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Nava de patrulare a marinei eșuează! | Actualizare despre Vegas Fire | SY News Ep340
42 thoughts on “Nava de patrulare a marinei eșuează! | Actualizare despre Vegas Fire | SY News Ep340”
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Attilla in Cape Town now
Did the captain pass his course? or is he now captaining tinnys.
If that’s an example of the kind of photos you have sitting in your YotSpot inbox, you need to be more diligent in getting them out on time. Those were some beauts!
Boat ships running aground- OUCH! I think both ships will be getting new captains.
Should have given them driving lessons too. Australia gives all sorts of stuff to pacific nations. And they wreck most of it. BUGGER!
Did they find any bbq pipes in the wheel house
Its like giving mexico nukes. LOL!
All that water……
Remember: Never rename a vessel
Well to be clear, Clive is a right twat.
Is the word you are looking for …'NAVAL' .. as opposed to 'NAVY' as in Naval Patrol Boat Runs Aground???
I'm sure China will donate a new ship to Fiji. I'd be checking the bank accounts of the crew as well.
Fiji gave it to a "Credit Card Captain"?
Idiot skippers, 🤡this how it look if you did not work for it to own🤷
Aus needs to stop giving these boats to Samoa and Fiji as they dont have the training to run them, the Samoa one scrapped running ashore and this one who knows what
sysman.x what about a insurance fiddle. When I've finished washing the money.x I will run the yacht aground Job please.
So yeah.x fire is to dangerous.. lazy insurance fiddle. And dangerous to life I'm from Derby . We learnt that years ago
Money is thick.x I'm naturally clever.. gis a job..
Its like giving your kid a new bike and having to go to the end of the road and pick them up off the ground, mend their knees, elbows and hands, then tell them to get back up on the bike and try again…
Did the person driving the boat have their pronouns on their name tag because that’s probably the issue
Incompetence at its best
How does a grounding affect insurance costs? What’s insurance coverage cost for a $40mil yacht to begin with?
Gross incompetence
That's not gonna go over well (get it?). I wouldn't want to be the guy that was in charge in that wheelhouse at the time. I mean, everybody's gotta learn, but perhaps on a smaller LESS EXPENSIVE boat? 🙂 Poor guy.
It looks like it might be some sandbar that maybe shifted and wasn't marked on charts? I know that radical reshaping of a sandy bottom can occur after a hurricane, or something of that magnitude, But even if that was the case, the breakers probably ought to be taken seriously as a clue.
They could make it a requirement to use an inert metal on those shore power connectors, both sides. I imagine corrosion is a real problem. Either that, or require an inspection/certification to be carried out on some reasonable temporal rotation. Even plating them in gold shouldn't be that horribly expensive, but that is probably overkill. You would also have the problem wherever dissimilar metals come in contact, like where the cable wring meets the pin or socket in the connector.
Very interesting news you can't get anywhere else
Made in America, what else do you expect
Just to add to that Clive Palmer boat incident.
I went through that channel on a small runabout with a friend and his father many years ago and it was uncomfortable ON A CALM DAY. Unfortunately than channel funnels everything coming in from the ocean. Because its South of the great Barrier Reef and the Sand Islands the entrance to that channel is totally exposed to the Pacific. Its why the beeches along that area get such fantastic surf.
So in that short channel the waves can be quite choppy compared to the waves either side and the currents can be faster than either side. Its not that its badly designed or anything else its just the nature of a short channel with broad expanses of water at each end of the channel.
So I get why they need captains of larger vessels trained to navigate that channel.
The other aspect of this are the sand bars which are constantly moving. I have a pilots license and you don't realise the extent of the sand bars on Australian beeches until you see them from the air. You can sort of see it on Google Earth but that doesn't really give you perspective. Its why we tell tourists to only swim where the beech patrols are. That's the famous "swim between the flags" message you might have heard. That's because the patrols know how to "read the surf" and keep people away from the rips. And for the record there's (to the best of my knowledge) never been a fatal drowning for anyone who was swimming between the flags.
so much for Oceans Rising .. you know Climate Change pacific Islands would have cleared that if Oceans Rising were Factual
A major embarrassment for the Fiji Navy
Does the sonar or depth finders work on these vessels ?
"couldn't get to the dock at that hour" ? What? Only open for lunch hour, then? and then "couldn't get the hoses into position." Oh boy. Heads would roll.
We (warship) visited Suva, Fiji in 2018. Found out our freshwater from ashore could not be verified safe to drink. The solution was to bring aboard pallets of 500ml bottles of Fiji water, clear the shore water from the tanks the next day at sea and replace with tested ROD water.
Ready to move to Fiji, sounds like government is perfectly suited to my needs.
All those mishaps are probably caused by "climate change", which predicts higher levels of water.
I would bet that Fiji boat had a diversity hire at the con.
Well, done, Fiji😂
Maybe one day you’ll figure out a way to keep your ships upright 😂
😂 y’all don’t understand they needed a submarine, and the Aussies gave them a surface vessel 😂
Where do I sign up for the Great Australian Boat Giveaway?
More inspiration for issuance fiddle.x
F it…take your waste time boat!..we don't want it anyways