Ei nu mai fac iahturi bune | Aripa de Vest

Ei nu mai fac iahturi bune |  Aripa de Vest

„Un milion de dolari nu mai este ceea ce era înainte.” Sezonul 3 Episodul 4: Căi și mijloace VEZI ACUM: MAX https://www.max.com/shows/west-wing/31fff0eb-9628-4b27-9be0-1669c440f210 Abonați-vă acum: https://www.youtube.com/ channel/UC_O3t-MSO3_31ls9rBvqslQ Acesta este canalul oficial „THE WEST WING”! Fiți la curent cu cele mai inspirate și de neuitat momente ale președintelui Jed Bartlet și ale personalului său de la Casa Albă. #TheWestWing #VoteBartlet #Dramă #JedBartlet #AaronSorkin #MartinSheen


21 thoughts on “Ei nu mai fac iahturi bune | Aripa de Vest

  1. Ahh the estate tax, where even after you die the government feels it is their solemn duty to lay your cooling corpse out on that black couch and get one last ride before hitting the road.

  2. I still tell people they dont make good yachts anymore. The Beer was better, the road had less bumps, and the miller kept his thumb off of the scale

  3. As a short, can you please post Margaret forging the president's signature and vetoing things and sending them back to the Hill? Thanks.

  4. For the curious: there is, in reality, no official veto stamp. I suppose a president could make and use one if they wanted, but the usual procedure is that the president returns the proposed legislation unsigned and attaches a signed letter explaining their objection to it

    I suppose add this to the list of ways The West Wing diverges from our timeline, along with the historical presidents, the text of the 25th amendment, the existence of Qumar, and the peace deal in the Middle East

  5. Estate taxes are great in theory, until you realize how they're used as another tool to prevent generational wealth. "So let's see, with the real estate (house), life insurance policies, car value, personal property, stock and bonds, and other incidentals…oh would you look at that, you just manage to qualify for an extra 10% taxable! Yes, the law states that some of these accounts aren't taxable, but are you really going to spend what little money we're letting you keep to pay a lawyer and argue with the government?"

  6. They're acting like a veto threat is such a revolutionary idea. Presidents always talk about vetoing bills they don't support. And by the way? This wouldn't be his first veto. Ainsley's first episode had her and Sam arguing about a bill he had vetoed.

  7. Where do they get off talking about "if we're going to spend tax breaks" – YOU DON'T SPEND A TAX BREAK.

  8. All the taxes people pay throughout their life and they are expected to pay a death/inheritance tax, AFTER they died, for something they ALREADY OWN!? The American Dream keeps getting farther and farther out of reach and harder and harder to see anymore.

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