Acest iaht este de vânzare: Deveniți membru NAUTI: Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys Alăturați-vă nouă pe auto-ghidat;) Tur al acestui uimitor WESTPORT 130′ / 40M American Build SuperYacht 2013. Westport Yachts este un constructor american de iahturi renumit, fondat în 1964 în nord-vestul Pacificului. Acest șantier naval are o istorie bogată în construirea de iahturi de înaltă calitate, de lux, de la 112 la 164 de picioare. Westport este renumit pentru angajamentul său față de excelența americană, combinând tehnologia avansată cu tehnici tradiționale de construcție a bărcilor, iar M/Y SaraBeth nu face excepție. Ne-a plăcut absolut stilul interior clasic și atemporal și aspectul confortabil. Acea bucătărie unică și uimitoare (cu dulapuri proiectate de Boeing) va rămâne pentru totdeauna în memoria mea, iar Rico se va descurca complet în camera mașinilor. Ei bine, pot continua și mai departe, dar verifică-l singur. Oh, și recuzită pentru echipaj… acest iaht pare că nu are mai mult de 3 ani! În prezent este listată spre vânzare pentru 16.995.000 USD. Bucurați-vă de Tur! Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta, băieți, în comentarii integritate, deci nu acceptăm plăți pentru Yacht Tours și nu „lucrem pentru închiriere”, astfel putem alege și doar Tur navele pe care le considerăm interesante pentru publicul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a ne distra în timp ce verificăm cele mai tari iahturi de pe piață și nu ne luăm prea în serios! Suntem Victoria Chalaya și Rico Rox Stoll. Suntem căsătoriți, ambii căpitani licențiați USCG, am petrecut 8 ani locuind la bordul nostru Meridian 42′ și acum construim Dream Steel Explorer Yachts Bering 82 (FKA B75) pe cel de-al doilea canal @Nautiguys Suntem în industria navală de peste 10 ani. ani: Crewing, organizează vacanțe de iaht, precum și gestionarea iahturilor, deținând o reprezentanță maritimă și intermediere și consultanță. VA MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUBSCRIERE! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
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16.995.000 USD-Acasă: 2013 WESTPORT 130′ / 40M M/Y „SaraBeth” American Build SuperYacht Tour

42 thoughts on “16.995.000 USD-Acasă: 2013 WESTPORT 130′ / 40M M/Y „SaraBeth” American Build SuperYacht Tour”
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Nothing like Snap-on!
But so much storage is a problem, because one forgets where are the things I stored in those storages

Snap-on tools, they are one of the top higher quality tool companies that make awesome tools that last for several generations to pass down from father to son. I have a huge Snap-on double stacked tool chest full of tools. With so many different types of vehicles, they have some tools they designed themselves that make us buy their tools from them just to fix something thats broken. With that being said, I have alot of tools that I don't remember what they are used for here years later thats laying in my tool box drawers.
Joke of the day.
What does mechanics and lesbians have in common?
Answer, they both use Snap-on tools.
I heard that on a local country radio station at their 7am morning show, over 35 years ago. Still just as funny and true.
I was a mechanic all I used was snap on.
Why is that Marina empty?
And if you don't know you know
It's a floating palace, the beautiful lounge areas were only made more beautiful by Victoria sitting in them
, looks fantastic but omg y'all need to be super rich to own one! How the other half ( 5%) live eh?
Can't beat snap on! wtg Rico
when I was a pro chef, I loved my combi steam ovens, incredible kit!
Oh wow they have head hunters in too! Loved your video of that awesome brand.
Always enjoy your videos
Two things already pretty nice and haven’t seen yet, that pin in freezer area to stop door from opening, genius and so simple! Also the covers for life rafts, I’ve never seen anyone cover them, I think a great idea, but Westport 130 has always been one of my favorites along with 112! Another great video!
Rico’s Christmas came early
I'd like to see
some more yacht tender support ships
..I have seen one that you did before but it has been awhile..
I think it is time to transition from the NBBL to the NBBBL!!! lol
What tools does your Bering come with?
Snap on rocks & blue stripes too
Beautiful Yacht … it looked like a speed demon even before seeing the motors. The beam tells you its efficient to 14 and 18 knots. You need a second captains chair – worth it.
Snap-On is great but so overpriced. But going into a Snap-On truck is still like going to a candy store.
Whats the full years est cost of a 50-70ft live-aboard outside of rental?
I will never be able to afford any of these boats, which is ok.
I love to watch your videos mainly for the interplay between you two, it's refreshing and fun to watch.
Thanks for all the reviews and for entertaining me, its always a good day when I can watch one of your videos.
it's imperative that you keep the fat filters/ condensers clean…. that crew IS indeed on the ball, don't often see shiny grease baffles in a kitchen! ofc I never crewed a super yacht… but mine were ALWAYS clean!
I have one question about the engine room. I saw a bunch of fire extinguishers, but I couldn't see if it has an automatic fire suppression system or not. Is this something only newer yachts have, or just an option not chosen on this particular build?
Edit- I rewatched the video and heard you mention the fire suppression system which is in another room- how cool is that?
The yacht looks like it's brand new. Very nice.
If that was my yacht, I'd live on board full time
I wish there was a video on the manufacturing of these huge marine engines

Excellent tour… thanks so much for showing us around this stunning yacht.
Love you guys and I love my dream world you give me. Always wishing you both the best
Flowers are pretty, but they are not my thing to mess with either. So you can keep your brownie points here. Lmao
Snap on is expensive $h!t!. Their finance program will have you paying for the tools FOREVER!
Craftsman is as good as Snap On!
Beautiful boat,and thanks for showing it off .I have wondered why smaller boats weight less have top speed of 20 nt and some boats are double the size, weight and length does almost 50 nts. I do enjoy watching your channel but this one was a bit to long for me ,had ff most of it sorry . Most of your vids are keep around the 30 minute mark , Cheers from Canada
CHocks, not shocks– around 9 minute mark- yes?
snap on is lifetime garentee dont mater if you damage it from miss use they will replace for free
My Dad is a mechanic and I would hear him refer to the snap on man I think he ate at the same place for lunch besides stopping by his work place. Snap on is the only tool guy with a truck to go around to all there customers pretty much any auto mechanic and who what other business. With Sears gone they are the business for tools now
Yes, Snap-On is well known… funny meme occasionally seen is calling it a Rape Van
*crazy expensive, installment plans/ financing, etc.
Love love love your guys videos. You do it some much better than most. Always enjoyable to watch. Thanks for your content!
Wow what an incredible yacht, this puts the SUPER in super yacht. This is beautiful in every part of the yacht, love the wood throughout and all of the finishes are top notch, very spacious everywhere and a great layout. No wonder Rico was excited about the engine room that area was awesome. Victoria you looked beautiful as always but with Rico posing in the lazarette I think you should make a calendar for next year. Awesome video thank you both.
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