INEOS Britannia AC75 | Analiza unui designer de Cupa Americii | Lumea Yachtingului

INEOS Britannia AC75 |  Analiza unui designer de Cupa Americii |  Lumea Yachtingului

Designerul Cupei Americii, Thomas Tison de la Thomas Tison Yacht Design & Engineering, vorbește cu editorul Yachting World, Helen Fretter, despre ambarcațiunea britanică Challenger of Record a Cupei Americii. Va fi aceasta barca care va întoarce în sfârșit Cupa Americii în Marea Britanie? ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a Yachting World acum – ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre turnee, vizitați site-ul nostru: http:// ► Dă-ne Like pe Facebook aici – ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter la: ► Simțiți-vă liber să comentați mai jos! ► Amintiți-vă să apăsați butonul de Like dacă v-a plăcut 🙂


18 thoughts on “INEOS Britannia AC75 | Analiza unui designer de Cupa Americii | Lumea Yachtingului

  1. What a joke for a boat!!! Take it through a storm around cape horn. It would never make it. And for Gods sake get a hot chick for a reporter.

  2. But if this spoiler like foils on back really helping some for lift up – not like cars reduce buoyancy.
    Then all another teams able quickly fix some spoiler on.
    Must be more for structural halt sideways?
    If this F1 spoiler really helping then red bull also would thinking about?
    Mutch more like red bull they build stern deck a bit….
    We see how blahblah about F1 its real helping.
    F1 design its only optimised for F1 rules!
    Gives another aerodynamic designs mutch difference from F1!
    Its a nice anectode more🤷

  3. This design about mercedes its mostly looking with painted and this marketing about sponsor must be blablah talked about, and some inspiration must be find if Mercedes put millions into design 🤪!
    America magic had a fast boat without marketing!
    F1 its never AC and sailing sorry!
    F1 its an billion business mosty boring at races.

  4. British was watching American magic last boat at back under deck?
    American was realy going upper waterline in back and GB stopped with Finn … we see how mutch martin fisher was able getting his design and if Mercedes was about money getting more trough?
    Martin was design last luna rossa and was mutch better performance then GB🙈🙉😅.
    We see its for they stratege or GB again missed it again poorly!

  5. Every expert not know what team winning must talking about F1… then if GB would be in AC then not blahblah about F1 feel then wrong not talking about F1 greatness!
    99% of winning luis Vuitton cup its allover strategy – sails, engineering, controll ,sailing and strategic.

  6. I think red bull has gone bigger in the F1 collaboration thing, albeit I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them are subbed out for accounting purposes so the F1 team can stay under the cost cap. Newey isn't the only one seconded to AC.

  7. As a Kiwi living in England, I'm very interested in this boat. I'm also a huge F1 fan and find it funny when people ask, " What does F1 know about the AC". Can't answer that, probably not much but they do know air flow and these boats are half flying so don't be dismissive. Also water, although 50 times more viscose than air, I suspect but don't know for sure, probably can be modelled in an F1 simulation too.
    Until these boats are head to head we can't know how good they are and then there is the crew, the added sauce that will mix things even more.
    My heart is with NZ but I find all these boats and the different design philosophies fascinating.
    Bring on the racing.

  8. History has shown that the fastest boat always wins. This year it seems we have several teams with innovative ideas and all crews look to be ser and skilled. Can’t wait for the racing to start

  9. Are INEOS are trying to minimise the size of flaps on their main hydrofoils and rudder, by making the whole rudder more mobile (thus the structure above the deck)? This reminds me of an International 14's rudder controls. Perhaps this is more about moving the whole rudder, rather than having more / larger flaps on either foil – giving lower drag in the water.

  10. Fascinating discussion. I think that the INEOS design is out on a limb. The skeg/bustle is much deeper than the others in the aft part, even though it stops well short of the rudder. It also seems to end very thin, like a blade whereas the others end in a squared off section at the transom. I wonder how this will affect drag in a displacement mode. Part of the purpose of the bustle is to provide some buoyancy in displacement mode so that the wetted surface of the flat sections either side is reduced. Since The bustle ends before the rudder it has to be sharp, since otherwise there would be a lot of suction =drag at that point. The others carry the bustle all the way to the stern, so it is ok to have some volume there giving some buoyancy. There is still a bit of drag at very low speeds, but as soon as the hull starts to gain some speed, the water breaks away at the end of the skeg and reduces drag just like the transom on a planing power boat. Despite the input of the Mercedes designers, I think it is strange that Britannia is so bulky. That doesn’t look aerodynamically efficient. Videos seem to show that Britannia is less stable than the others. I hope I am wrong, but I fear that Britannia will not be competitive with the others.

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