La o zi după ce un superyacht a fost scufundat în largul Siciliei, autoritățile locale au confirmat identitățile celor șase pasageri care au rămas dispăruți, printre care mogulul tehnologiei Mike Lynch și fiica sa Hannah. În timp ce cei șase pasageri sunt încă dispăruți, cadavrul bucătarului navei, identificat de Antiguan News Room drept cetățeanul din Antiguan Ricardo Thomas, a fost scos anterior din apă. Povestea completă: #mikelynch #missing #enews Abonați-vă: http:// Despre E! Știri: E! Echipa de știri vă oferă cele mai recente știri din divertisment, modă și cultură pop. Cu segmente exclusive, momente importante ale celebrităților, rapoarte despre tendințe și multe altele, E! Canalul de știri este singura destinație de care fanii Culturii Pop trebuie să fie la curent. Descărcați E! Aplicația de știri pentru cele mai recente știri despre celebrități și videoclipuri în tendințe: Emisiunile, filmele și multe altele preferate sunt aici. Transmite acum pe Peacock. Conectează-te cu E! Știri: Vizitați E! SITE WEB de știri: Like E! Știri pe FACEBOOK: Consultați E! Știri pe INSTAGRAM: Urmărește E! Știri pe TWITTER: Shop E! Alegeri de pe Amazon: Scufundarea iahtului din Sicilia: identitățile dezvăluite ale persoanelor dispărute după o furtună violentă | E! Știri
Scufundarea iahtului din Sicilia: identitățile dezvăluite ale persoanelor dispărute după o furtună violentă | E! Ştiri
23 thoughts on “Scufundarea iahtului din Sicilia: identitățile dezvăluite ale persoanelor dispărute după o furtună violentă | E! Ştiri”
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Confusing and mispronunciations.
Epstein island
They went to Galts Gulch in a submarine, maybe…not.
This the Queens Gambit, right now Mike Lynch's son is stranded on an island to become the green arrow and revenge his fathers murder from a rival billionaire.
Not an accidental accident for sure.
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers 🙏
Sounds like a drug deal gone wrong
Boats dont sink at anchor…. something odd about this
Shalom, we should always pray continuously.
Always glorify & praise the Lord Jesus
Christ. For world peace. Miracle will happen
soon. They will be converted soon.
3 Kings 19(DRB)
19:17. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall escape the sword of Hazael, shall be slain by Jehu: and whosoever shall escape the sword of Jehu, shall be slain by Eliseus.
Shall be slain by Eliseus… Eliseus did not kill any of the idolaters with the material sword: but he is here joined with Hazael and Jehu, the great instruments of God in punishing the idolatry of Israel, because he foretold to the former his exaltation to the kingdom of Syria, and the vengeance he would execute against Israel, and anointed the latter by one of his disciples to be king of Israel, with commission to extirpate the house of Achab.
Very very sad.
We encountered rough seas while sailing at night in the Adriatic. Never underestimate the power of these waters! Condolences to the families.🙏🥲🩷
I mean it was an accident but I don't know that it was a tragedy to anybody much more than their immediate families it definitely was a tragedy for those people and I hope they're okay but calling this a tragedy otherwise when we don't do the same for entire boats of migrants that have capsized is really tone deaf of y'all
Super yacht sunk, small boats are rescued ??🙉
What an awful way to go. Trapped at the bottom of the sea😬, it almost happened to me once. Haven’t been on a boat since, I don’t fly anymore either, we were meant for land.
Death doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor
Something seems very odd about this. It wouldn’t be as big of a mystery to me if the guys co-defendant had not just been killed being hit by a car. These two men had just been acquitted of charges of fraud that had been going on for 13 years !! Now they are both dead ?? That’s just odd to me
I was day before in sicily and wondered this boot and now is the Jacht on the Bottom of the sea 😢
Don’t care
Wow, a lot of important people died 🙁 , how horrible .
Sounds like a Clinton job