boat projects can be, I appreciate the bit at the end where you give a reality check. Wishing you the best in your future sailing adventures and I'll stay tuned.
A year into my first refit and I'm still on the hardstand
it's not easy is an understatement
Just subscribed and looking forward to checking out your videos.
Looking very nice guys, really. Be proud of your work.
Pretty boat nice colors
Have you got Starlink? If not, why not? Please share. Love the channel guys keep going!
Condensation under bed. We use the air mesh too wbich only provides a partial solution to the condensation issue. This we have solved by using the interlocking foam floor mats sold in Costco and places, cut to size. This provides the insulation layer to stop the condensation. This works 12 months of the year on the west coast of Scotland for us.
Good job guys
Amazing results!! so much hardwork done. Congrats!
Fabulous reality check you both put out to the sailing dreamers. Florence looks absolutely great and ready for your next adventure. I Certainly Can't Wait. The one question I have is the beautiful new suite of B&G display all linked together and enter faced ? If so I have read it is best to have a independent transducer depth sounding unit, Independent Navigation chart plotter at a minimum isolated away from the whole linked suite. I seen it happen on youtube to other sailors and read stories about this happening. When the linkage is broken by numerous ways and they are all interfaced together one looses every device read out. By having independent critical devices at least one has the basics he or she chooses to continue sailing by if the system crashes for any reason. Jim Rodgers
Congratulations with a shiny new boat – so i hope to see you here in Norway soon…..
Great job! Gero vėjo!
You guys are legends, chapeau bas
see you out there on water
Great work on your beautiful Oyster. We have sailed our own J109 Pinocchio up to northern Norway (in the summer). Great experience ! We have the same insulation under mattresses but also added multiple holes in the bunk under panels to ensure air circulation under the beds and in the cavernous lockers under them. Seems to make wonders for a dry comfortable sleep. Have a great time.
Florence looks absolutely stunning. Well done you 2 massive effort.

Great Job Guys, excited for your next navigation
Springy pieces of plastic dowel fed into or across the yoga mat would work to pop your insulation into the window apertures. ( Heated rod would make vertical routes for the plastic dowel ) .. love the whole boat and the hands free staysail and VDH style Rustler dodger doors! Top job guys
At last a video with no bikinis
She looks fabulous. Very nice yacht. I’m looking forward to seeing the trip north.
She looks fantastic! Cheers

She is looking fabulous! Looking forward to the next chapter. Bon Voyage!
We have the same cockpit table. It flaps about when you sail, or at least our older looser one does! If you tie a piece of rope around the table and hook the rope at the back onto the hook that the table stand goes into it stops it!
You have given me some good ideas good video and safe travels! Just switched my system over to B&G Vulcan, touch screen don’t care much for the touch screen wet hands don’t work very well.
Really chuffed to see all this hard fought progress. I would be incredibly interested to understand how that staysail furler will work on a job without a foil. I'm kicking around the idea of adding an inner stay myself and your thinking would be muuuch appreciated