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Outro: „American Pie” de Hoodie Allen Thumbnail by Provocarea de a mânca din această săptămână este în Auburn, Alabama, unde mănânc doar la Buc-ee’s, cea mai mare benzinărie din lume, în următoarele 7 zile…
Nu am mâncat nimic decât Buc-ee timp de 1 săptămână

27 thoughts on “Nu am mâncat nimic decât Buc-ee timp de 1 săptămână”
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Dude thank you so much for this video. I'm European and went to Auburn to study for one semester a few years ago, best 5 months of my life. Seeing the campus and everything, so unexpectedly, made my whole damn week and brought back so many good memories. Subscribed instantly, yeah buddy!!!!
They’re building a Buccees in Harrisburg Virginia. Very excited!!!!
That Is statue is definite saying Where Ma-hug at
I was waiting for the total of your caloric intake for the week…
I drive past a bucee's everyday on my commute and it definitely takes willpower to not go get some delicious food. Everything I've tried is amazing
the burrito is ridiculous!
“speeding on my way to buc ees” is so fucking funny
pronouncing fajita like vagina is crazy lmfao, cmon bruh
I can't read the Auburn logo without seeing it as IAI
i need a buc-ee's in Ohio
Is he sponsored by Prime? Why's he keep buying that dogshit?
In Springfield MO before we got one, there was an advertisement for one 500 miles away in TN
Bucees food actually sucks. It’s a glorified gas station.
Mr Sir Yacht, Gday from Australia. Love the vids. You’re a bloody crack up mate. If you ever travel to Australia, you need to have Pie’s for a week
you just made my made ty
The Beaver Nuggets are my favorite! Next time try them with milk like cereal…It’s even better!!
I went to bucees on the 24th of this month and it was my very first time and I absolutely loved it. I went to the Baytown location. 0:10
wasnt expecting to see my college and its bucees in a youtube video today lmfao
I said the exact same thing about that cheesesteak burrito. I thought I died and went to heaven
5:51 “Fayairi tacou” I was straight out dead when he said it like that
saying the milkshake bar was sick confirmed you are the real life napoleon dynamite
I was wondering if you would get the key lime pie cup. I recently tried it, and thought it tasted like straight plastic. It was gross. I am glad you liked it though lol
2:20 old dude needs to slow while getting whatever TX lotto he's Jonezing for. I'm 60. On campus looking like a 5th Year 'older' brother.

I just went to that buc ee last week
good for you telling that guy off. like you said, manners can go a long way.. parking like that can happen and its not that serious.. not like he was forced 10 mile detour and jump a 20ft fence. people are such grumps for no reason.