„Un iaht cu vele de 56 de metri ca acesta fiind doborât în acest mod este complet nemaiauzit.” Aceste iahturi sunt construite la „cele mai înalte standarde de siguranță” și pot fi scufundate doar de „o inundație uriașă de apă”, spune partenerul senior la Burgess Richard Lambert. Ascultă Times Radio – https://www.thetimes.co.uk/radio
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Scufundarea iahtului de lux al lui Mike Lynch nu ar fi trebuit să se întâmple | Richard Lambert

23 thoughts on “Scufundarea iahtului de lux al lui Mike Lynch nu ar fi trebuit să se întâmple | Richard Lambert”
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The keel is retractable, 75 m mast and it just toppled over!
Human error is the most likely reason, like leaving some hatches open which would let a lot of water in when hit suddenly by high waves. At the moment Italian authorities seem to opt for this cause. There were other boats near it and nothing serious happened to them. Actually the Dutch captain of another yacht nearby went to their rescue without any particular problems. Further investigation will clarify what caused this disaster but for the time being not much can be said.
Why was it only his ship. It’s very strange. Thus needs to be investigated more closely.
one incident on its own is'nt odd i.e his co-defendant is hit by a car and killed but when the yacht he's on that deemed unsinkable ends up at the bottom of the sea any person would think that perhaps its something more than just a coincidence yes there was a storm but was this storm that occured under cover of darkness i.e night when very few people would be around an not during daylight hours when more people would be present being used as a cover for more sinister goings on??????????????????
Year of the reckoning
are there witnesses to the storm since storms on instrumentation could be hacked by high tech individuals, considering he is a tech tycoon, and the recent acquittal…Will there be a proper investigation to see if there is sabotage?
The man stole billions of the American taxpayer. People are dying in Ukraine Israel and Palestine. You’re worried about this. Unbelievable ignorance
The reason why this superyacht sunk. It has a hydraulic lifting keel in the up position hence lifting the Centre of Gravity. With the heat of the day, hatches were open and the mast was one of the highest. The side winds blew it over its marginal stability , and water entered the hatches. The morale of the story is, be careful how much one lifts the centre of gravity of a boat in a storm. I come from a boat building family and through my life I found that many people do not chose the right boat, and their money blinds them to chose the superficial stupidities that result in lack of safety.. The old fishing whole keel boats as that of the blue nose and closed hatches were the best one could get.
Looks like a revenge from God or someone’ who was not happy he win the case maybe he was guilty! just speculation!!
The yacht had an aluminum mast, much heavier than carbon fiber which is usually used in large sailing yachts. Just as important, she had a retractable keel which could raised as she was only a short distance offshore. With the extremely heavy mast and the keel raised she would have lost considerable stability.
Well, it did.
The conspracy nuts are out in force
A retractable keel means the boat may have only had a twelve foot keel instead of a 30 ft keel.
A boarding /swimming platform in the side of the hull extended and open?
2:10 tells you everything you need to know
Every day thousands of people who can't even swim cross safely the Mediterranean on inflatable rubber dinghies on every kind of weather, while a super technological super quality yacht manned by the best crew money can buy sinks because of a storm just outside a harbor? Am I expected to believe this?
This yacht had a retractable keel.
If it was retracted this would have made the ship unstable instead of making it stable.
World's tallest mast and those crazy winds. Not strange it happened. Almost happened me on a normal sailing cruiser with a normal mast.
It tipped over too far in the typhoon and all the water came in. Perhaps if the windows and doors were shut it would have been ok, It is summer, it is hot and my guess is doors and windows were open.
A yacht sinks in a storm. Never happened before. Completely unheard of!
This tragedy will make for a compelling episode of the TV show "Seconds from Disaster"
The flag was the Netherlands or Luxembourg, not the UK.