Corpul magnatului tehnologic din Marea Britanie Mike Lynch sa recuperat de pe iahtul din Sicilia | BBC News

Corpul magnatului tehnologic din Marea Britanie Mike Lynch sa recuperat de pe iahtul din Sicilia | BBC News

Trupul antreprenorului britanic de tehnologie Mike Lynch a fost recuperat de pe iahtul bayesian de pe coasta Siciliei, a declarat o sursă apropiată familiei. Căutările continuă pentru o persoană care este încă dispărută – se crede că este fiica lui Mike, Hannah, în vârstă de 18 ani. Cinci cadavre au fost aduse la mal, dar nu au fost identificate oficial. Abonați-vă aici: Pentru mai multe știri, analize și caracteristici, vizitați: #Sicily #BBCNews


33 thoughts on “Corpul magnatului tehnologic din Marea Britanie Mike Lynch sa recuperat de pe iahtul din Sicilia | BBC News

  1. I’ve worked in the yachting industry all my life , my parents as well , a lot of my friends personally knew the chef on that boat . There are many thousands of people in this industry and you can be sure that it has affected them . However the plight of all the immigrants losing their lives daily , not just at sea but in desserts , victims of murder by the coyotes, captains throwing stowaways over the side , is obviously a terrible daily tragedy, but it’s old copy and the media are making the most of what could be considered one of the still unexplained freak accidents to have happened to a yacht .

  2. Believe in Allah and his prophet

    We seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
    In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful

    Indeed, with Allah is knowledge of the Hour, and He will send down rain, and He knows what is in the wombs. No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. Indeed, it is Allah He is All-Knowing, All-Aware
    Quoran 31-(34)

  3. May our comforting Heavenly Father console the grieving families.
    Lost too soon so very tragically someone who had so much to contribute to country and society. RIP the departed souls.

  4. I’m a bit fed up with the media telling me who I should care about. Rich tycoon dies, he gets a name, the other people on board said small boat get names. Poor, vulnerable wretches who die trying to find better futures in small boats get demonised, and no names for them. Forty thousand plus people get killed in Gaza, and those who care about them get labelled extremists, and those who protest on their behalf get jailed. Again, no names for the babies and kids, the women and innocent citizens killed. If I believed in hell, there would be an awful lot of politicians rotting there right now.

  5. life is fleeting, life is short, no matter who you are, you going to end up dust, as the Bible says. Learning curb: never overstock so much money, give donations to science, technology, medicine to come up to fight cancer, help the poor and saving the mother-earth from pollutants humans, and greatest of all love God, second love fellow beings, turn to Jesus, to which He said, you will be rewarded in Heaven.

  6. Good lord. He was already bloated. I’m more saddened for the families not related to the crook, the lawyer and the banker and for reference, a good majority of historic tragedies and atrocities continue today because of the perverse over abundance of entitled, parasitic, greedy, gluttonous, power hungry men whose culture revolves around exploiting and pillaging every facet of life so they can buy the biggest yacht with the biggest mast and the biggest house to impress other greedy, gluttonous, power hungry parasitic men.
    Achieving power and control is fine until you become a full out psychopath.
    What is the threshold tho. The point of no return.
    Where your better off dead than alive

  7. Almighty Allah bestowed on Mike Lynch intelligence, knowledge, wisdom and rank , pray Lynch’s soul will have very higher rank in Heavens too . My heart goes to the bereaved families 😢

  8. No doubt this man was murdered by government the question is was it the US government or his own government but no one can deny that this man was murdered you don't beat corrupt tyrannical government in court and think you can get away with if they want your money your technology or your company they will take it they don't care if they have to erase you or how many other people they have to erase in the process and they don't care if they get caught because they can and do get away with it all the time but there is no doubt in my mind this man was murdered and government was absolutely behind it

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