Faceți cunoștință cu ofițerul comandant – TS Jack Petchey

Faceți cunoștință cu ofițerul comandant - TS Jack Petchey

Un tur cu ofițerul comandant Cameron Fisher al navei de antrenament Jack Petchey și o discuție fascinantă despre rolul cadeților marini. Sponsorizat de: https://setagyachts.com/ În asociere cu: https://www.completemarinefreight.com/ https://www.vircru.com/ https://www.garmin.com/ https://www. .ultramarine-anchors.com/?utm_source=yw&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=Aquaholic_january Cu mulțumiri către: https://www.sea-cadets.org/ https://instagram.com/aquaholicnick https://twitter.com/BurnhamNick https://www.sea-cadets.org/ ://facebook.com/aquaholicnick Citiți articolele mele online pentru MBY la https://www.mby.com/author/nickburnham Vezi mai multe dintre videoclipurile mele pe canalul YouTube MBY: https://www.youtube.com/user /ybwtv #aquaholic #boat #boating #yacht #yachting #vlog


49 thoughts on “Faceți cunoștință cu ofițerul comandant – TS Jack Petchey

  1. How wonderful. Thank you for bringing this one to us. I was a Royal Sea Cadet in Canada in my youth. That's where I first learned to sail. RCSCC LION in Hamilton Ontario, formation date of 1917. It's the oldest continuously operating Sea Cadet Corps in Canada. The Navy League of Canada celebrated the centennial of Sea Cadets in 2018. Fascinating to see how it's done across the pond 🙂

  2. I thank the Captain of this great British Sea Cadets vessel and program 😊 for having this wonderful vessel to TRAIN the Life skills and seamanship training 😊
    The History this Captain knows about the Cadet program is fantastic, just from speaking off the top of his head. The vessel is set up like if they choose a Naval duty on board a British war ship. The training is the same as Navy ships do at sea 😊❤😊 for myself I am an Advisor for a Fire Cadet program, and a lot of what this Captain says are what we try and train them in Fire Fighting as a life job skill. We also get Government GRANTS to send Cadets to college that train in Fire and EMS 😊 there are Fire Department around the US that do special college TESTING for new Higher 😊 the Department go to the college to give the TEST to students
    We have had a gigh number of Cadets who have gone on to because FF. One if my personal Advisor friend is now a Battalion Chief for city of Seattle 😊 and hopefully he could become Chief of that Fire Department un the future 😊 in are Cadet program the Cadets can do a ride along with a engine company. And we just started ride alongs with are county Paramedic response units. We get a lot of Cadets from the lower income families.
    I have personal seen changes in the growth of these young teenagers. Are Cadets start at (14 years of age) lots of the female like the EMS part of FF, some of the former Cadets have become Paramedic or started working for private Ambulance services. One Ambulance company the owner takes any Cadets from are program after they get there EMT certification. He support the Cadet program 100% 😊

  3. I know I was long winded talking on last text. But putting the PHONE away. And being on bridge of that ship with the electronic chart plotter and the other equipment on board, it TEACHES the Cadets what I call the other 😊 type of life skills in navigating. Its kind of like there phones but you are charting way points and doing REAL navigation that keeps the vessel safe. If the Cadet can turn those skills into life at SEA, and look at it like learning electronics other than there phones, they will be able to pick up those maritime navigation skill. So glad they take the personal PHONES away 😊❤

  4. A different kind of boat tour but a very pleasant one,it was interesting to see things differently. The Navy has a variety of roles and The Sea Cadets helps to make a difference to a number of folk across the country. It was interesting to see the simple approach to everything and seeing Perkins engines again brought back a few memories. Thank you Nick for posting this informative video and a nice mirror wave too.

  5. Great episode Nick. I had a few questions that you did not ask. I was wondering what was the reason they went for a GRP build for the ship. Also I wondered about the accommodation for female sea cadets, as they only have two cabins. Do they segregate one cabin for girls and one for boys, or do they have girl only sailings on rotation? It was also ironic that Rolls Royce partly sponsored the vessel, but It had Perkins Engines! I wonder if RR don’t make marine engines small enough for this vessel?

