În acest tur exclusiv, filmat în timpul Salonului Nautic de la Veneția, unde barca și-a făcut debutul global, Jack Haines se confruntă cu unul dintre cele mai mari multicoca de pe piață pentru a vedea ce are de oferit. Ceea ce are de oferit este dimensiunea. Nu doar lățimea incredibilă (este cu 15 picioare mai lată decât Ferretti Infynito 90), ci și înălțimea – este gigantică! La bord, există o cabină a proprietarului pe puntea principală cu acces privat la terasa din față și alte trei cabine pentru oaspeți pe puntea inferioară, cu spațiu pentru a dormi patru membri ai echipajului. Cabinele VIP duble, situate la capătul din spate al fiecărei carene sunt spectaculoase. Spațiul interior este remarcabil, dar ambele se conectează la balcoanele derulante de pe ambele părți prin uși etanșe, astfel încât oaspeții din acele cabine să aibă efectiv terasele lor private pe malul apei. Sistemul de propulsie este, de asemenea, interesant și a fost dezvoltat intern de Wider. Este un sistem hibrid care folosește motoare electrice, un banc de baterii, generatoare gemene și peste 170 de metri pătrați de panouri solare. Sistemul jonglează eficient cu sursele de energie în funcție de modul în care este utilizată barca, dar cu o capacitate de combustibil de 10.000 de litri are o autonomie de 3.000 nm la 8 noduri. Wider WiderCat 92 cu siguranță face lucrurile în felul său – urmăriți videoclipul și spuneți-ne ce părere aveți despre barcă în comentariile de mai jos. #yachtbuyer #wideryachts #widercat92 #yachttour #yachtreview #boattour #catamaran #catamarans #widercat92 #boattour #yacht #yachts #boat #boats #boating Recenzia noastră scrisă despre Wider WiderCat92 este acum live! Urmați linkul pentru recenzia detaliată, planurile de punte și rivalii: https://www.yachtbuyer.com/en/reviews/wider-widercat-92-2023 ============= La o privire ============= LOA – 28,04 m (92 ft) Lungime – 12 m (39 ft 4 in) Capacitate combustibil – 10.000 litri Cilindrată – 90 tone Motoare – Motoare electrice duble de 500 kw/generatoare 320 kw Viteză maximă – 15 noduri Preț – 13 milioane EUR fără TVA ============ Performanță ============= Viteza maximă – 15 noduri Viteza de croazieră – 13 noduri Gama – 3.000 nm la 8 noduri Conectează-te cu noi! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yachtbuyer
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Împărtășește-ți părerile despre WIDER WIDERCAT 92 în comentarii! ================= Marcaje temporale ================= 00:00 Introducere 00:51 Pe punte 01:32 Cockpit 02: 34 Interior 02:23 Cabina proprietarului 05:22 Cazare 05:30 VIP Cabină 07:29 Puntea pod 08:16 Performanță și gamă 11:24 Cazare echipaj 13:00 Verdictul nostru
Este WiderCat 92 de 13 milioane de euro cel mai bun multicoca? Tur și recenzie

36 thoughts on “Este WiderCat 92 de 13 milioane de euro cel mai bun multicoca? Tur și recenzie”
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Our written review of the Wider WiderCat92 is now live! Follow the link for the detailed review, deck plans and rivals: https://www.yachtbuyer.com/en/reviews/wider-widercat-92-2023
The possibilities are noce. This particular boat looks so bland. 13 million for white bread. Looks like a cheap hotal verses a luxury yacht worth 13 million. I'm sure the owners are responsible for that. Will be searching for others to see different interiors.
So in principle you can cross the Atlantic in this?
this begs the question, just how wide could a wide wider be if a wide wider could be wide?
Great boat but they should absolutely fire the interior designer. What a waste of space and horrible designs and styles.
The interior design is terrible lol
That was a horrible galley with so little refrigeration or freezer space. I hope the owners like to eat out.
you misused the word "enormity,", it doesn't mean large, it means " monstrous or horrible"
Decor is very 1980’s Miami Drug Kingpin.
You too could own this for the small price of two kidneys a liver and a couple of testicles.
Interior reminds me of 1 decades ago in the U.S. didnt like it then. Hamte to see whamt they charge for it
The yacht and the staterooms are nice. But the color pallet and shapes of the main living spaces remind me of '70s academic and institutional building interiors with some Alexander Calder thrown in. I'd really like to know what inspired the interior designer to make it look like that.
I'm sure there are many options available for this Yacht.
No Hot tub, no bath tubs. Only 1 day head ?
I wonder how this handles in rough seas. I can't imagine you can secure all the potential flying furniture.
Do the lower side ways fold up to become side walls while at sea? There's very little protecting the walk way (or anyone that is on it) in the case of higher waves, etc. The little barriers didn't even come up to his knees.
A sauna would be nice
What's up with my lotto numbers?
Shitty finishings and color for that money…looks cheap, non western cultures associate shiny things with quality
Full loss.
It would have been fun to see the top deck crane running to move a jetski.
Lots of people in poverty………..
Amazing boat with some of the ugliest decor I have seen. That interior designer should be fired.
I been watching too many yacht videos when 13 mil seems kinda cheap
I literally can't even imagine being able to own something like this and can't even imagine being on one either. Only the rich wealthy get to enjoy something like this.
I mean, it'll do in a pinch.
very nice, but theres only 1 chair in control room, wouldnt u want atleast 2 seats
Did you go to Cannes or are you going to Monaco Yacht Show 2024?
Really interesting
I want this boat
I a absolutely love it
Not one of Wider's best efforts. At this price point – disappointing. The tech doesn't work – that's why you're not allowed in the engine room. But they are pushing. And that's admirable.
Fancy caravan feel inside.
Sparse and sterile. There is absolutely nothing warm or inviting about any of the interior spaces that would make me want to spend any time on, or in, this yacht. I'm guessing it's built for pure Med posing. Why would anyone waste such an eye watering amount of money on this construction.
They should swap the interior design out to a more log cabin style.
Only a few people in the world live this luxurious life; the majority watch this splendor from afar, like an unattainable dream…
That's a gitdamn house