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LIVE Ziua 4 | Campionatele Mondiale de navigație pentru tineret 2024

3 thoughts on “LIVE Ziua 4 | Campionatele Mondiale de navigație pentru tineret 2024”
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You asked for feedback, so here goes! I think its really hard to have coverage that simultaneously caters for people who know nothing or very little about racing, and those who really know quite a lot. I really enjoyed your previous coverage at the Kiel event because the analysis was catering to the latter, and I was really learning a lot (especially from Lily!) even as an experienced sailor (female helm of a Dragon!). This time you seen to be trying to do both which is a bit less ideal – one minute you are discussing advanced tactics and the next someone is describing what a trapeze is .. I don't know what the solution is, but understanding who is watching this stream (I might guess is mainly the latter group) could help better tailor the content! Anyway, I don't mean this as a critique, more a hopefully helpful comment! Love the coverage!
Why is kiting never on stream
Great coverage, thanks and cheers from #Chile !!