Navele viitorului: viitoarea revoluție în industria de transport maritim | FD Engineering

Navele viitorului: viitoarea revoluție în industria de transport maritim | FD Engineering

Navele viitorului: viitoarea revoluție în industria de transport maritim | FD Engineering creează puterea de fuziune – Căutarea sursei de energie supremă: O revoluție a ingineriei este în desfășurare. Conduși de indivizi dedicați care construiesc mașini extraordinare care ne vor schimba viața. Dacă transportul mondial ar fi o țară, ar fi al șaselea cel mai mare producător de emisii de gaze cu efect de seră. Dar companiile maritime și inginerii creează noi mașini remarcabile pentru a-și face industria mai ecologică, folosind o resursă care a mutat omul peste oceanele lumii de mii de ani… Vântul. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Abonează-te gratuit la Canalul de documentare – Engineering gratuit: Instagram: Facebook: /2QfRxbG Twitter: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #FreeDocumentary #Documentary #ships ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ „FreeDocumentary #Documentary #ships ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬” , construirea și utilizarea motoarelor, mașinilor și structurilor.” Așa spune definiția Webster. Cel mai nou membru al familiei Free Documentary Free Documentary – Inginerie se referă la inginerie – și aduce comunității noastre cele mai bune documentare despre inginerie.


24 thoughts on “Navele viitorului: viitoarea revoluție în industria de transport maritim | FD Engineering

  1. CO2 is a consequence of climate change not a cause. If you go somewhere very arid, you see 50 C in the day and freezing at night, it's how they make ice in the desert.

  2. These changes will only help make more money for government. This will not restrict the amount of people coming in. Just another illusion of government making a change for the better. 😂

  3. Why is everything just re booting old tech that got phased out? It got phased out for a reason. Why not instead look for new ways, not reboots. Nuclear power already powers Subs and Aircraft carriers for example. Now sure, I can already hear ppl saying nuclear poliferation risk, priates, ship wrecks etc. not to mention "waste", radiation, fuel production, safety etc. Yup, there are a lot of these type of concerns, some more legitimate than others.

    However. You do say the largest 10 % of ships, supertankers etc. So that cuts you down to only 10k ships max. The increased effeciency, lack of re fueling, lack of masive new additional structures on deck, no wind reliance, all weather opperation, lack of redundant or mulitple powertrains, weigh saving, material saving, simplification, etc, really makes this power train the best.

    That's why aircraft carriers use it. These have been sailing the world's oceans for decades, with crews of 5,000 on board in war zones, so it's proven tech that could be adapted.

    Every tech has it's problems & tradeoffs, but at least this is actually future proof and has been demonstrated in all conditions of opperation.

  4. Funk the environment, funk global hoaxing, just show the g-damned boats already. This must be a Chino sponsored video. Down arrow, skip and move on.

  5. WRONG! Starting around minute 23:00 you show graphics of the Magnus effect where a spinning ball curves. You show the curve moving opposite the direction of spin. It moves in the direction of spin: clockwise curves right; counterclockwise curves left. Same for the ship graphics. The closer together the lines are the higher the pressure. The further apart the lines, the lower the pressure. The cylinder pulls towards the low-pressure side.

  6. Reinventing the wheel! Sns by calling it something else that what our grwst grandfathers build thry take the credit for it. And thats why they dont allow certain comments.

  7. Just where are all of these polar bears that are dying last time I checked the population was way up. get your facts strait.

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