SE scufunda incet??? Adevăratele motive pentru care suntem încă aici.

SE scufunda incet???  Adevăratele motive pentru care suntem încă aici.

Săptămâna aceasta ne renovăm complet întregul compartiment al motorului, adăugând niște spumă uimitoare, ignifugă, autoadezive, cu suport de folie, făcându-l de la un aspect groaznic la un aspect grozav! Vă mulțumim că ne urmăriți familia în aventurile noastre navigabile. Dezvăluim și un pic de îngrijorare, luăm apă, cu siguranță e apă de mare, dar nu știm cum intră în barcă! Deși nu cerem bani nimănui, oamenii ne întreabă dacă există o modalitate prin care ne pot ajuta să continuăm să facem aceste videoclipuri. Pentru o singură dată, donații ko-fi/com/sailingmelody Sau pentru a deveni parte din familia susținătorilor Sailing Melody, mergeți la, unde la prețul unei cești de cafea puteți obține live actualizări, mesaje directe cu noi, episoade timpurii și tone de conținut suplimentar exclusiv. Sponsorii și partenerii noștri Pânze personalizate. Asigurare ambarcațiunilor pentru ambarcațiuni. Autodirecție Hydrovane. Ancore Mantus. Încălzitoare plane Autoterm. Pro Marine Store Chandlery online. Cum să ne susțineți. Nu cerem NICIODATĂ nimănui să ne ajute, dar mai multe persoane au cerut modalități de a face acest lucru, așa că iată modalitățile prin care puteți contribui la acest proiect: PATREON: Deveniți un Patron și obțineți lansări timpurii și filmări bonus și actualizări în timp real pentru cât mai puțin 3 USD pe lună sau puteți face și donații o singură dată. Sprijină-ne pe Patreon: KO-FI: Ko-fi este un pic ca Patron, dar nu are o donație obișnuită decât dacă alegi să înființezi una. Avantajul Ko-fi este că primim mai mulți bani, așa că ne este luat mai puțin decât Patron.


20 thoughts on “SE scufunda incet??? Adevăratele motive pentru care suntem încă aici.

  1. Comment about cockpit drains. Cockpit drains are invariably too small. I know Melody is centre cockpit and now has a hard dodger but even so, those drains look minuscule. Imagine taking a green one from over the side that half fills the cockpit well, it would drain but it might take a while during which time you are carrying an extra tonne of weight that alters your centre of gravity. I sail a 21' low freeboard with a stern cockpit, a wet boat is an understatement. It has a small cockpit well the size of a bath tub but even so I had to upgrade to 2 x 2" drains all through.

  2. 10 to 14 db reduction, big accomplishment. Made the engine bay: cleaner, more waterproof, neater, quieter, brighter with the reflective silver foil, brighter still with the optional red and white lights. Out of curiosity, did you test the cockpit Sika seal, no leaks fro the outside in? Either with hose or pail or rain.

    Congrats on the upcoming daughter's wedding. Hope you can find your keel diesel tank storage water ingress?

    Great marina location with lots of flexible options.

  3. Very nicely done on the insulation. I did mine and got similar results with a reduction of 10-15db at idle and 15-20 at cruise. It is still loud but no longer painfully so. The foam manufacturers strongly recommend putting the reflective tape over all foam edges so that it is covered on all sides to prevent the engine space fumes from reaching the foam. At the minimum it would be good to cover any exposed edge.

  4. Have you considered putting the diesel tank on a low pressure air test? It would take some effort to close off all the lines and vents, but it would be a great opportunity to locate any potential leaks inside the boat at the same time.

  5. Dear Melissa, Andy, Oliver and captain Jack,
    The isolation of the engine compartment offers a far mor comfortable sound on board. Its weird that the dieseltank gets water and hopefully this puzzle will be solved when Ocean Melody will be lifted out of the water. Perhaps the extreme low water in the previous harbor due to a defect with the locks has caused more damage then visible in the inspection after this happened.
    Willeke and I feel close to all of you and hopefully it’s not too bad. We look forward to your next vlog and send you love from The Netherlands

  6. Hi Andy I am suggesting this as I know you like Woodwork this guy Dan is Not building a Boat he is almost single handedly building a French Chateau but I have learnt so much it is called YouTube Return to Rural France it is really interesting he will be doing a load of plumbing at some point. I just hope you enjoy it.

  7. Andy, I know I commented before and you were not offended. FYI, I am 63yrs old from Ireland ! your long beard is making you look much older than you are, I suggest a trim at least on your next hair cut if not before 🤣A strong chin is a thing 🤔🤣

  8. Now the engine bay is looking nice and clean. Cable management is very neat too, there is an easy access to all parts. Perfect.

    Cherry on the cake, the sound insulation is absolutely amazing. You reduced the noise by about 15dB, which is huge. You won't regret it. It's a real plus for your comfort on board.

    Well done.

  9. 👋 G'day m8s👋 That Pirate Festival looked pretty kool! No eye patches, seen, nice! Nice work on the engine, you got some good m8s m8. Nice work, I'll our the new Melissa channel. In the mean time, stay vertical Eh!

  10. You have to lose the aft mast and rigging and put on a solar canopy and hoist on the rear to lower your dinghy , it’s only a small yacht and you need room

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