#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats Link către videoclipul YouTube în care Bayesianul are catargul scos și un comentariu de la Chris Freer dedesubt https://youtu.be/OqAS-eCM9B0?si=KnhdrBfhlSeGvtPD CEA MAI BUNĂ muzică vine din… Epidemic Sound | Pentru o încercare gratuită de 30 de zile https://shorturl.at/gxP59 De unde le luăm pe ale noastre! Abonați-vă la canalul nostru Podacast @yachtreportpodcast https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/theyachtreport 00:00 CEO-ul constructorului de iahturi dă vina pe echipaj pentru scufundare 05:46 Vorbim cu fostul inginer care a lucrat la acest tip de iaht 08: 34 Declarație critică față de iahturile masive construite de Chris Freer, designer de iahturi timp de 50 de ani 14:21 Practică normală pentru echipajul de iaht pentru a face acest lucru… Alăturați-vă Clubului eSysman Superyacht de pe Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/esysman Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alăturați-vă aici! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuvvrj1tZ5oFYMRrFXhwFw Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1dJufuBCnn0H8h_PEJoDQ Aboneaza-te acum! https://youtube.com/esysmansuperyachts Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – http://instagram.com/esysman_superyachts Twitter – https://twitter.com/eSysman Facebook – www.facebook.com/eSysman NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați informații din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/arptj5/
Producătorul de iahturi dă vina pe echipaj pentru scufundare | Declarație critică a designerului de iahturi | SY News Ep374

40 thoughts on “Producătorul de iahturi dă vina pe echipaj pentru scufundare | Declarație critică a designerului de iahturi | SY News Ep374”
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Considering what happened, perhaps Frequentist would have been a better name than Bayesian…
I sure the divers know what door are open and if the keel is retracted. We need some
Truthful information. I guess some day we will find out.
i wonder if the packing seal blew
if the bilge alarm was broken they may not have known until it was too late.
Great video. Given that the statement was probably made to position the company for a potential lawsuit, either from the Italian government or the families of the victim's. I find his comments irresponsible to blame the crew without any facts , also who in their right mind would think that claiming the ship is unsinkable?
The biggest clue as to what happened is finding 5 of the adults in one room and the one child in a complete different section. Instincts would compelled the someone to try to reach the child. Since that didn't happen, it can be assumed that the five were forced into that room probably by current. Water must have been rushing in with extreme force. This suggest an open hatch or doorway or something broke to allow the water in. More importantly this suggest whatever happened did so quickly which means the crew had very little time to react. The shore footage shows a ship weathering the storm with little affect. So basically, everything was working fine until it wasn't.
With my limited knowledge I'm betting on keel up and heeled over enough to let water come in through open hatches or air ducts for the generators and engines. Either way, a boat that size sinking so quickly is just baffling, and I'm keen to know what actually happened. I love this channel and watched it grow substantially since your reporting on seized yachts at the beginning of the Ukraine invasion.
Oh, for crying out loud! Really, when haven’t manufacturers blamed users for their bad design and manufacturing? If the company is found to be liable, the lawsuits will possibly end them.
16:47 There are some German two seat convertibles that were designed well over a decade ago, that have onboard electronics that fire explosive charges to extend roll bars up above the seat headrests, if the vehicle is moving at speed and it rolls beyond the point if recovery.
So there are no visible roll bars, until the instant they are needed.
Perhaps it is time to consider automating those hull doors. Either adding "air locks" or programming automatic closure modes, i.e. secure and dog after ten minutes without use, or sensing no toys or crew are in the area.
Or perhaps something as simple as "locking" all critical openings closed, except for brief emergency egress time, if more than two are already open?
Surely, we can do better than leaving huge holes in the hull.
Laying on stb side
The port side door
The lazzarette hatch and the main cabin sliding doors
And the keel
should all be easily visible to divers..
As was also reported the state of the mast – intact
Would seem these easily observable issues would be promptly investigated and reported
Wold reveal
And firmly resolve many speculations
Fascinating stuff, well presented thank you. I am shocked to hear about the righting angle of these boats; I would expect a boat to self right from 180 inversion. I don't think that the glass doors can have been the sole point of ingress. They appear to be on the centreline, and the centreline should not be flooded until the boat is well past 90 degrees. Angela Bacares, who survived, stated that she had to walk over broken glass to get off the boat, because "all the windows had broken". Now, if all the windows had indeed broken and then the boat was knocked down flat, its no wonder that it sank. How did the windows get broken? Falling spars? Massive detensioning of the rig? And one more point. The lady who said that she was swept overboard with her baby said that she had been asleep on deck when it happened. This leads me to think that the event came absolutely out of the blue.
So you have a dumb owner who hired stupid crew, not a big shocker there in all honesty. I'm sure this will piss off plenty of people but the truth of the matter is just what I said, hardly anyone today thinks about their actions or pays much attention to what they are doing. Carelessness has never been at a bigger high and it doesn't matter if you are a billionaire down to a crew member, nobody pays attention anymore which is why we have sinking yachts and planes falling out of the skies or their doors flying off, ships crashing into bridges, the list goes on and on.
