Nu am mâncat nimic în afară de prăjitura Costco timp de 3 zile

Nu am mâncat nimic în afară de prăjitura Costco timp de 3 zile

Donează băncii alimentare pentru a lupta împotriva foametei: obține niște marfă ➡️ Instagram: TikTok: siryacht Twitter: Facebook: Canalul de pantaloni scurți: @siryacht2 🎶Outro: „American Pie” de Hoodie Allen Astăzi mănânc doar biscuitul Costco Double Chocolate Chunk pentru următoarele 72 de ore. Cea mai proastă provocare de mâncare de până acum… De asemenea, vă mulțumesc mult pentru sprijin și pentru că ați adus acest canal la peste 100.000 de abonați. Înseamnă lumea pentru mine!!!


38 thoughts on “Nu am mâncat nimic în afară de prăjitura Costco timp de 3 zile

  1. 100,000 subscribers… I don't even know what say. This is something I've always dreamt of and chased on many YouTube channels before this one. This channel is nothing with all your support and I am so so thankful you all are here!!!

    At this time the channel has 106,500 subs… excited to see where this community goes!!

  2. Another banger in the books, also don't apologize for getting emotional. Its awesome to see your success dude, you deserve it! You bring awesome content & also bring light to serious issues like people going hungry. Keep kicking ass! Ps. your walking/running has inspired me to get out there and get after it so thank you!

  3. Hears a bit of advice I sadly learned the hard way… Never … Never exceed the amount of Tum's they recommend ad the daily max.. aThis also includes antacids .. I have to say if you do this your gonna loose weight super fast with out you wanting too lol.. and Congrats on the 116k sups..

  4. ngl, your videos are good, but please stop the "EYO??" jokes. kinda shows some insecurity about your masculinity ya know? just a weird homophobic thing that jumps out from time to time

  5. I always thought “you can’t outrun a bad diet” only pertained to weight 🤦‍♀️ You probably already knew that but I’ve genuinely learned something seeing you as miserable as I am, lol!! My workplace has a cafeteria with giant cookies and I’ve had them as a meal before… I’m going to bake and portion out some little cookies for the craving because like you said, it’s only the FIRST bite that hits anyway!

  6. I love your videos! You got me to donate to my local food bank, I wish I could donate to every food bank in LA, so many people out here struggling but every penny counts

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