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Navigare în Irlanda de Nord – Zi vânt – Heaving-to – Ep. 353

15 thoughts on “Navigare în Irlanda de Nord – Zi vânt – Heaving-to – Ep. 353”
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Good you got out, although it didn’t look like you enjoyed it. Good exercise though. We’ve had most of our plans scuppered this last few weeks, hoping weather will calm in September
It's great to get out. Bev you were working hard from all the puffing and panting
Cracking good sail, great to see you both on action again. Best
Quite the workout there ladies. In the end how did you manage to get the reef in?
I used to sail a Fireball. Windy spinny reaches are great fun on a trapeze.
Keelboats don't plane but are fun to sail in a breeze provided the loose kit down below is well stowed, and the crew are trained.
Over steering on the helm is something I have to bite my tongue on if someone else is doing the steering. Aaarrrghhh in my head the helm isn't on the wind when beating, or is pinching. Practice…
Would it not be easier to reef head to wind?
I step off John docks
Your base skills exceed mine, I don’t dock yet
Do you have a manual windx as well as electrical one . Cracked me up as usual. Great video ! Never heard the term opposing the turn.
That was some nice sailing, the rust will wear off soon enough.
Sailing along wearing lots of kit to keep warm even in the summer here. As soon as I start winching and working the boat I tend to overheat and start stripping off.
Excellent! Great work out video Bev!
Is good to see you both back in the water!
May I ask why you hove to to reef? Normally one just eases the main and head sail.
Good to see you two back on the water.
Pit some " Baggywrincle teased out rope on the shrouds, this will give you a wind direction indication" .
Well done ladies, great to see you out on the water