Un bărbat a murit și alte șase persoane sunt date dispărute după ce un iaht s-a scufundat în largul coastei Siciliei la primele ore ale dimineții de luni. La bordul navei de 56 m (183 ft) se aflau 22 de persoane – 15 persoane au fost salvate, inclusiv un copil de un an. Presa locală a raportat că iahtul, care naviga sub numele Bayesian, s-a scufundat după ce s-a confruntat cu o furtună puternică peste noapte care a provocat trombe de apă. Abonați-vă aici: http://bit.ly/1rbfUog Pentru mai multe știri, analize și caracteristici, vizitați: www.bbc.com/news #Sicily #Italy #BBCNews
Un mort, șase dispăruți, 15 salvați după ce un iaht britanic de lux s-a scufundat în largul Siciliei | BBC News
20 thoughts on “Un mort, șase dispăruți, 15 salvați după ce un iaht britanic de lux s-a scufundat în largul Siciliei | BBC News”
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Panfilo Britannia
Was it the Orcas
Honestly, tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone.
Believe in Jesus Christ to be saved.
Jesus IS the Christ, the only begotten Son of the living God, and Jesus died for your sins on the cross, he was buried and on the third day he rose from the dead, Jesus Christ is alive again, now and forevermore, and if you BELIEVE this truly in your heart and confess with your mouth " The Lord Jesus " , you will be saved and have everlasting life because of your FAITH in Jesus the only Christ of God.
was that IT guy somehow involved in military IT technology developments?
Imagine being dumb enough to care about the rich.
Hundreds die in a refugee boat sinking = one story on BBC. One rich idiot dies, and his cohort gets rescued = Around the clock coverage by BBC. Go to hell BBC!
Sharks are likely to toss a few of these guys back.
This is going down in wealthy folkore of the businessman that wasnt humbled by a tornado in the sea
Why this news?
White Lotus, Season 2
'Soak the rich'….where have i heard that before ?
It's always reassuring to see God emerging from the clouds and sorting out the super-rich. Bravo! My faith has been restored!!!
"I saw what appeared to be a missile streaking across the night sky and slamming into the yacht, then a frogman emerged in front of me and emphasized that what I saw was in fact a waterspout. Then I noticed that my nose is broken."
Google Steve Chamberlain and Mike Lynch – for some reason the BBC didnt mention what happened to Steve a few days ago 😮
Mafia deal gone bad.
The bbc is appalling in its choices for the main news story, all what’s going on in the world & they pick this. The next day the main news was a story on the use of checkouts at super markets. It’s an absolute insult to its viewers & licence fee £ payers!
Some serious people of that boat…one of which had upset a lot of people in the US government,also the Morgan Stanley chair.