Magnatul britanic al tehnologiei Mike Lynch și fiica sa se numără printre șase persoane care sunt încă dispărute după ce un iaht de lux s-a scufundat în largul Siciliei în timpul unei furtuni aprige. (Abonați-vă: Cincisprezece persoane au fost salvate de către gardieni de coastă, inclusiv un copil britanic de un an și soția domnului Lynch, Angela Bacares. O persoană a fost confirmată decesul. Iahtul, numit Bayesian, s-a răsturnat lângă Palermo în jurul orei 4:30, ora locală. Își raportase ultima locație în apropierea portului Porticello cu câteva ore mai devreme. –––––––– Urmărește-ne: Facebook – Twitter – Channel4News TikTok – Instagram –
Un magnat britanic al tehnologiei este dispărut după ce un iaht de lux s-a răsturnat în largul Siciliei
23 thoughts on “Un magnat britanic al tehnologiei este dispărut după ce un iaht de lux s-a răsturnat în largul Siciliei”
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Coming here just for the conspiracy theory nutcases 😅
😂The wife of the tycoon is behind this massacre how she is alive and her husband is dead and they were both on the ship why other yachts did not think
Iiojk is burning
From the history that I had heard on the news this is a crime
Clearly this was caused by immigration
A lot of cover for a bunch of rich folk.
Probably a hit anyway
I thought we are not supposed to care about people that die while in a boat.
And before long the company that built the yacht and designed it's mast mysteriously fell out of windows or had car accidents.
Why should I care? I guess they’ll be found schooner or later.
Hewlett Packard took them out for the 8 billion lost they took from buying their company in 2016 😊
If you search "tromba d'aria Palermo" you can see da images of the wind on the dock
I love how they have used a shot of him and Prince Andrew, just to remind you that he was allegedly a wrong un.
Haven’t we learnt about the submersible (but seriously I hope everyone who got hurt heal may god bless em all
Every news report! I don't care!
I see the yearly sacrifice of billionaires to Poseidon is going well
Where is Lynch? I believe nothing unless I see it myself. Missing Uuhm 🤔
Something dodgy af about this. The co defendant in the fraud case was killed by a car a few days ago too.
Seen with Prince Andrew a5 2 min mark and he used epsteins lawyer… the plot thickens 😉
If this was a yacht full of us paupers it would have been headline news for about a day. Instead it's a yacht full of corrupt, tax dodging billionaires and millionaires, so we get their full life story rammed down our throats every 15 minutes.
I'm ok, they're riches, good for them. Where I'm not ok, they're all criminals on board, including a guy from JP Morgan, this is Karma, do bad and bad things will come to you. And one of Lynch lawyer was hit by a car, accident? yeah, if you believe so.
He got away with fraud but not away from mother nature. Sweet justice served
British media is becoming more and more the laughing stock of the world. For whom are they spreading lies…..
Besides, securities should logically be provided for Harry and Meghan if they've been invited to visit any particular countries.