Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce facem un tur aprofundat al GT6 Explorer, un nou iaht Grand Turismo de 49 de picioare menit să exploreze mările deschise. Bazându-se pe platforma premiată Elan GT6, proiectată de trio-ul de renume mondial Studio FA Porsche, Humphreys Yacht Design și Elan, varianta Explorer introduce un nou jucător în croazieră offshore sau bluewater. Creat inițial ca un crucișător rapid mediteranean, GT6 Explorer a fost modernizat cu meticulozitate pentru aventuri pe distanțe lungi și pe apă albastră. Această prezentare subliniază îmbunătățirile cheie în materie de siguranță, menținere a mării, autonomie și viață în larg, făcând din acest iaht partenerul perfect pentru următoarea ta mare călătorie. Caracteristici cheie: Cocă avansată 3D VAIL: Rigiditate și proprietăți mecanice îmbunătățite pentru o călătorie mai lină. Pereți etanși: protecție sporită împotriva pătrunderii apei. Punte întărită: ideală pentru instalarea stâlpului de pădure. Cockpit Arch cu Dodger și Bimini: protecție superioară împotriva intemperiilor. Modificări interioare: inclusiv suporturi pentru cârpe de praf, o mașină de spălat, mașină de spălat vase și suporturi integrate pentru treceri mai sigure. Matrice solară puternică: 1187 Wp, încărcând 840 Ah de baterii LiIon, care alimentează toate elementele esențiale, cu excepția aerului condiționat. GT6 Explorer nu numai că păstrează luxul, măiestria și arhitectura navală inteligentă a lui GT6 original, dar adaugă și caracteristici care îi sporesc performanța pentru călătorii prelungite. Indiferent dacă sunteți un marinar experimentat sau un explorator oceanic în devenire, acest iaht este conceput pentru a vă transforma visele de croazieră pe distanțe lungi în realitate. Nu ratați acest tutorial în timp ce explorăm fiecare colț al acestui iaht. Dacă sunteți pasionat de navigație și explorarea oceanelor, apăsați butonul de like, abonați-vă pentru mai mult conținut și spuneți-ne ce credeți în comentarii! #GT6Explorer #YachtTour #BlueWaterCruiser #LuxuryYachting #ElanYachts #sailingadventure CONȚINUT DE REFERENȚĂ: Fabricarea compozitelor Elan și Coca GT6: Design și dezvoltare Elan GT6: https://youtur4wd9Yu_Ad: Capitolul4: 00 Introducere 2:14 Despre GT6 3:40 Cocă și 3D VAIL 4:44 Pereți etanși 5:46 Redundanță la direcție 6:24 Mișcarea la bord 6:47 Ochiul din pânză Lee 6:59 Menținerea mării 8:16 Opțiuni de navigare 8:55 Generare de energie electrică și baterii 9:43 Generator 9:52 Aparat 10:19 Capacitate combustibil 10:32 Viață la bord 11:19 Sprayhood Arc 11:30 Platformă de baie 11:43 cockpit Masa 11:58 cockpit Comodități 12:15 Dinghy Arch 12 :30 Cursă 12:51 Spațiu motor 13:05 Mașină de spălat 13:15 Bucătărie 13:34 Configurații de amenajare 13:59 Cablaje electrice 14:18 Filtre de combustibil 14:31 Tabel grafic 14:52 Outro
Noul Elan GT6 X: Explorer | Lansare și tur oficial al iahtului
20 thoughts on “Noul Elan GT6 X: Explorer | Lansare și tur oficial al iahtului”
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This is SO close to my absolute dream sailboat: a boat you can live on and sail the world (no high latitudes, I hate cold weather) with a nice compromise between speed and comfort, and no compromise on safety.
The watertight bulkheads are a great feature, as well as the redundant rudder system.
Also, the arch with that array of solar panels is AMAZING.
I really like the cutter/slutter rig, amazing option to trim sails and keep the boat balanced in heavy weather.
There are also some things I would have thought differently:
1- the kitchen placement and layout is terrible: it's far away from the cockpit so passing food while underway is difficult, and the distance between the stove and the sink makes cooking impractical/unsafe; also, with that array of solar panels plus generator I would've avoided having gas onboard.
2- the T bulb keel is a silly option for a cruiser (even if it's fast), it calls for trouble without providing any significant advantage; fortunately, the shallow draft option seems to be an L keel.
3- the liferaft placement is really poor; it should be behind the folding bathing platform, ready to launch, not in a deep locker.
4- I might be wrong, but the interior doesn't seem to strike a good balance between form and function, I don't see enough storage space to live aboard for extended periods of time.
But all in all it is an excellent boat… If only I had the money 🥲
Not my cup of tea. Try designing a boat from the outside in for a change.
In the fottage of the boat sailing a human being couldn't even be down below without getting their ribs broken. Builders build boats to sell.
Seems like a lovely coastal cruiser, but I would be wary about bluewater travel. Its nice that the rudders have a bulkhead in caee of a container strike but how will the keel handle such an event?
Just watched a similar high-end Italian "ocean" class design have it's keel delaminate when she was lowered onto her keel in a marine yard.
20 yrs it will be in my price range. Beautiful tho. Looks like 1.2 or 1.3 million.
I don’t like how it’s handling the small sea state. That is one wet boat 😳
What explore, this yacht! The cash of buiers?😅
I think that the renowned yacht designers at Humphreys can easily construct a solid L-keel instead of the T-keel. It certainly doesn't have to have a draft of 2.45m… Otherwise a dream yacht!
An important clarification that was not explained sufficiently in the video: The Elan GT6 Explorer is of course also available with a 2m L-shaped shoal keel.
Great party boat I can imagine its cost as being top end
Can you please show pictures of boat, not cheesy picutres of actors talking to each other. We’re sailors, not hollywood fans.
Should have a raised pilot house
Very cool but one kiss of the bottom on something and bye bye boat. 😢
Explorer is such an oxymoron; nobody really explores, but those whom do, get thrown in prison.
Il centro velico dovrebbe essere arretrato.
Nothing new.
1) the outlay is quite common on most sailboats of this size with only a more refine drawing with more expensive materials… Not gain.
2) still have to see why the hull is outstanding as compared to all boats of this size, knowing that all hull designs are a compromise (something that the mega yacht with a 65 m mast with a weight of 25ton didn't seem to have complied to…) : new hull designs never come from the industry of pleasure yachts but from the racing boats which are bolder… Hence marginal gains only.
3) design : I leave it to viewers to conclude along their own taste. I am not flabestgasted. The again my best experiences and my love of sailing go back as far as 63 tears ago? It was a time when luxury on sea had a different meaning than on land : comfort designed for sailing at sea, interior plans devised in such a way they adapted to marine life… Life at sea at that time was traditional coastal curing tools; running fix etc, plus sextant and chronometer… Electronics were a heavy depth sounder a VHF that took the place of a sizeable cabinet, and RDF when it worked.
You learned a lot about the marine environment and how it could tell you a lot. Something the GPS has killed among the younger generation.
And you didn't need Porsche Porsche to come to the rescue. Mr Parkman and Stephens among many others did a remarkable job and they were sailors too…
That inner staysail is super high aspect. Ok when sheeted on but hello twist if you ease a little!
One small remark.
Couldn't Elan find a "pleasing to the eye" woman (or even a man) to do all this as this character?
Loved it! Unfortunately I cant buy it!