Comportamentul jenant al lui Meghan Markle și prințului Harry

Comportamentul jenant al lui Meghan Markle și prințului Harry

Acest videoclip a fost sponsorizat de June’s Journey. Descărcați acum gratuit June’s Journey: Meghan Markle și Prințul Harry s-au făcut cu adevărat jenați în Nigeria, de la a fi nepoliticoși la obsedați de sine, până la a suna de-a dreptul needucați, se pare că călătoria lor în Nigeria s-a stins. Iată mai multe clipuri jenante pe care le-am descoperit! Bucurați-vă. Partea 1: #meghanmarkle #princeharry #royalfamily #harryandmeghan Capitole video: 0:00 – intro 2:35 – Obsesia lui Meghan pentru dominație 5:32 – Meghan vorbind singură… CAMERA OBSESATĂ 9 :01 – Alte MOMENTE jenante 13:51 – Prima Doamnă a Nigeriei OMBREAZĂ pe Meghan 15:55 – Călătoria în Nigeria A RETRACTAT ✮Articole suculente de citit ✮ Meghan Markle și Prințul Harry au ratat semnul în 2023 (detalii exclusive) https://scandalous. media/blog/meghan-markle-and-prince-harrys-missed-the-mark-in-2023-exclusive-details Prințul Harry CE a făcut după episodul South Park? Iată ceaiul din interior și de ce nimeni nu le va lua vreodată în serios la Hollywood sau în Politică -ceai Prințul William și Prințul Harry s-au certat fizic din cauza comportamentului nepoliticos al lui Meghan Markle… mai multe strigăte de rezervă -fight-physical-fight-over-meghan-markles-rude-behavior-the-spare-cries-câteva-mai mult Dezvăluirea adevărului scandalos despre Meghan Markle și prințul Harry: ce a dus la plecarea lor din familia regală? Expunând relațiile anterioare ale lui Meghan Markle: Trevor Engelson, Cory Vitiello și relația umbrită cu Prințul Harry Adevărul Despre ce simt Kate Middleton și Prințul William despre Meghan Markle! Cum a tratat-o ​​regina pe Meghan? Dezvăluirea plecării lui Meghan și a Prințului Harry, caritate și visurile de la Hollywood O acoperire detaliată a procesului lui Meghan Markle și Prințul Harry: informații scandaloase care au fost expuse și decizia finală https:/ / Meghan Markle nu este prințesa Diana: personalul palatului sună prințul Harry și Meghan „Outrageous Bullies” Refacerea interviului Variety, aruncând o femeie de culoare sub autobuz și teoria accidentului de avion… așa a decurs săptămâna lui Meghan Markle -din-the-cut-interviu-să-discutăm Dark Hollywood: Yachting… ce este și cine o face? SOCIALMEDIAS ⤵ scandalousmedia BLOG: Numai pentru surse sau întrebări despre afaceri:


33 thoughts on “Comportamentul jenant al lui Meghan Markle și prințului Harry

  1. Henry and Megan are really perfect couple and I think that they're deeply in love and they have a beautiful family and people are mean and really can't say anything nice

  2. She is vile! Only God knows what Harry saw in this clingy, insecure pos who literally moved Harry back to the States and the worst part.. broke up his relationship with his brother!! Princess Diana would be devastated! Princess Kate has more class in her little finger than Markel would ever hope to have! She’s a disgrace

  3. She doesn't have 1% of Nigerian blood in her veins if you ask me! She was sooo disrespectful in Nigeria! Harry is a real royal there, even though Megan was along.

  4. Back when they were with Prince William and Princess Kate she always seemed to try and gravitate close to William. Or….initiate conversation with him. Watch her coming out of church on Christmas. William is fixing his neck scarf as an obvious way of avoiding her.
    Then when they went to see flowers and greet people after the Queen died, she is constantly trying to move closer to William. She's definitely mentally unstable, she needs an evaluation.
    I read several articles from their staff at Frogmore Cottage and how terrible they treated them. Their staff is paid for by the taxpayers! Anybody that gets up and goes to work for a living deserves respect!!!

  5. Saw your Sabrina video and loved the deep dive then see your 90% of your videos are your obsession with Meghan Markle, yes her specifically. Why dedicate your channel to hating on someone and watching their every move? 😂

  6. Megan was a crappy actress, shitty Princess, bad daughter in law, bitchy sister in law, bad daughter, and I am pretty sure Beautiful Princess Diana would have dislike her also!🤣

  7. I’m not a doctor, but we all know that Harry was on drugs for a long period of time and his brain is long gone, I won’t be surprised if Megan is also a user because her dad was on drugs, so, be stupid and acting stupid is a normal activity of the drug addiction people

  8. Megan seems to have serious mental problems. I suspect she is riddled with deep anxiety, because she tries to make herself something she is not in the world. How can Harry stand it, and for how long????

  9. Thank god William is the older brother and we are not stuck with Meghan as our Princess of Wales. The Princess of Wales exudes something Meghan will never have and that is CLASS !!!! I remember when news first broke about Harry and Meghan being a couple I said to my partner… “This will not end well”. The engagement and marriage was rushed, William was correct in asking Harry to take his time and make sure she was the right person. William spoke through experience, he and the Princess of Wales were together for years before their marriage while they built a solid relationship and Catherine learned the ropes and it shows .

  10. Why do I feel Harry is being held prisoner . Megan is a cohersive controller, no doubt, maybe she has threatened Harry by saying if he leaves her she will not allow him to see the children ever again. Or maybe she is threatening him with something much bigger, his parentage. Don’t bother Meg, we already know, and trust me Harry is more welcome in the lives of millions of people without royalty in his blood. His mother’s heritage is 100 times above royalty any day. It’s only time folks, her day will come as she’s running out of ideas.

  11. Omg😂these comments..if he was unhappy he would leave he really has nothing to lose …even if she takes whatever she takes he's still loaded and can do what he wants…and yes ifthe camera!!! Wanted her attention that much id watch my surroundings as well

  12. For her to be a black lady and pull a prince Princess Diana is her mother-in-law and every time somebody is negative with her, they end up getting sick. This lady is spiritually protected. I would just watch how I talk about her. I’m just saying. Cause apparently she has Source on speed dial.

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