În actualizarea din iunie 2024 pentru Sea of Thieves, modul în care funcționează pânzele s-a schimbat fundamental! UPDATE: Vă rugăm să verificați videoclipul mai nou și comparația Twitter pentru toate navele! Videoclip mai nou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmT2U8I-NDI Comparație Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoonieToque/status/1805470161211732409 Acest lucru a fost făcut pentru a reechilibra vitezele navei una față de cealaltă, în special în situații de urmărire/alergare. Cu toate acestea, a existat un efect secundar neașteptat al acestui lucru, care are un impact mai ales asupra luptei active și PvP. Vezi mai multe LIVE pe Twitch: https://twitch.tv/loonietoque Corecții: 2:32 O velă la stânga și una la dreapta vor avea ca rezultat cercuri mai bune. Verificați comentariul fixat pentru un videoclip actualizat 2:55 Folosind numai față și spate, alternând stânga și dreapta, va avea ca rezultat cercuri perfecte. Verificați comentariul fixat pentru o imagine de comparație actualizată pe Twitter.
Schimbările de navigație sunt GRAVE pentru PvP
30 thoughts on “Schimbările de navigație sunt GRAVE pentru PvP”
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Thank you for this! Very informative and straightforward to the point! I think in general on duo sloops (ma home) it means the helm has to be able to rely on the cannoneer giving good and consistent comms on if the ship is over/underturning if even slightly and the urgency to it. Whilst this always have been a good skill to have it's going to be more important than before. It in general means movement naval is going to be harder for the helm than before, meaning breaking/repairing wheel has a even bigger impact now.
Thank you good sir! May the wind direction be to your favour! 😀
insane infographics and great study. a very good video, thanks
The combat in Sea of thieves is becoming less and less for a "pirate" game. There's ment to be lots of interaction and fights between players, glorious battles and encounters but no all the funs slowly being taken out. It's disappointing.
I hope they revert this change tbh
What you're telling me solo Slooper now have to do everything? And managing your sails in pvp is actually going to be a thing? Almost sounds like that's how it should have been all along
Helming in battle actually takes skill now?! Let’s go! 🔥
Sea of thieves already said sails to the side are required. Stop complaining.
I actually think this "unintended change" is great. Increases the skill ceiling in the game, can't be a bad thing. Also more realistic as the wind and sail angles actually behave closer to real life intuition
If you alternate sail sizes on brigs and galleons. Would it balance itself out by getting wind from both sides
honestly ok with the change, adds more depth to the skill needed to be a top tier player
Sailing was so dumb before. 232 days in game and this will finally bring skill. Combat won't be affected for high tier play. No free sailing anymore.
what about one sail to the left and the other to the right?
If you're wondering about combo left+right sails on the Brigantine, some surprising new info!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmT2U8I-NDI
Full image comparison here (incl. Galleon): https://twitter.com/LoonieToque/status/1805470161211732409
Dude thank you
the problem with making a change when the person who balanced the game the way it was no longer works at the company. at least thats how i always looked at it. its kind of like how they made waves impact the ship now. even gentle waves will slowly turn your ship when in the past your ship, especially when anchored would be fixed. doesnt make sense that after all these years they decide to chance stuff. granted the sails were very unintuitive but youve lost 30 million players at this point why start caring all the sudden?
W vid
Another banger video, appreciate all the work you put into these! My first solo VS brig fight since update was ROUGH with rotations lol.
I like the new changes, makes the ship more lively during battle.
Changes are scary
TBH I always thought the death circle thing was pretty lame as a tactic.
I noticed with last week in solo hour glass spiring a demasted ship has become much harder and annoying
Translation: WAA! WAAA!
Sorry the team cares to make sailing make logical sense. Stop acting like somebody isn't going to figure out a way to get around this.
At this point I am just happy to see so many players upset at the changes since it's a good thing, most of you suck at sailing and need to git gud.
i dont play sea of theives and this video popped into my feed randomly but i like to think that this video was posted by a pirate in the 17th century and all the comments are in ye old english
Rare ‘accidentally’ fucking up combat? Same old shit
Read title and thought, "Why, because it requires people to manage the sails, and not just set and forget?". 30s in, confirmed. lol
We usually do galleons
We do our own battle config
front and back in one direction
middle in the other
the middle is your throttle – that gives you more speed than the front and back
If you’re moving in a circle, the wind will catch at certain intervals regardless. Having them moved to one side or the other doesn’t make any difference when compared to keeping them centered. You will always eventually catch a bit of wind to boost you, no matter what.
Just giving me more of a reason not to play this shot game. 😂