Două cadavre găsite în iahtul scufundat din Sicilia | BBC News

Două cadavre găsite în iahtul scufundat din Sicilia | BBC News

Două cadavre au fost găsite în interiorul iahtului scufundat în largul coastei Siciliei. Scafandrii au încercat să acceseze barca – care se află la aproximativ 50 m (165 ft) sub suprafață – de luni dimineață. Șase persoane sunt încă dispărute, inclusiv omul de afaceri Mike Lynch, fiica sa Hannah, concetățenii britanici Jonathan și Judy Bloomer și doi cetățeni americani, Chris Morvillo și soția sa Neda Morvillo. Abonați-vă aici: Pentru mai multe știri, analize și caracteristici, vizitați: #Sicily #BBCNews


25 thoughts on “Două cadavre găsite în iahtul scufundat din Sicilia | BBC News

  1. They were out celebrating stealing billions of the American taxpayers. People are dying in Ukraine Israel and Palestine and you report about people stealing billions

  2. Reminder To Self: Don't buy a Yacht. Gosh, I feel safe already, knowing I never bought a Yacht. I do like listening to Yacht Rock Radio on Sirius XM, though!

  3. So many idiotic comments about their wealth. For generations, millions of people have never worked or contributed to soceity in the uk. At least these rich people help create wealth and jobs .

  4. Bed in dead body beside.

    I know that about two bodies found or before that then I go bed like that. It is comfessional booth topics now. before she one of that.

  5. C3-PO?

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    there have most ugly and left girl at all. something made gay eat that ever. then…gay can be too friendly me…like child. What I say? I havana syndrome by the child at all. But too much child have authority like that. I catch image in my head beyond that. My out put can be…perhaps monitor still before I have something projector status. In that way, why camera is there? and why human being in front of that? like a…obstacle. did you think about that? In that way…whilst eat a kind of china food serviec, why chinamianland or toward afirca is that blind? from here. It was not hostage which need internet beyond US army. likewise, Russia also…which made too much beauty. I DVD region code matter of since 1997…that same Russia with Africa.

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