Acesta este primul tur și test al Yacht-ului Riviera 6800 Sport Platinium, care a fost recent prezentat în premieră publicului din Australia la Sanctuary Cove Boat Show. Pentru o navă de această dimensiune sunt uimit că operarea acestei bărci este încă la fel de ușoară și funcțională ca și cea mai mică Riv. Volvo DPS cu Dock Assist face ca acest iaht de peste 70 de picioare să fie la fel de ușor de manevrat ca un 40 de picioare! Riv a realizat ceva care, în opinia mea, va menține familiile unite. O barcă ca aceasta, adică atât de ușor de operat, va facilita zilele relaxate. Dacă comandantul nu își pierde bilele din cauza unui apel apropiat la doc, atunci toată lumea se va distra – și vor veni din nou. Prevăd că zilele la bordul acestui 6800 vor fi răcoroase, calme și relaxante. Bucurați-vă de PREȚ Verificați cu dealerul local, deoarece taxele și transportul variază – BRAND URMARĂ /dansboatlife/ SUPORT CONTACT
NOU Riviera 6800 Sport Yacht Platinum – Primul tur detaliat și test

29 thoughts on “NOU Riviera 6800 Sport Yacht Platinum – Primul tur detaliat și test”
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Maybe you should do a walkthrough before making a video. All of your guessing makes for a very boring drawn out video. Beautiful boat but other YouTubers give a better review.
Another "epic" walk-through/tour, and that engine room is "WOW!" Thank you, Dan.
Super yacht! Need a more how do you say BUJEE helm wheel!
Well they continue to impress ❤
Awesome vids as usual but sure wish you'd test some USA-made vessels:-)
Riviera yachts are absolutely incredible.
What a great in-depth review, thank you.
After watching the Sea Trials, I had to rewatch this to see if this might fit part of my lifestyle!
"Those weird US plugs" Glad I'm not the only one that refers to other countries plugs as "weird" LOL
Lots of NBBL items!
You'd have to drop the mast in Chicago, but this would be the perfect Great Loop boat
Wow, I want one, just a couple million bucks short. Riva, make the drop down electric shade at the back of the cockpit a screen for huge projection TV!
Been in love with Riviera since Captain Steve at BoatTest started to review them. That foredeck is lovely, definitely needed if there's no flybridge.
Shut up and take my money. Oh wait I havnt got any. But if I did this is what 8 would have. What a vessel. Well done Riviera
An uglier s75
Where are we seeing the space versus the 6000?
Well, done on the showing mate
Who is Dan Jones ?
If not the world's number 1 boat reviewer.
He is very close…
Thank you Dan.
Have to make a comment…sorry but you and Toby Hodges are now my favorite boat guys🤙🤙🌏
Great presentation, very thorough and informative. What is the price please?
When will the Sky Lounge version come out?
Then I will buy it right away.
Can we get one of these for the s75?
You probably can use that shower to Rinse off the dinghy when you winch it in to the garage.
I would move the tender to a stern high. Low platform
This boat has black water holding tank of 500 liters. How does that work with cabins for so many people? I mean, how much water does 1 person consume per day (toilet, washing hands, food preparation in kitchen, shower etc)? I think, some 20 liters? So, if there are 8 people on board, it totals to 160 liters per day going to black water tank. So the tank is for 3 days. How does that combine with the ocean crossing capability, if you have to find a port every 3 days to dump your black water? Or did I miss something or my calculation is wrong…Ok, if the consumption for 1 person is less, than 20 liters, then you could extend that to 4, maybe 5 days…
Riviera's attention to detail is incredible, well designed, well thought out layout of the boat. Thanks Dan, for another great…. tour