Superyacht s-a prăbușit în canalul Bank of Corint | Clipuri SY

Superyacht s-a prăbușit în canalul Bank of Corint |  Clipuri SY

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29 thoughts on “Superyacht s-a prăbușit în canalul Bank of Corint | Clipuri SY

  1. could have gone a little slower thus eliminating the suction effect. are these captains actually trained as many seem to "not know what they are doing" or what to do when things go wrong, like running aground and hitting harbours etc.

  2. Low water levels and the yacht was going too fast kicking up a huge wake that bounced back from the banks. Compare with the similar canal transit videos of towed ocean vessels, no problem at all.

  3. my strategy … if you're gonna have an impact its best to slow your speed … recognizing the suction effect earlier would have prevented this … bad captain

  4. I live close to Korinthos Canal and a certain rule i know is you pay a local captain about 150 to 200€ to cross your super yacht with safety.Its not the first time that this happens every week a vessel or maybe more hits the rocks. Currents happens

  5. the correction in this situation is to steer to port, towards the bank… I know it sounds crazy but that is usually what you need to do as a first step, only that will get the stern loose from the suction. Happend to me in Kiel channel, i was at the helm a(as an OS at that time) on a cargo ship. Pretty scarry to steer towards the bank can say….

  6. Hi there i dont know how to get a message to u any other way as i dont use social media but there was a fire in Zea Marina in Athens last night. 3 boats destroyed. Not small boats either. There are videos on Youtube.

  7. dude was going too fast, shouldve used his bow thrusters to push off the bank, ive watched captain sandy on below deck enough to even know this lmao

  8. Unprofessional captain. Owner at the wheel? Daniel Bernoulli published about this in 1738. How can you not know about this as a captain?

  9. He was going too fast. I've been through that Channel on a super yacht and can say that his speed was way too much for that canal. Could have been easily avoided.

  10. I see a lot of comments about the Capt driving too fast but there’s a very good chance the Corinth pilot is driving. I’ve been through there at least a dozen times on yachts up to 70m both self driving and with a pilot (they are free).

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