Regata preliminară Louis Vuitton – Barcelona | Ziua 1 – LIVE

Regata preliminară Louis Vuitton - Barcelona | Ziua 1 - LIVE

Ziua 1 a regatei preliminare Louis Vuitton din Barcelona. ABONAȚI-vă la canalul oficial al Cupei Americii: Apreciați Cupa Americii Pe Facebook: Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Twitter: https://www. Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Instagram: Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ al Cupei Americii: Cea de-a 37-a Cupă a Americii va fi să fie apărat la Barcelona de patru ori câștigător al Cupei Americii, Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron reprezentat de echipa lor, Emirates Team New Zealand. #AmericasCup #AC37 #Barcelona2024


49 thoughts on “Regata preliminară Louis Vuitton – Barcelona | Ziua 1 – LIVE

  1. It seems like the Director in the control room really enjoys using his switches, even if it’s of no practical value. Please get a professional !!

  2. My first boat was a p class. P 7. About 7 feet long. Planked. Nylon sail. Cost 10 pounds. Half from my mum, half from my paper round. Things have moved on. Sailed at Petone/Heretaunga Wellington . NZ

  3. I don't have suggestions for the audio feed, but it just doesn't work. I turned the volume right off and watched the visuals only..

  4. Best looking boats we've had since the high tech era began with cats. Just amazing looking, every one. Patriot is my favorite but they all look incredible.

  5. I"m guessing all these comments were made by people in countries other than the U.S. because yesterday, after months of being told the 37th AC would be available to watch live for free on the America's Cup channel on YouTube, all I was able to see was a little pre-race activity, then a message on the screen read, "to watch live go to link in comments". While I was trying to figure out what that meant and the race was actually starting (good timing!) the video feed was cut and a message across the blank screen read, "this video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by LDS Sports". LDS stands for Latter Day Saints. I looked at the comments and every other comment was a link. That link offered a private site to watch the AC racing for $20 so I assumed someone hacked into YouTube. Today when I went to AC's YouTube channel the video was still unavailable without an explanation but by the afternoon and until 2pm there was a picture of AC racing and in big letters it said "Only on ESPN+ Streaming live in the United States".

  6. Thank you four posting the duck'y race's 😊 where in action twenty four seven ourselve's ❤️ ash'ent'm ☮️ remember kid's, Our walk the plank game only requires an invite. The splash is always Free, no string's attached 🌍 always on the house 🐳
    Yes, Violet's house! 💚

  7. These announcers are terrible, find another audio engineer this guy has no clue what he’s doing. And yes I’ve done audio mixing for 30 years.

  8. Audio is much better than the live stream but still weak. I get blasted at commercials that are at a "normal" audio level. And at the start I really dont feel like I saw much of the action of the pre-start, your not showing us the "dance". So far I am very disappointed in the coverage, hoping this is just practice for the AV guys and they can improve.

  9. I clicked on this video hoping to see boats sailing. These aren’t boats. This isn’t sailing. And where are the sailors? Hiding below deck with just the tops of their helmets poking out. Bring back the 12 metres. Those were real boats with real sailors, not like this contrived sci-fi video game aberration.

  10. Audio is complete shite! Why must the commentators fight with the comms in other languages! I turned the audio off.

  11. Leave the audio as it is – perfect balance of both boats and the commentators not to mention the sounds the boats are making.😊

  12. HORROROSO!!!

    Hola… aquí la "novedad" es usar las alas invertidas para crear la sustentación pero el que debe tener 4 hombres dando vueltas manivelas y/o pedaleando estropeo todo el sentido de un yate.

    Con la fuerza del viento se debería mover todo tipo de sistemas, efectivamente y así alimentar la necesidad de los sistemas hidráulicos, eléctrico, baterías y otros del yate.

    Con esto se cayeron muy feo los diseñadores o los organizadores, les falto sentido común, fundamente de la navegación (usar la fuerza del vento no la de los hombres), etc.

    Espero que para el año siguiente se avanza racionalmente en este tema para que la competencia sea de navegantes únicamente y no de ciclistas 50% de la tripulación dedicados al pedaleo. Saludos!

  13. The audio from the boats is horrendous. Please just give us commentary about the race. It is so distracting to hear the boats in the background. Let the announcers interpret it for us.

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