Explorând lumea secretă lesbiană a Parisului interbelic

Explorând lumea secretă lesbiană a Parisului interbelic

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49 thoughts on “Explorând lumea secretă lesbiană a Parisului interbelic

  1. Your comment about the disappearing Lesbian bars made me realize that here in Montreal we used to have several such places. Sad to think about their passing.

  2. I binge your videos while I crochet and a few days ago I watched the last one I hadn't seen and I was so sad because I love how you talk about history and the different topics you pick. The topics you pick are some that interest me and some that I haven't heard of, and I love learning about history through your videos. Thank you

    with all the hate going around for transmasc lesbians and replacing the word with queer when talking about people like Chappell in large reviews , it’s nice to have a creator who is and has never taken a stance to actively erase and undermine queer people, women and lesbians. Thank you, genuinely

    Not the lassies kissing in the beginning my heart 😭😭

  4. I had to stop watching this plot. Your generation is a lesbophobic disaster. Misogynistic and self-loathing to the core.

    A lesbian is a woman (adult human female). It is not, nor has it ever been a fucking male in a dress.

    Queer is a slur. Queer theory is rooted in the misogynistic musings of postmodern pedophiles. It is anti woman, anti children and anti lesbian.

    You have no bars because you LET men in. Lesbians post 90s are male identified, white woman (or wwhitewashed) simps who let troons kick them around and out of Pride.

    Much respect to gay men who have the integrity not to let women fuck up the vibe.

    If only lesbians really liked themselves as much as gay males do.

    FTR troonery is causing a backlash against gays the likes of which you have never seen. If you really understood that era is something beyond an aesthetic, you’d realize how dangerous 1936 was as opposed to 1926. Right now…2024 is 1936.

  5. I am always a bit distracted by all the cool antiques in the background and all the awesome costumes Kaz has every video. What a great channel. Everything is always so interesting.

  6. I'm always interested in your history topics but I definitely also come to see your outfits. You're always killing it in the wardrobe department.

  7. my favourite topic!!! I’ve drawn up a lesbian Chart of this time period and it’s so complex and messy. (Honourable mention to Dolly Wilde, my favourite dramatic dyke of the era!)

  8. This was absolutely outstanding! I wish it was available when I was teaching Ph.D.-level seminars in communication theory and research methods. It splendidly demonstrates complex issues related to the material world, culture and identity. It also illuminates problematics associated with presentism as it clouds historical analysis – so I could have used it in my historical methods seminar too. And, as always, the costumes really bring this all to life. Marvelous!

  9. There was so much to absorb in this, yet my broke ass brain is still ringing with your mention of "cheap rent" near the beginning, and all I could do was sarcastically say, "Gee, it's almost like cheap has this tendency to aid in a thriving arts and social scene. Who'd've thunk it?"

    Class consciousness aside, your description of many lesbians identifying it as another gender struck a chord. It kind of makes sense to me, and I wonder if that is part of why so much gay history I read as an adolescent and young adult usually skirted around the topic aside (apart from their professed lack of material to draw upon and possibly the downward pressure of sexism that buries non-male perspectives). To varying degrees, I've long had this sense that the lesbian world was more than just homosexuality amongst women, and lesbian as another gender just puts that into sharp focus. I want to learn more!

    Finally, the disappearance of lesbian bars interests me. Hell, so many spaces seem to be going away and not always being replaced. I feel like there's another video in there somewhere.

  10. My beautiful queer community in Oklahoma City actually has the most Lesbian Bars in the US❤️ let’s go prairie queers!!🌾🌻🏳️‍🌈

  11. Okay this video is very interesting so far but the way you pronounced "Llangollen" hurt my soul. It's not easy to write out how to pronounce it as the Welsh "ll" sound doesn't exist in English, but here's a pronunciation guide I found online.

    "First, place the tip of your tongue along the gum line behind your front teeth as if you were about to pronounce the letter L.

    Then, while keeping your tongue firmly in place, blow a constant stream of air out of the two sides of your mouth."

  12. I found you not that long ago and I've been basically binging all your queer oriented videos because of pride month. (The others are super good too but I'm also a pretty big history buff so it's all good to me lol.)

