Navigarea în Marea Nordului | Navigarea Florenței – Ep.183

Navigarea în Marea Nordului |  Navigarea Florenței – Ep.183

Navigați spre nord în susul Mării Nordului peste noapte, evitând parcurile eoliene și săriți prin vântul împotriva valului în drumul nostru către portul istoric și faimos Whitby. Navigați prin Florența în jurul Marii Britanii. Pentru conținut suplimentar și actualizări în timp real, vizitați @BandG Navigam în jurul lumii de 8 ani după ce am plecat din Anglia în 2016 la bordul ambarcațiunii noastre de 37 de picioare Florence. Acum navigăm în jurul patriei noastre, Insulele Britanice, ca o croazieră shakedown pentru următoarea aventură. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim culmile, minimele și provocările călătoriei în jurul lumii cu barca, navigând în larg peste Oceane și explorând locații îndepărtate cu propria noastră casă mică. #sailing #boatlife #boatlifestyle #poweredbymastervolt #RollyTaskerSails #circumnavigation #sailingyachtflorence #yachtlifestyle #syflorence #SailingBritain 00:00 – Introducere 00:50 – Navigare spre nord de Lowestoft 02:27 – Vânt împotriva mareei în The Wash:25 – 08:25 10:43 – Unde Amy a învățat să navigheze 13:00 – Navigare către Whitby 19:21 – Planificarea trecerii în continuare 21:09 – Muzica la data viitoare în ordinea în care este redată: Epic Inspiration – – Lounge Perfect Lo-Fi autorizat – – Motivație epică cu licență – – Memorie îndepărtată cu licență – – Folk Inspiring Calm Licențiat – – Zi însorită cu licență – – Glory cu licență in Heaven – – Licențiat Emerald Days – – Licențiat


20 thoughts on “Navigarea în Marea Nordului | Navigarea Florenței – Ep.183

  1. This was quite a nostalgic video for me, as I left the Norfolk Coast (Sheringham where I was born), as a boy in 1958, but I can still vividly remember the coastal path, which my brother and I explored, the local ruined abbey and the 12th century church at Beeston. We used to climb Incleburgh, the highest point in Norfolk and look out to sea, I imagine that the view is full of windfarms now. I now live about as far away from there as I can get, in New Zealand, but of course we have the connection to Captain Cook, who actually named the area where I live. A great video for an old bloke to get sentimental over!

  2. Gawd , the North Sea even in the finest 37 footer. Head south.
    Thanks for showing the memorial to Captain Cook. Any sailor, regardless, would hold him in the highest esteem.
    You are both wearing puffer jackets. Never had much time for them as Canadians ( or Canadiens) insisted that the stitching be staged for best insulation.
    Thanks so much for your many beautiful videos.

  3. I had the opportunity to visit the UK from the states about 25 years ago. We were in Wales and southern England. Had a wonderful time and met many very friendly people. I would love to visit the coastal areas if I get to come back and now Whitby is at the top of the list.

  4. There are many sailing/boat building channels on YT, I follow some, watch their videos on regular basis. You're not the biggest, most popular, but you are the best in photography. Almost all of your episodes contains one or two shots which puts every other channel at shame – this episode no exception.

  5. Another great video! It's nice to see Florence sailing again. Also it's good for you both to be enjoying your life and not doing major repairs and maintenance. But I know it's a continuous thing on a sailboat ⛵️. Safe travels from the east coast of Canada 🇨🇦

  6. If this is any indication of what is to come then much to look forward to. Particularly enjoy the historical references. Well crafted video.

  7. Thank you for sharing about whitbey even in Australia the info about James cooks not taught in schools or wasn't in tasmania australia in the 70s n 80s when I was found that particularly interesting and I thought we should have been taught at school

  8. Great to see you are under way again! In one of your posts you mentioned a highly recommended Sprayhood manufacturer in Sweden as far as I recall. What was their name?

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