Săptămâna aceasta, pe Below Deck Mediterranean, relația dintre Ellie și Bri ia o întorsătură bruscă după ce amândoi își exprimă interesul romantic pentru Joe. În plus, Trishelle ajunge pe barcă. Pentru a viziona această recapitulare pe video și a asculta toate episoadele noastre bonus, accesați Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens
Sub punte Med (S09E05): Plecând într-o excursie cu iahtul motor

12 thoughts on “Sub punte Med (S09E05): Plecând într-o excursie cu iahtul motor”
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Not a stay at home model
Another Hollywood John Tesh story
Took me out. Very 90’s
Joe will never have a better lady opportunity in his life! Not with those eyebrows
Nothing makes me happier than Ronnie and Ben giggling uncontrollably!!Norma back at Oberlin College in 1987

Somewhere, Sufferin’ Sucka Tesh is very proud of dad.
You two are my favs.. I consider you my besties.. helps me get through my days taking care of my dad.
It’s the best medicine when you two crack up to the point of tears.
“Just another guy being elevated for no reason…let’s see how this all pans out, shall we?” Lol
love and appreciate you guys
There’s so much more, but please don’t stop doing the below deck recaps 
Phyllis Diller
The "conversation" between Sandy and Norma had me LMAO
Just subscribed 
When i was watching this, I was laughing in advance at the impressions of the 3rd stew. Is she real??
You two are the best
"Entertainment tonite, dun dun duh duh duh. Entertainment tonite, duh duh dun dun dah. Ba ba ba bah bah buh ba bun buh bah buh buh ba BAH.