Făcând acest iaht la IEFTIN!

Făcând acest iaht la IEFTIN!

Vă mulțumim că ne urmăriți familia în aventurile noastre navigabile. În episodul din această săptămână, motorul nostru se defectează pe iahtul nostru cu vele în a doua zi din port! link pentru închiriere de vacanță https://www.sykescottages.co.uk/cottage/Anglesey-Llanallgo/The-Royal-Charter-Holiday-Let-1058482.html?rfx=3&pcrid=698234220690&pkw=&pmt=&slid=&ggad_source=1&gbraid=1 0AAAAAD74KsU_Z1PNaTERDAGrwTpXVGKhN&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1tvDgI36hgMVUZpQBh1SPg8pEAAYASAAEgJaavD_BwE Deși nu cerem nimănui bani, oamenii întreabă să ne păstreze aceste videoclipuri dacă ne pot ajuta, dacă există. Pentru o singură dată, donații paypal.me/sailingmelody ko-fi/com/sailingmelody Sau pentru a deveni parte din familia susținătorilor Sailing Melody, mergeți la Patreon.com/sailingmelody, unde la prețul unei cești de cafea puteți obține live actualizări, mesaje directe cu noi, episoade timpurii și tone de conținut suplimentar exclusiv. Sponsorii și partenerii noștri Pânze personalizate. https://www.precisionsailloft.com Asigurare ambarcațiunilor pentru ambarcațiuni. https://www.craftinsure.com Autodirecție Hydrovane. https://hydrovane.com Ancore Mantus. https://www.mantusmarine.com Încălzitoare plane Autoterm. https://planarheaters.co.uk Pro Marine Store Chandlery online. https://www.promarinestore.co.uk Cum să ne susțineți. Nu cerem NICIODATĂ nimănui să ne ajute, dar mai multe persoane au cerut modalități de a face acest lucru, așa că iată modalitățile prin care puteți contribui la acest proiect: PATREON: Deveniți un Patron și obțineți lansări timpurii și filmări bonus și actualizări în timp real pentru cât mai puțin 3 USD pe lună sau puteți face și donații o singură dată. Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingmelody KO-FI: Ko-fi este un pic ca Patron, dar nu are o donație obișnuită decât dacă alegi să înființezi una. Avantajul Ko-fi este că primim mai mulți bani, așa că ne este luat mai puțin decât Patron. https://ko-fi.com/sailingmelody


30 thoughts on “Făcând acest iaht la IEFTIN!

  1. You guys are truly inspiring. We cannot understand where any negative comments would come from as your videos show a totally competent family who have a great can do attitude. This puts you in the perfect mindset to deal with any future obstacles that will come your way.

  2. I made a stack pack for the mainsail on our 33ft sloop and it was really a challenge grappling with all that canvas fabric! It was well worth it since I saved $$ and modified/ improved the design. So I can really appreciate that you made TWO of them for a much larger boat. Great job!

  3. I will agree with everyone else here and say that you did a fantastic job in very difficult conditions. And Andy is quite right – even a professional working in a purpose-built workshop would still be coming back to make alterations. It is a great idea to get your own sewing machine as not only will it save you money in the long run, but you can also MAKE money by doing canvas work on your travels – especially here in the tropics where the UV eats canvas (well, the stitching anyway) like it's going out of fashion!

  4. Melissa, I am so in awe of your "can do" spirit. You take on tasks that seem insurmountable and achieve them with such precision! It is truly remarkable. You and Andy make a great team! I have to laugh every time I see Andy with his "I'm no Aladino" shirt. Now Andy, if you wanted to make a comparison, just consider who has the bigger boat. 🤣

  5. Hi. Building a Stack pack for a 400 square foot mainsail Is an enormous project for any canvas loft. Congrats for hanging in there to the end as I know how frustrating it can be. Anyone who complains about the prices canvas makers charge should look at the effort you put in. It's a tough way to make a living!

  6. I agree: Melissa did a great job. I always marvel at her thoughts and skills when coming to sewing something for the boat. After all, it's different fron what land lobbers need 😉 Also F those who make negative comments about taking the kids on this adventure. Ollie is going to have such good sea legs, he will have to learn to walk on land. And what an adventure as a kid to grow up seeing the world, learning appreciation of living with nature, and all the forces it might bring to sailing ( 🙂 ), as well as about other cultures. And Andy, you might not be a professional at what you are doing, but you have given me so much insight at how something can be done, thinking outside the box and getting it done, as well as all the things one needs to think about when trying to figure out / solve a problem. Like the diesel issue in this episode. Looking forward to tag along on your adventure.

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