Tur exclusivist cu superyacht pe Coasta Amalfi – Partea 1

Tur exclusivist cu superyacht pe Coasta Amalfi - Partea 1

În acest episod, echipajul Loon începe primul lor charter (adevărat) al sezonului, plecând din Napoli, Italia, și de-a lungul Coastei Amalfi timp de 7 zile. 0:13 Introducere cu căpitanul Paul 0:35 Plecare din Napoli cu Tyler la cârmă 4:05 Sosire în Capri 6:12 Croazieră la apus pe Anvera cu Tyler și Sonja 8:13 Ziua 2 Mic dejun cu Chef Dean și Courtney 11:33 Ziua 3 Repede! Să iesim de aici! 13:57 Fă o excursie la Anacapri cu Dylan 15:29 Ce este pentru cină? 17:21 Este timpul să readuceți jetski-urile la bord 18:09 Faceți o plimbare prin portul Capri cu Steve 19:34 Bună dimineața, ziua 4 21:50 Fetele au 30 de secunde pentru a se relaxa 22:47 Positano 23:30 Outro cu Căpitanul Paul Suntem încântați să anunțăm lansarea contului nostru Loon Crew Patreon. Membrii vor primi acces exclusiv în culise la echipaj și vor fi invitați cu căldură să se alăture echipajului la bord pentru un prânz pentru membri, făcându-vă parte din călătoria noastră. https://patreon.com/MotorYachtLoon Pentru actualizări zilnice, urmăriți-ne pe: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motoryachtloon/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@motoryachtloon Pentru întrebări despre charter și pentru Verificați iahtul, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul nostru oficial: https://www.yachtloon.com Mai multe videoclipuri charter aici: Realitatea alimentarii unui superyacht de 50 milioane USD https://youtu.be/AY-CqayThYE ALlook Inside: A 221 Ft Superyacht în timpul evenimentului Monaco F1 din 2024 – Partea 1 https://youtu.be/IVwYrxmKzAs Aspect interior: Monaco F1 dintr-un Superyacht – Partea 2 https://youtu.be/gLPYdZMNxP8 Urmărește asta: Superyacht de 70 milioane USD vs. Cel mai periculos din lume Bridge – https://youtu.be/b0t3MNlmBDs Filmat de Stephen Tench Editat de Stephen Tench și Shaun Silver #loonvideos #Motoryachtloon


47 thoughts on “Tur exclusivist cu superyacht pe Coasta Amalfi – Partea 1

  1. Enjoy the videos on your channel-but I find the music in your videos really distracting and detract from the luxury and sophistication that your brand normally preserves: perhaps less intrusive music would focus the attention more on the essentials of your message.

  2. I was stationed in Naples in the early 70's. We made a trip to Capri on the hydroplanes and took the funicular to the top and then a sky lift type ride further up. Is that still up and running?

  3. I really enjoy seeing various crew members doing the commentary rather than just the videographer as before; it's nice to get to know each of them a little bit here and there. And speaking of videographers, cheers to Steve who is doing an excellent job – great shots, interesting titles & graphics, and spot-on music choices to catch the right vibe. Super impressed that you check out the restaurant before the guests arrive to make sure it's up to Loon standards.

  4. Huge shout out to Tyler. It's one thing doing something new with your boss standing right beside but it's a completely different thing when you know that there are thousands also watching.

  5. Congrats to all the crew, love the work you do and the smiles, are you sponsored by a dental company yet😂😂😂 Would you consider doing a Shorts series on Loons hidden secrets, ie some of the tech hidden features that makes Loon the marvel she is … maybe some of the crew have a hidden secret power or two … no karaoke is not a hidden secret 🤣🤣🤣

  6. Have binged watched these videos since the crossing.

    Wow, these charters are next level. Checking the restaurant before the guests are seated!! Attention to detail. Simply amazing to see what you do Paul, and to see the Loon crew in action.

    Love these videos.

  7. Great video
    great team work
    Would love to see more of Bridge Pre Departure / Arrival checks ,details Passage Planning and contingency plans for adverse weather conditions.
    Love it
    Keep them coming please.

  8. Capt. Paul, I enjoy your videos of the Motor Yacht Loon, but I have some constructive suggestions. A lot of….um…times…um we see um dolphins swimming um next to ship. The pauses don't require sound, um please. I love this channel, but it is hard to listen to for a full video. Please don't um attack me, I'm sure others have um experienced this. Thank you crew!

  9. I just mean to add ALL the videos Are polished and professional, just the audio needs to match the professionalism of the filming. Love the Motor Laught Yoon! LOL

  10. Really excited about watching this video. Exceptional viewing from Loon. Tyler has done an absolutely amazing job taking the boat of the harbour with aid of Captain Paul Clarke. Dean and Julie are knocking it out of the park. Capri looks amazing. Can’t wait til part 2.. Steve is getting good at these videos… hopefully he doesn’t loose too many drones in the sea 😂😂.. awesome stuff

  11. really loved the drone shots, and the anchor chain clip great! at times it seems like high dollar level production. I also like when captain Paul was facing forward in the bridge so we could also see out front, angle was low but that's the tradeoff for that POV

  12. Another epic video from @motoryachtloon as the crew sails out of Naples, Italy, and cruises to the famous Amalfi coast. First Stop Capri is for some sightseeing and water sports. @theyachtchef and @judy_thefoodie_ food looks amazing, @tyler_viljoen managed some great skills and taking command of the yacht. An epic shot of La Conca del Sogno only manageable by boat or yacht and a superb walk around from @tenchvisuals in Capri. Can’t til part2.. going to be 🔥🔥🔥⛴️⛴️ @captainpaulclarke #motoryachtloon #yachtcrew #yachtie
    #superyachtcrew #yacht #superyacht #stewardess #deckhand #yachts #charteryacht #travel #yachtieworld #luxury #yachtnews

  13. Great job Tyler. I'm glad to see that wind is an issue for such a large ship. Wind usually has me saying all kinds of things when either docking or leaving. It would be nice if Stephen (sp) put out a photo book. The backdrops there are absolutely beautiful and Dean needs to put together a recipe book filled with his unique food. I know that I would buy it. So long from Central Texas.

  14. Lovely shots of Capri. Photos don't do it justice. Dean and Judy sent out some great looking food. Tables were inspired. Love all the details on weather challenges and working with the "toys". Hello from sunny Willamette Valley Oregon USA.

  15. Stephen the review of meal prep and presentation was awesome and cool to see. WOW! The food really is amazing and the chefs do an incredible job. Also, enjoyed the tour of Capri and always amazed at how well you do the shoots and protect guest's identities!! Nice addition to the team Paul!

  16. Incredible…. Absolutely amazing 🤩 – the vids are amazing and the edits are great. Sure would be great to hear some great background music 🎶 to go along with the vids. Steve does an amazing job with vid shots but whomever is picking the music – 😢

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