Este ultima noastră mare traversare a oceanului în raliul nostru în jurul lumii. Părăsim Bermuda da pentru a naviga la puțin mai puțin de 2000 de mile spre est, către faimosul oraș marinar Horta de pe insula Faial din Azore. Chiar în mijlocul Oceanului Atlantic, cu sisteme meteorologice în mișcare rapidă de jur împrejur. Fără navigație simplă în sensul vântului. Acesta este un picior în care trebuie să fim atenți în mod constant pentru a decide unde să mergem. Nina, regina ceasului de noapte, ne ajută din nou la acest picior
Dancing with the Lows – Transat West East Bermuda la Azore – Sailing Greatcircle (ep.342)

11 thoughts on “Dancing with the Lows – Transat West East Bermuda la Azore – Sailing Greatcircle (ep.342)”
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Great video, cool meet up in mid Atlantic.
Very good video again.

When your circumnavigation is complete
Is GreatCircle for sale?
Great video. Will you make a stop in Ireland?
How much do you depend on readings taken with a sextant?
Thanks for your video as usual. You are almost home. I noticed that you fly your dji phantom more often than the dji mini. Which drones do you prefer better?
Amazing video!!
Another excellent video, much enjoyed, thank you

hello, thanks for your videos, I have been following you since your departure. it helped me to wait until the delivery of our 4x which will be in 1 month …
Hi Mark and Marijke, I heard in this video that you are going to build a home! That is exciting, but I also realize your two year long cruise is coming to an end. We have followed your adventures, and boy have they been top notch adventures, for several years, while we are not sailors, we love to travel, as you both do. My husband and I have sent your comments and questions many times, and you always answer so quickly and in an informative way. Your YT channel is probably the best one out there, your drone work, commentary and content is top notch. Will you be ending your YT channel once you are back on land? Your journey has been very inspiring, and you both make it look easy. Thank you, both, for the countless hours it takes to edit and give us such amazing quality videos with fabulous, smooth jazz…