Just another mention for the divers that recovered the bodies – diving at 50m on a recently sunken yacht with rope/cushions deckhead linings, materesses floating around in the dark by torchlight with no clear surface and everything trying to entrap you whilst trying to get a heavy dead body out of a ship was a really difficult thing to do.
If she really did have a point of vanishing stability of around 66 degrees with the keel up whilst sill having her big rig that might explain what happened, it's notable to me that her mast height is taller than the depth of water – therefore she could not have completely capsized even if she would otherwise have done so, the mast would hit the bottom and the vessel would then settle on the bottom on her side (if the mast did not break).
This video went along way to answering my main questions about this. I only have experience with smaller sail boats and it was hard for me to imagine what might have caused this beyond something like a broken keel. Alas there was a lot of stuff on that boat that my middle class ideas of what a sail boat is could not imagine. Thank you. I will now be much better prepared when I buy a super yacht.
HAARP can be used to manipulate and pinpoint weather systems from an iPhone.
How much water came in to instantly sink the boat, it might be SOP to close the lazaret door, but it’s possible the stern door was open while some of the crew were busy stowing away equipment when the storm hit, it had to be a huge volume of water to take down a two hundred foot boat instantaneously, not blaming the crew for being negligent, but in a rush to secure equipment it came on them unexpectedly, condolences to anyone who lost someone!
Good video.
How can we say the crew had little chance to predict or prepare? They have radar, storm data, warning data.. They were probably asleep or drunk.
Mast was struck by lightning, blew holes in the hull, flooding starts, wind causes list, water “sloshes” amplifies the sist it goes over ect……. IMHO please offer thoughts
Blaming the crew? After watching the first 5 minutes of this I blame the designer! Putting opening waterline doors in the hull of a sailing yacht and such large heavy doors in the interior as well, is designing in potential disaster only awaiting the unexpected rough conditions for disaster to actually occur as it did in this case.
Its an SOP, but did they do it? Did they close the doors? Kind of like the Greek ferry that left the bow cargo doors open and plowed across the med taking on water. Oversight.
Great update, thanks for your analysis on this terrible event. That Chris Freer summary is excellent and the most probable expert statement we’ve seen yet.
Good analysis. Captain since 1975 here.
Why do we keep guessing? What does the crew have to say? Where are the interviews?!?!
did that enormous mast cause a pendulum like rocking that was noticed by previous crew members before this disaster? That is a lot of weight reaching 230 + feet.
Would this yacht have a manual for operating it from the manufacturer?
Even if there was an air pocket, could someone survive if the boat went down 165 feet?
First of all, my heart and prayers are with the victims of this tragic accident. Hopefully the family members and friends will find peace and answers in the days ahead. I'm not as knowledgeable about the yachting world as many of your viewers, but I have to question the veracity of the statement issued by Mr Costantino along with its supporting evidence. Obviously, I'm not privy to the wealth of information and evidence that supports his assertions but it doesn't sound like the voice of reason. Is he saying that the entire crew neglected to close any of the (possibly) opened doors in the middle of a storm? Or perhaps no one could tell that the yacht was heeling at least 73 degrees? I don't understand how a yacht can do everything he says without any problem and then sink from some (according to Costantino) crew-related and preventable cause. Chris Freer sounds very credible and refreshingly honest with his remarks. Great video with excellent information! Thank you.
Complacency happens.
With imminent adverse weather the keel would have been put down (IF) it had been up.
Come what may the fact is that no amount of safety could have prevented the accident because the people who were supposed to die had to die the way they have because the life and death is the hand Allah SWT(God). No amount of safety could have prevented the people from death sinking of the yacht is an excuse because they were destined to die as many others survived who were destined to live. Destiny matters a lot
Now to be included in all manuals to be sold together with yachts is the following scentence:
"In order for your new yacht not to sink whenever the yacht is within a body of water deeper than the yacht's hull, that is when the yacht is not standing on solid ground but actually floating, close all openings in the hull through which water can enter, whenever the openings are not needed for short moments of boarding."
It would be a harsh neglect to not tell this basic physical necessity to people clever enough to make the money to afford a yacht.
The footage from the cctv shows the yacht upright. But is there no footage at all of the yacht heeling ?
Yes I believe in Captain neglect and crew error
I am always interested in unprecedented events, and the learning that follows. Jeff Bezos and other oligarchs, be forewarned: even you have limits.
Thanks for the updates. I'm pretty much in agreement with Mr Constantino. I'm not a professional captain, but a quick look at my phone lets me know if there is a storm coming in the next 24 hours. Gives me plenty of time to store my sun terrace cushions, furniture, parasol etc and cover the bbq. We are hearing that the crew were attempting to do this at 4am DURING the storm! Unbelievable lack of foresight in the wake of the Ibiza devastation on the 14th where a 30m yacht was amongst the many casualties.
Easy to pay someone to do that and have divers ensure the right people never reach the surface. This whole thing is very suss.
The owner wanted only to show off for people. Bragging rights on a mast that was to tall and big for the boat was thier demise.