De ce atât de multe incendii în șantiere navale și superyacht-uri? | SY News Ep351

De ce atât de multe incendii în șantiere navale și superyacht-uri?  |  SY News Ep351

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats 00:00 Cel mai recent iaht Feadship, dar primul cu panouri solare 04:36 Un iaht poate fi verde? 06:25 Construit la Oceanco sau Feadship? 07:45 Proiectul Sassi a fost distrus la Bremen sau Hamburg? 08:53 Capacitatea de stingere a incendiilor a șantierelor navale (și iahturilor) 10:57 Vineri „Yotspot” 13:30 Urmărește cea mai recentă funcție 13:51 Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon! 14:08 Trimiteți-ne informații (anonim dacă doriți) Povestea NRL.NL despre teak importat ilegal în Europa pentru utilizare pe superyacht-uri away-at-illegal-teak-trade-a4158553 CEA MAI BUNĂ Muzica vine din… Epidemic Sound | Pentru o încercare gratuită de 30 de zile De unde le luăm pe ale noastre! Abonați-vă la canalul nostru Podacast @yachtreportpodcast Alăturați-vă eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime Aboneaza-te acum! Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați informații din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds


32 thoughts on “De ce atât de multe incendii în șantiere navale și superyacht-uri? | SY News Ep351

  1. Not a bad looking boat, but I think I would pick a different hull colour.
    And Apple are really green 🤣🤣🤣🤣 All these eco warriors have internet and mobile phones, and Im sure travel in private petrol/diesel fuel cars at some point in the last year.
    A private yacht owner wont want fire fighting equipment pocking out of the ceiling into his cabins or extinguishers distracting from the décor of the rooms. |So most have what they need to pass insurance code. I dont know if as part of that the insurance company's should be insisting on less flammable materials being used in both the construction and the soft furnishings. I would want my boat as safe as possible but when you have more money than you can spend who cares really, the boat burns down the insurance buy a new one for them.

  2. I do have a generator onboard, but it only runs once a month just for maintenance sake. For the rest the whole boat runs on solar. I have 3.2 Kwp in solar panels and 1400 Ah in LiFePO4. When we are on anchor the solar provides all the required energy during the day to run the stabilizers (electric fins), fridges, freezers, all other boat systems, washing machine, dish washer, water maker and on top of that it can bring the batteries back to 100 % again. That means we go into the non solar hours with full batteries. We cook via induction, we have airco, we have an electric grill, oven, all runs via the inverter. We can run the boat for 3 days on cloudy days, but as soon as we move from one location to another the alternators (2 x 200 A) will charge the batteries in no time. When we pull into a port (only if necessary) we don't need water or electricity, we are 100 % self supporting. But that is us on a 50' motor yacht. The yacht in the video is 60 meters and they need a bit more energy, however you can program the inverters in such a way that solar gets used first and the generators are the back up.
    With our 3.2 Kwp we produce between 15 and 20 Kw per day during the summer months. This yacht may have 18 – 20 Kwp in solar panels, which means they could perhaps produce around 80 – 90 Kw per day. I did see they have a lot of shading, which is not really good for solar panels, so that is why I don't calculate with more than 80 – 90 Kw. Still, 90 Kw can run quite a bit of equipment, especially if you run it in combination with batteries and inverters. Add a modern airco system and you may be able to run most of the day time hours with one generator less.

