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Care esti tu? Tur de iaht FJORD 41XP și 41XL

27 thoughts on “Care esti tu? Tur de iaht FJORD 41XP și 41XL”
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I’m in Palm Desert here for record heat now 114*
I don't like them they are way too small not enough space say for me who is 6'0 and sorry too say they are ugly not for me !! If you guys come across a atumizt yachts look for the atlantis yachts they are the ones I would really want to buy if I had the money
What can you tell me about Manda Yachts? Specifically the 07 Spider.
Like the Mocha…
Where does that boat go? When hurricanes smash into south Florida year in and year out?
2024 fjord 41x is really great n awesome
I like the orange one.
Had to laugh near the end of your video. My wife and daughters went on a cruise liner holiday just after Covid. I couldn't go because of work reasons and common sense. I bought my daughters t-shirts with apples and oranges printed on them and I bought my wife a shirt with pineapples on it. (My wife has a masters of education and makes fun of me because I don't) My daughters told me many stories about the wife literally running away from "social encounters" and to this day she still doesn't know why… ("Ice-cream is a dish best served cold." Old Klingon proverb.)
Hi guys. I love your videos. Appreciate your efforts. But can you please put the info of milage with the specs page? how many miles with full tank with top speed and cruising speed kind of? thanks.
Those fenders could be made to look just like Spong Bob.
This or the Schaefer v44 ?
Beautiful Boats, Higher quality paint then on the Pardo's. And the ticket is not overpriced.
Wow, you two really deliver in the heat! Stay hydrated.
I just want to know more about this pineapple reference you speak of
That is a fabulous variety on one hull. Blue spec but inthe orange and a bigger generator and a/c. Lovely overnighters.
Small boat”…I dunno.depends
I'd guess you can have Eisenglass enclosing the cockpit/eating area.You didn't show how tight the engine room would be with inboards.Tsk-tsk.Blue exterior with white top for coolness,w/ more solar panels.Settee downstairs with 1 head but separated rooms.Middle choice of inboards for the swim platform,and fishing.The 2nd ships cockpit set-up.WD combo unit in lower area between settee and bed under hanging locker.(Suits and towels).
Those are some really cool looking boats. The blue color looked really good and the the orange boat had a very nice layout. Oh, the anchor was very slick.
Ooooh, Norwegian design!
Beautiful boats that are made for warmer climates. I haven't seen any newer Fjord boats in Norway since their smaller cabin cruises from the 70's and 80's. Not many of them are left though.
Brown one is best!!!!
Orange, blue engines, blue living quarters, full windshield.
I like the engine layout of the first boat. It gives you a lot of storage area. I like the rear cover of the second boat. The sun can be brutal during the summer in the US Southeast. The love the interior of the third boat. The Half window is what I would have put in one of these boats. Brown , blue or orange? Give me the orange! I wonder if you could put a small one to two person sailing cat on the back half of the outboard motor model. I like this boat and the presentation was great.
How about. A 100 percent all glass boat
Love the mocha. Earth tones are my thing even on the ocean! Lol