Reluare completă a cursei de la Louis Vuitton Preliminary Regatta ABONAȚI-vă la canalul oficial al Cupei Americii: Like America’s Cup Pe Facebook: Urmărește America’s Cup Pe Twitter: Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Instagram: Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ al Cupei Americii: /ro/newsletter Cea de-a 37-a Cupă a Americii va fi susținută la Barcelona de patru ori câștigător al Cupei Americii, Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, reprezentată de echipa lor, Emirates Team New Zealand. #AmericasCup #AC37 #Barcelona2024
Emirates Team New Zealand vs. NYYC American Magic – Cursa completă 25.08.2024

31 thoughts on “Emirates Team New Zealand vs. NYYC American Magic – Cursa completă 25.08.2024”
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wow. It's good ETNZ to have something to remind them to keep the pressure on. Convincing win here after the 5:00 mark of this race. 3:50 you can see things shifting left
Yet again. Lose the first cross lose the race. Booooooring.
Great! to see ETNZ being tested. NZL has lost a few ACs to USA, so I suspect this would’ve had the blood pumping for both teams & their supporters.
Are there any Americans on the American boats?.
Team NZ Tactics mate, no need to worry, the Yanks think they have it, How wrong are they. This is NEW ZEALAND, we don't stand for any crap, we just play along and then step in
AM seems to have best speed off the line. Slingsby and Goodison are world class, and the yacht looks elegant. Think theyre the team to beat in light conditions and prestarts.
Yay,some competition at last, that's better, way to go American magic
Looks like we have a worthy competitor. Nice day at the office for American Magic – well done. But a race is not a regatta…
AM looks a knot faster
Prada and Magic the 2 fastest boats. If they get their boat handling and starts sorted they will be hard to beat.
Wow that American boat looks amazing. The deck is one slim line flat deck.
Congrats A.M. Well sailed and deserved
As a New Zealander, I sincerely hope we lose this bloody cup and never win it again. We hold it, but Spain gets the benefit of hosting it. Took all that taxpayers' money just to dump on us
I'm flummoxed by the commentators at times – are they looking at different numbers and pictures to what's shown to us? Are they biased? For instance, right off the start we're told, "NZ so confident in their speed" and "made a beautiful start" and "already we can see, slightly faster" – but their VMG (helpfully displayed in easy-to-read large font, great for "whatever size screen you're watching on!" for the first 40 seconds has been way lower (due to an extra tack) and they're already 40m behind.
Late in the race NZ's coach is asked what he makes of the race "we obviously made an error in the prestart" and "made it an easy jump for the Americans" and "straight away we were a tack down" – glad to hear some sense!
This is boring stuff – mess up the start and the race is over.
The female commentator does not like Americans…
NZ is considerably longer than AM. Did the Kiwis forget that LWL is no longer a factor for speed?
We, America have a fast boat. We are the first team to beat the CUP holders
looked like outteridge let them win the preferred side. hmmmm.
One thing that i think may be a real fizzer with this America's Cup is the constant "This is the race committee. Course has been shortened xyx nautical miles…. the race has been shortened to 5 legs. What if we get a barn burner of a tacking/jibing race wirh some on the limit, light winds where staying on the foils is real hard work. The 'Committee' will just keep shortening the race to fit into the farkin TV time box. This will ruin it for me. These boats and the races, l believe, are by far the best when winds are right at the bottom of range and right at the top. Otherwise its quite processional, and I'm a huge fan. Si, Christchurch, NZ.
Team NZ brought down to earth big time. Huge defeat. I predict American Magic is a huge contender above Luna Rossa.
bring back 12m's much better racing
Good job American Magic. You didn’t spontaneously combust this time.
Beautiful race even listening to the biased announcers. What an ass kicking. Poor old kiwi's say goodbye to the cup as its going back to where it belongs at the NY Yacht club
thwere probably sandbagging…
Such a shame how anti-American the coverage and commentary is.
With all the races so far you win the start you win the race, boring.
NZ and Italy had a race with NZ leading and Italy challenged them on leg 5 the closest I've come to seeing a challenging race.
Team nz is like the all blacks. Lose and im flipping my keyboard
Martinez Jeffrey Martin Robert Young Matthew
The Americans better win. Hopefully they will scrap these boring monstrosities.
Congrats USA!