  3. 1: Sapotage can be a reason why so many ship jacht companys burn. As a german facility manager I can tell many storys about sapotage made by "angry workers" sub contractors that where NOT payed by the companys. All big companys hire extra workers for special jobs. Often new buildings where set on fire in Germany- when much styropoor and easy burn materials is still in the buidling and NO cam is there to watch. Even ne IT building watch cam companys offer there service to protect but not IN the buidling as long as they are not ready. Some angry workers open the water pipes and set garages or new houses under water. No cam no witness. Nor crime.
    2: Technical speaking: There are mobil fire detectors high end cam integrated that you put in every place where is "work in action with fire" or gasoline or other stuff that can start a fire also smoking workers…The fire protection laws in Germany are the most highest on planet but not allways be accepted.
    Mobil foam fire extinguisher with 500 Liter foam are a "must have when" working.
    Also a law thing: A company onwend led fire protection team allways there ready to reacted.
    What is wrong with Lürrsen? Its not a fire that can run from one building to another. That is not possible.
    3: Dust or flammable solvents can create an explosions. Wood dust also. All kind of dust can create an explosion and fire!
    Safty first work laws are the to protect the workers and the building place.
    My conclusion is that Lürrsen is not working after the law.
    I belive that they dont tell the truth. A fire starts and no warning no fire team no watch team is ready to react? Thats a sign for "we save our many to make more money"
    And if the fire was SET on beoard- and the intern fire alarm system was not running
    why Lürrsen does not work with mobil fire detectors? They cost not much!
    Some 100.000 extra Euros into securiity and protection of the projects.
    4: Also a possible chance: Sapotage by a professionell how hates Lürrsen.
    Lürrsen is a bog player. It could be that a mafia men was send to burn down Lürrsen.
    Its topic is a special part in protection against spionage sapotage and terror attacs.
    Many Intel former police companys cover this topic.
    Bakround checks and fire protection skills and so on.
    Frank facility manager

  4. My own boat is moored in a harbour right next to Feadship, so I get to see quite a few superyachts.

    I like the design and appearance of this project better than many of the shipyard's other yachts, but it has nothing to do with climate neutrality.

    Many small detached houses have more solar cells on their roofs than this boat. It's embarrassing that these few solar cells haven't been standard for a long time anyway. A lot more effort could have been made to minimise the footprint. They didn't even manage to do without teak. And I would be very surprised if the generators were to see even one litre of e-fuel at some point.

  5. Millennials seem to be very rigid in their thinking. Everything is black or white to them. Kind of funny because they accuse boomers of it, and most boomers are. Those of us in genx seem to have had to learn and adapt more and seem to mostly be able to see greys. Maybe it’s because we’ve had such a massive technological advancement in our lifetimes.

  6. I respectfully have to disagree with saying that the shipyard had adequate fire fighting equipment for the simple reason the most recent fire at Luressen burned for 24 hours before being brought under control (under control does not mean out). I was a volunteer firefighter for a decade or and while I never had to fight a fire on a boat I was several dozen warehouse fires and I think the biggest one which was also the worst because it had 2 body shops a dozen automotive repair shops and a tire 60,000 square foot Goodyear tire warehouse in it and that fire took just over 8 hours to get under control with the tire warehouse taking the majority of the time because of how difficult burning tires are to put out

  7. Forgive me,but you lost me when you described that it might be more efficient if designed for cruising speed rather than top speed. I would think top speed design would be as sleek as you could design and therefore be more efficient as cruising speed as well.
    Explain for someone that is ignorant of yacht design but a big fan of your channel.

  8. We thought we had good fire fighting capability and we used to regularly practice. Once, prepping for the approach to the marina, discovered we were full of smoke! We put out the fire no probs and all the drills and practice proved invaluable, BUT, we learnt a few lessons! It was caused by a tiny $5 stuck relay that over a period of hours (er days..) had resulted in a pump running dry and becoming red hot, as per our drills we shut off all the electrics but when we tried to transmit a Mayday, realised we didn't have GPS / DSC interconnect! Also, we put out the fire with a CO2 extinguishers (we had lots of them) but we hadnt realised just how powerful they were and they exploded the fire into a million smaller fragments that took 3 days work to clean up! What we have done now is to modify the fresh water transfer system into a fire fighting system, with its own battery so the initial thrust is high pressure fresh water, supplemented extinguishers with high volume, engine driven sea water. We also now have a fire fighting nomex suit and mask etc because ours was a little fire but the fumes were intense! I am designing an electrical monitoring system to signal unusual things like pumps running dry!

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