Bayesian, care s-a răsturnat la primele ore ale zilei de luni, era un iaht premiat deținut de o companie controlată de soția magnatului tehnologiei Mike Lynch. Laura Bundock de la Sky evaluează de ce s-ar fi putut scufunda. #skynews #uk #italy ABONAȚI-vă la canalul nostru de YouTube pentru mai multe videoclipuri: Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: Like-ne pe Facebook: https://www. Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: Urmărește-ne pe TikTok: Pentru mai mult conținut, accesează http://news. și descărcați aplicațiile noastre: Apple Android Podcastul Sky News Daily este disponibil gratuit aici: Videoclipurile Sky News sunt acum disponibile în spaniolă aici/Los video de Sky News están disponibles en español aquí : Pentru a solicita informații despre licențierea conținutului Sky News, puteți găsi mai multe informații aici:
De ce s-a scufundat superyacht-ul Bayesian?

28 thoughts on “De ce s-a scufundat superyacht-ul Bayesian?”
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probably the entrance arch to the ship was open, and water flowed into the ship. This ship was unsinkable. After a large heel, the ship returned to a vertical position. such a construction. Probably.
appropriately be with the tragedy of the sunken ship Theros Adventures, about 6 weeks ago. While renovating the ship, the captain cut off the original conning tower, which was the entrance to the ship, and built a cover against rain and wind instead. probable.
It's good to see that English / Australian news anchors do not have to emaciate themselves to be competitive and get a job. Seems like a great lady here.
Centerboard was up so it flipped over and sank.
The reason it sunk is because .. it leaked water ..had a hole in it….aka it flooded…wind caught huge mast tipped it backward…flooded with water n…sank ….but why did it ? It filled with water
I wonder if Trump had something to do with the sinking?? We need have him investigated
This just in: Oceans & wind laugh at anything man makes. What hubris to think other wise?
That mast and the yatch, nothing more than a penis extension.
Target rich opportunity?
Why was the yacht designed with recessed stairs on the side decks which often go under water when sailing hard or other conditions?
Unlikely retracting the sails would have saved it if a tornado landed on it directly
Money does not buy brains. Keel and ridiculous mast equals the inevitable faupax.
James Bond risponderebbe:: Missione compiuta.
The whole boat shouts only one word: Hybris!!
It sank because it filled up with water.
colleges today are turning out well educated….
We have a bunch of expensive tossers running our country . Dump the lot of them.
Was it Israels fault?
The increase of insanity
A STAGGERING boat of titanic proportions that can accommodate…checks the paper…. 22 people…including a full crew.
Who cares
easy. It was targeted by the deep state.
i suspect portholes left open and storm waves made it capsiz
Should have traded it in for a 170 Boston Whaler Montauk.
I can't say for sure why it sank.
Answer is simple:
Superyacht was made in China.
It sank because it was carrying a two tons of gold and silver bullion that were headed to a Swiss bank, so that an unnamed tycoon could avoid paying taxes on his ill-gotten gains. Happens all the time, but the tornado messed up the plan.