  6. Lt Fisher was a superb ambassador for the Sea Cadets. The JP is an important ship for allowing youngsters from all types of backgrounds to experience the fraternity of a ships crew. Learning life's skills. One of your most interesting videos Nick. 😊

  7. This tour, is in my opinion the best you have ever published. Its the reality of the ship and how it is used, and not a tour of a vessel that is beyond the cost of many of us. The captain was brilliant. His knowledge and enthusiasm were exlemplory. The ship was immaculate. Well done.

  8. Nick, absolutely bang on about the modern generation, bedroom, laptop scenario, i was only talking about this in the pub the other day. Sea Cadets, Air Cadets, Army Cadets or CCF at some schools is a must for teenagers to get involved with. If they can all do a few years of this then i dont see the need for 'National Service' affair. Im speaking as a former CCF cadet and Army Veteran.

  9. They do great work, kids today need to get out and do things and being a cadet or a sea cadet can surely be life changing for many. To learn to interact and work as a team is not something one learns sitting alone behind a screen, whatever are we thinking with the way things are done today? The organisations that provide what young people need deserve all the funding they can get so helping with the funding or donating our time is the least we can do. Well done Nick, for reminding us all about the important things in life. And using your platform and influencer skills to raise awareness of things important!

  10. What a brilliant way to teach children how to get along with and respect other people’s situations,values and teamwork.
    A beautiful practical little vessel it would be interesting to know if she could be adapted to cross over the Atlantic Ocean.
    Thank you for a very informative video yourself and the Captain did a great job,cheers,Roly🇬🇧.

  11. I have to say at the end of this video they touched on young people, social media, always having a screen and 1 in 5 young people having depression.

    I do not think this is a coincidence, I firmly believe that the childhood I used to have in the 90s and early 2000s did involve scouts as well as, playing outside in the road, cycling, camping, karting, and many more activities that children and teens don't really do as much anymore.

    I got my first smartphone at the age of 17, before that calls and texts were the thing. But when I was in my early teens and a child, we had my dad's work phone only for emergencies. When we left the house we were totally disconnected and in the moment.

    As much as smartphones are useful tool (and vital for many things including paying for parking, internet banking, Sat Nav and Maps. Phone calls when you no longer have a landline. Booking/ordering things.) I do think certainly for me, smartphones have detached me from real people to some degree.

    I barely use social media anymore, I use the phone for the above, plus a bit of YouTube, Text/WhatsApp and Calls. That is a conscious decision.

    With all the red tape, health and safety in this modern day and age, children are not able to do things that I used to do growing up. Couple this with the cost of living, and the cost of everything nowadays especially a place to live it is no wonder that children and adults are depressed and struggling. Money isn't everything, but money is an enabler. It means you can do what you want. If you trade your time for money, it means that even though you have money (or not) you have no time to enjoy this one life we have.

    The other thing that affects people a lot is debt. But also companies who have a per month business model are providing added value. Actually though, when you add up all your per month items what could that fund?

    In the 1990's you didn't have…
    Broadband P/M
    Doorbell P/M
    Netflix (and the rest of the streaming services) P/M
    Cloud Storage P/M
    PCP on your Car P/M
    Amazon Prime P/M or Year
    Music Streaming P/M
    Mobile Phone Contracts P/M
    Parking Permits Per Year
    And the rest.

    Modern Life has so much more expenditures than it used to have, it's ridiculous! This has such a big impact on our quality of life, and all in the last 30 years.

    Thank you to everyone in Scouts and the Sea Cadets and all other experience driven volunteer services.

  12. Cameron is credit to the Navy and Cadet organisation. Most knowledgeable fellow and obviously totally dedicated to the cause, This video Nick, was in my view, the very best and most interesting that you will ever make, but I am sure you will make many more videos. This one has to be regarded as an absolute gem. You interviewed Cameron and asked all the right questions, you obviously did your homework, prior to meeting him. Congratulations and we look forward to your next video, for sure! Thanks from John.

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