ULTIMA NOASTRĂ PASARE Despre Delos (A fost nasol)…Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 467

ULTIMA NOASTRĂ PASARE Despre Delos (A fost nasol)...Navă cu pânze Delos Ep.  467

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28 thoughts on “ULTIMA NOASTRĂ PASARE Despre Delos (A fost nasol)…Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 467

  1. I have a 4 year old blond hair blue eyed girl and I can say yes my house is a disaster when she comes through there. Haha. I love how Sierra is soon silly and smart and she wants to help her daddy. And she is psycho all at the same time
    Reminds me of my daughter everything I see her being silly on the boat. ❤❤😂😂 love you guys. I wish I could be out doing the same with my babies exploring the world. Maybe one day. But love every second of your content and inside look on your lives. It's amazing journey to witness. ❤

  2. With that kind of mentality, i wonder what you're still doing living your life on a small boat. I mean seriously, this is what it's all about. If you're not enjoying this as much as the sunshine and calm waters, you shouldn't be doing it. Sorry for being a D$#K but some things have to be said once in a while.

  3. Brian and Kazza have the greatest little human. ❤ She's gonna be so smart on her own ship one day! Can't wait to see ho2 learns and progresses the nex 4-5 years. She is perfect parts of Brian and Kazza!…. and it's so adorable how she answers little questions and stuff.

  4. So many things that break indeed ohh man….. Sometimes it's just to much certainly to coop with that alone….. That's what my biggest issue is.
    Glad to see you are out and that actually worked with the tractor….
    Live Long and Prosper 🖖🏻 Awesome people !!!

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