  13. 40:25 Renee Vivien spotted! Was a little disappointed not to see her mentioned otherwise. Perfectly understandable though. Her poetry was how I learned of this period of sapphic history, so I have a particular attachment to her.

  14. Kaz—just want to wish you a happy Pride Month and tell you how much I enjoy and appreciate your videos. Well-researched history, presented in an engaging way, is a wonderfully great contribution rising above and beyond the plethora of click-bait and fluff. Thank you for your creative and thoughtful work. 🌈💜

  15. 29:35 Doesn't sound like Heike Bauer has read The Well of Loneliness. In the text, it is Stephen's father who has 'German books' in his library. Stephen is naive and only gradually becomes aware of the theory of inversion, as her father shields her from knowledge he considers shameful.

    As for Radclyffe Hall saying mean things about a trans man, that could have been due to the deception involved in marrying a woman. In the novel, Stephen believes marriage is impossible for inverts and gives up her lover to a man as a religious act of self-sacrifice, hence the title.

  16. This video came up on my recommended feed and I was like oh, how interesting! And then I lost my mind at how much queer history content has been out here this whole time. I’m starting a masters program in queer history this fall and watching all your videos has been such an incredible inspiration and reminder of why I love what I study! From one queer historian to another, thank you!!!

  17. I really adored this video, feels inspiring to my heart and my current place in life, may my years to come be full of flowers. 🙂
    also your book was amazing to read, thank you dearly. I cried as I read through it, you did a wonderful job of conveying their life and weaving in your beautiful art and the couple's art. Once again, thank you. <3

  18. Thank you so much for this video. I'm ashamed that there are so many historic lesbians who I hadn't heard of beyond Radclyffe Hall and Anne Lister, (or reading Tipping the Velvet) but this goes a long way in remedying that. Also, I wonder if Hall's animosity towards Barker was some kind of internalized transphobia or even jealousy.

  19. Don't worry about the high school nonsense Kaz; I'm ultra feminine, always have been; but my mouth outed me as the resident d*ke every school change (I'm pan, though feminine leaning when it comes to selecting actual partners; but explaining this level of nuance to a straight is like pulling teeth). I asked one of my cheerleader friends how she knew, and she was just like, "Your favorite poet is Emily Dickinson".🤷‍♀️

    …They likely knew before the hair, if everyone was being honest with themselves. But it does seem to be taken as a signal by straights that they can now be derogatory about it.
    Which is bogus.

  20. “Because men are becoming so much more gay, so now if a woman wants a man she needs to become a man, which accidentally turns her into a lesbian AOUGHHHH!!”

    Kaz is the best!!

  21. oh how i wish i had this video during my trip to paris! so many lesbian historical spots i missed or completely overlooked! amazing research video ❤❤❤

  22. It's so frustrating when people are like, "You can't say that person was gay/a lesbian/queer/whatever, that word didn't exist then!" when they're obviously not trying to have a nuanced discussion about how social understandings of love and sex change over time and across cultures, but because they want to pretend there haven't been dudes who are into dudes and ladies who are into ladies and people who are neither into each other everywhere throughout history. (I think the most ridiculous example of this I've ever seen was a guy who tried to argue that, because the word "sapphic" hadn't been coined yet, the Ladies of Llangollen didn't know precisely what they were doing when they named their dog Sappho – they must have just liked the poet!)

  23. This was so well timed! I’m currently on a school trip in France, and I went to the current Shakespeare and company. Knowing the history makes it so much more interesting.

  24. I've just started planning my move to Paris this autumn so this video was PERFECT! tysm for sharing all these stories with us ^-^

  25. I love that when America basically ran out Eartha Kitt, she ended up working at Carroll's! "Her name was Fred – one of the most beautiful women you ever want to see in your life, always dressed as a man." Eartha went on to meet Orson Welles there, and work closely with him, as well! I love Eartha Kitt so much, but so few know much about her beyond 'Santa Baby' or her time acting in the 60s Batman show. As an outcast, and an outspoken woman, I love that she accepted anyone else society saw as an outcast – I love that lesbians in France gave her a safe place to not just exist, but thrive!

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