Problemă… Femeie peste bord… problemă rezolvată Awanui NZ Ep 67

Problemă... Femeie peste bord... problemă rezolvată Awanui NZ Ep 67

Wow ce episod, femeie peste bord și probleme electrice majore. Alăturați-vă lui Mark și Fiona în aventura lor, navigând cu Nordhavn N51 din Turcia în Noua Zeelandă de peste 5 ani


31 thoughts on “Problemă… Femeie peste bord… problemă rezolvată Awanui NZ Ep 67

  1. Sorry I would just like to ask whey did you not get it fitted when you bought the boat? Also solar panels and also water maker? Instead of dealing with people that will rip you off. Thanks from Australia

  2. Boating and seamanship is all about learning, you did well. Looking forward to seeing the Bimini. Another entertaining episode, thank you, fair winds.🏴☠

  3. 60 amp max load on 230volt ship service and max 32 amp on 230 v hvac service. Max 200 amps on 24volt side. So you exceeded max amps on the 24 volt side by running too many big loads? Well done. on the diagnoses and repair.

  4. Mark I am similar to you. Hate power because I cannot see it and still do not have a good understanding of anything electrical. Luckily I worked on big ships and we had an electrician onboard to solve all the problems.

  5. Hey Mark, as long as Basil Faulty or Mr O’Riely is not involved with the bimini you’ll be right! Sorry just the gents at the beginning discussing the build I had visions of that scene in faulty towers 😂 cheers mate, Rob from Geraldton WA

  6. Everyone is talking at the same time, wow, who is saying what. Mark , you have more patience than I do. Haha! If that was the group that's going to make your Bimini top? I wouldn't sleep till I saw what they have manufactured for your awanu nz.

  7. Why doesn’t Nordhavn offer a fiberglass top like on the 55, etc? It would look great. Bimini tops can be brought down easily but never look quite right.

  8. Your teaching us new stuff each time you post a new video. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us all, wishing you all the best of travels. 😊👍🇨🇦

  9. Because New Zealand is considered an Allied country I'm surprised you didn't go for extended tourist Visa and still wouldn't remain pretty much tax-exempt other than just sales tax

  10. You know you're gonna be on fail universe and other YouTube channels where they talk about people having problems and boats you'll probably also wind up on boat gu ru channel and this is A channel of people just making mistakes at the boat ramp and in boats

  11. My I suggest that you get a second set of heavy duty ambulance alternators attached to your engines they'll just make another bracket and put a longer belt on and maybe another idle or pulley but having twin alternators just 14 the electrical load for the ship in 14 charging and powering any 24 V system

  12. Hey mark you're using a spinning real off the start of your ship flip it around the real supposed to be underneath The fishing rod only the standard pin spool type reels need to be Held up right

  13. Again – what an episode! Nice to follow you troubleshooting of the electrical system. You guys should do the "Awanui's guide to Europe" as a book. you visit places many of us never seen, and you often research the places so you have almost local knowledge – and you could insert the references for the YouTube episode where the actual place is depicted in, besides all the photos you also have, that could accompany the different places….. Just a thought….
    And you could make interesting episode with an old VHS camera! it is not – only – the picture quality, but equally all the stories and discussions that are interesting…. though I understand why you Mark, look forward to getting you new drone…. Thank you

  14. Hi Mark just to touch on the kill cord issue again when your motoring in your tender it’s great to see your wearing it but you would be better having it around your leg the reason being if you have it on your wrist and it gets caught when you are manoeuvring it could kill the engine and cause big problems Flipper.

  15. This is Cher. Using my husband's phone, that's why his name Lester shows up!

    Mark, how dare you think it's funny that your poor friend fell overboard. You need to get that chip off of your shoulder! Not only do u degrade your wife but you jeopardize ppl on your boat. How was it funny that the poor gentleman had to move his head, so quickly I might add bc the captain didn't warn him to bend down so his head wouldn't hit the overpass. Had he not noticed it in time, the outcome would have been terrible…and on the way back the same damn thing happened.
    Mark, as the "know it all" that you think you are, be a Captain and stop worrying about video/you tube content.

    …you say you read and answer all comments…I'm looking forward to your excuses…

    That poor woman that fell off of your "inflating" dingy…her husband is a hero. I haven't seen someone jump in so fast as he did to save her. As she was struggling, you were laughing Mark…as Captain and a human, YOU, my friend, should be ashamed.
    Not that it will matter to you, but you have just lost two subscribers…

  16. The emblem you pointed out above the door was IHS with a Cross above it. In Latin this is Jesus Hominem Salvator means Jesus saviour of the world. It may be a builders mark but the builder was undoubtedly a Christian!
    Love your videos, thank you.

  17. Interesting electrical issue. I am a total luddite, but if you switch all the batteries off do you still need to turn off all the breaker switches? Won't there be zero power to the breakers if all the batteries (and generator and shore power) are shut down?

    You need to buy your friends air fare tickets to home! First class too! They not only provided immense technical support but comedy support as well. Good people indeed.

    Montenegro towns and villages are utterly charming. Not a bad place at all to spend a couple of months.

    Fine video, and you are a very lucky man to be married to Fiona.

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