Acest tip se află pe cel mai mare iaht privat din lume. Este deținut de familia regală din Emiratele Arabe Unite și costă peste jumătate de miliard de dolari pentru a fi construit. Barca are peste 500 de picioare lungime și este un spectacol de văzut. #viral #yacht #luxury Credit: jonnydodge_ via IG
Cel mai mare iaht privat din lume

46 thoughts on “Cel mai mare iaht privat din lume”
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Credit: jonnydodge_ via IG
bet its got some interesting and powerful defence systems.
Absolute Smashed It Out The Park A Family Boat is the way,i shall use my Mandolorian Skillset & know how to achie this Craft

It costs like hell just to park that damn thing somewhere. (docking fees)
Yeah it’s a pity they don’t treat there people better these aARABS ARE A CURSE ON HUMANITY
Ah, yes, the UAE … There government restricts freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and the local media are censored to prevent criticism of the government, government officials, or royal families. As a result, the UAE routinely ranks near the bottom of many international measures for human rights and press freedom
Good money in drugs.
Wow bro
1 dagje olie oppompen

So what
Yeah right single family but who care
Charles pinching pennies.
Single family ! I excuse me ! They have a whole country working for them !! It’s royal Family !
Rub that it trumps face

beautiful boat
Im a widow, my husband died after being sick for only 2 weeks, and left me homeless. Would you like to adopt me. Beautiful boat im sure some people would be jealous. But im sure you all work very hard and should enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The UAE Royal family is a big business.
Thats why oil costs so much
Well, this is possible because oil. But, as this commodity is moved away from world wide demand. This boat will sell for a fraction of the cost.
Plus, one has to question the morality of one family would waste a nations asset on this personal pleasure!!!
And they all want you to believe you're the problem lol
stolen mony
Sick world we live in !
Stealing from their citizens gotta love it
The Saudi royal family is a corporation
Ya climate change
Wrong because there is a privet yacht that is 180mtr long
When will people in that country realize that royal family is simply a waste of money ?
I get it “tradition” but what is it really ??
Tradition of monarchy with people telling other people what to do because of what ??
Because they said they are royalty ??
Look at it from an outsiders perspective and it’s really silly to think that they matter anymore.
I can understand 500 years ago and how people would have to listen but now ??
Cmon people wake up and smell the crumpets.
Billionaires and in particular Nerd billionaires are wrecking the lives of others so they can have shit like this
Who cares
The dictators you mean..
It’s a SHIP
. The way to remember is: you can put a boat on a ship, but you can’t put a ship on a boat.
$500 million for the boat and It has a $450 million picture hang on the wall.
And what are the corporations but rich single family businesses owners
Ya the take from there own people to get so fn rich that they have a 500 million dollar ship
Every dollar rich people have …belonged to someone else
That is way longer than 500ft
That's a boat that needs a couple torpedoes.
When you say single family, is a small family. They are not small families, plus they marry their relatives so the arab nation is one big family
Le pire c'est qu'ils sont tout religion mais exploite sans vergogne les travailleurs immigrés et retirent leur passeport
Uae doesnt have any royal family…
That yauht is Ghetto,I wouldn't ride that thing,The Royal Family is the poorest family on earth.Poor families.I'm in gods royal family .
There’s a longer superyacht