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Tur interior al iahtului de 50 MILIOANE USD | Moștenirea MEA

26 thoughts on “Tur interior al iahtului de 50 MILIOANE USD | Moștenirea MEA”
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this must be one of your charter boats? so nice
In terms of decoration, definitely a very rich style interior. Not overly gaudy as some are. Not really to my tastes, but better done than many designs.
Why does the sundeck day head have such a huge thick door?
My nephew is a cabinet maker, for yachts built here in New Zealand, 30 years now, he travels around the world doing maintenance on yachts, spending a month at a time, sadly our yachts industry has been through hard times in recent years,
Dang, I need a button to press that makes someone come get me a drink that's right next to me! Lol
Can you take a deposit…

Code entered for €5m off, just waiting on my fortune. In the meantime I’ll have to make do with the scale model.
hope your doing more onboard tours
Please tell us who makes the scale model boats? Definitely an interior for a very old person – it's cosy palace look reminded me of Britannia.
You’re good at boat tours, I think an opportunity for more (not a bunch, but more) of this type of content
Great tour – and many thanks for it. One small note – standard King size bunks are 8 ft. * 8 ft., or 2.5m * 2.5m. Geoff Rohde
I think you are misreading that drink station in the guest area. It looks more like a sideboard where the staff store cups so they can serve without taking them down steps or using a dumbwaiter.
The staff can prepare it in the main service/kitchen and then either deliver to cabins or put out carafes. All they have to transport is the carafes – and then they can hand clean them and put them back. Only the thermal carafes have to be moved between floors and those can be sealed.
The coffee bar in the master cabin (bet there was one in VIP too) had an actual machine – so that one was a bit different. Bet money he liked to work odd hours sometimes and drink an espresso late night. (I am like that too – just prefer black coffee instead)
That was some seriously glossy woodwork…. I don't mind the decor choices. A bit "fussy" for me, but if I owned that yacht I would see no reason to redo it.
Made it to 9 min mark. No words and why am I wasting my time commenting!
I like the interiors of Azmut yachts for the simplicity and serenity feeling of them, but if you’re going to do a interior with royalty kind of feel to it then do it well and this boat has done it that well it’s 110% and I could definitely have this boat and be happy with interior if I had the money
I like the interiors of Azmut yachts for the simplicity and serenity feeling of them, but if you’re going to do a interior with royalty kind of feel to it then do it well and this boat has done it that well it’s 110% and I could definitely have this boat and be happy with interior if I had the money
The design, patterns, and material choices… Looks a bit Asian.
To me this would be one of those "whatever you want boss" moments. The quality is exquisite, but I cant say I would describe the design choices as anything but gaudy. But hey, when you make it, you get to make it how you want, so power to them. No question that all those questionable choices were executed to the best possible standard.
no sachets of coffee , sugar and milk powder here lol
the floor mats in the twin cabin are ghastly
the owner or his guests may work in the television industry and want to stay up to date with latest programming and news so television is best way to do this .
Watching on a smaller screen whether lap top or tablet just not good enough
What a magnificent boat but it's extremely formal. Did you feel comfortable inside it? Or did you feel as if you were touring a museum, can look but not touch…..?
I'm going to have to dip into my piggy bank.
He didn't decorate it for my tastes?
I'm offended.
Doesn't he know I'm the center of the universe and all decisions must go through me regardless of the fact I'm not paying for them?
E Sysman: question, how come a owner builds a beautiful new yacht and 2-3 years later it’s for sale? Boredom? What?
thanks brother 
The woodwork is just stunning.
That is an eye-opener. Thank you for the tour.
Haha, I was also looking at the yacht off her Port side. That looked a classic.