Bunny Mellon: cea mai bună soție „bani vechi”.

Bunny Mellon: cea mai bună soție „bani vechi”.

Viața lui Bunny Mellon a fost o clasă de master în lux, de la moșia ei întinsă din Virginia, Oak Spring Farm, până la uimitoarea ei colecție de bijuterii. Cu toate acestea, în ciuda bogăției sale, ea era faimoasă privată, cunoscută mai mult pentru contribuțiile ei la artă și grădinărit decât pentru evenimentele înaltei societăți. –––––- Christina Onassis: Moștenitoarea de 1,3 miliarde de dolari care nu și-a putut găsi fericirea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBUcCx-HYJM – ––––- The Final Vanderbilt: The Tragic Life and Times of Gloria Vanderbilt: The Final Vanderbilt: The Tragic Life and Times of Gloria Vanderbilt –––– 13 :31 Capitolul 5: Viața ulterioară –––––- Imaginează-ți că îți iei o vacanță la Washington DC pentru a-și explora muzeele emblematice, inclusiv Galeria Națională de Artă, o bijuterie neoclasică plină de picturi impresioniste vibrante și sculpturi moderniste îndrăznețe. Pe măsură ce vă plimbați prin galerii, s-ar putea să vă dați seama că arta din jurul vostru este cufundată în moștenirea lui Rachel „Bunny” Mellon. Născut în averea Listerine și mai târziu căsătorit într-una dintre cele mai bogate familii bancare din America, Bunny Mellon a influențat liniștit, dar profund, moștenirea culturală americană. Episodul de astăzi se adâncește în povestea ei, nu doar ca moștenitoare, ci și ca curator al artei și horticulturii moștenite. Una dintre cele mai celebre realizări ale ei a fost reproiectarea grădinii de trandafiri a Casei Albe în timpul administrației Kennedy. Viața ei, însă, nu a fost lipsită de provocări, inclusiv o primă căsătorie tulbure și moartea tragică a fiicei ei. A doua căsătorie cu Paul Mellon, un colectionar de artă și filantrop, a marcat un punct de cotitură, ducând la un parteneriat care a lăsat o amprentă de neșters în lumea artei. Împreună, au adunat o colecție de artă extraordinară, au îmbogățit Galeria Națională de Artă și au înființat Centrul Yale pentru Artă Britanică. Dragostea lui Bunny pentru horticultură a strălucit și ea, în special în munca ei pe terenul Casei Albe și în diferite peisaje semnificative. În ciuda durerilor personale și a controverselor, cum ar fi implicarea ei în scandalul campaniei lui John Edwards, Bunny a rămas dedicată pasiunilor ei. În ultimii ei ani, ea a scos la licitație o mare parte din colecția ei de artă, direcționând veniturile către filantropie. Chiar dacă sănătatea ei a scăzut, ea a continuat să se angajeze cu grădinile ei până la moartea ei, la vârsta de 103 ani, în 2014. Viața lui Bunny Mellon, marcată de lux, influență și filantropie liniștită, continuă să inspire admirație și curiozitate. Erați la curent cu povestea și influența lui Bunny Mellon?


29 thoughts on “Bunny Mellon: cea mai bună soție „bani vechi”.

  1. The Rose Garden she and Jacqueline Kennedy created in the White House, the very one Melania Trump replaced with… nothing but sadness.

  2. Yes, on a trip to Bleumont, Virginia, from California, I had the pleasure of getting a personal tour of their Virginia farm back in 1988 by their farm manager, who was friends with General Raymond Latimer, father of my friend , Ted Latimer. Ted's mother, Geraldine, breeded thoroughbred horses. They used some of Paul Melons' stallions.
    The Latimers were members of the episcopal church, which Mrs Melon was instrumental in and attended.i remember we saw Mr Melon out taking a walk on the farm. I have been a fan of Mrs Melon for decades. Cyndi Lee Davis

  3. I don't care how "Old" someone's money might be, it could be lost, every dime of it, in a split second. HRH Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, was penniless and unbothered by it. What she did have was a bloodline that allowed her to brutally put Princess Margaret in her place. The Duchess told Margaret to learn her place and to NEVER assume familiarity when speaking to her. Princess Marina was the daughter of Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna of Russia. Even Her Majesty The Queen knew Marina outranked her perhaps not in rank but by birth/ancestry.

  4. I moved to Alexandria, VA in 1987, my first museum was NGA. I have been enriched in every way by the generosity of The Mellon Family. I knew about Andrew and Paul Mellon but not Bunny. It was eye opening. Thank you.

  5. Nice video. Thank You.

    Just one thing and I say with all good intentions. At 7:22 we see a young women receiving a medical procedure. It is not needed or fits the video. The was narrative was sufficient.

  6. And to think that Melania had the Rose Garden that Bunny Mellon designed with Jackie Kennedy and the East Garden which Bunny Mellon designed with Lady Bird Johnson all chopped down and pulled out; only to be replaced with … nothing impressive at all. A very sad loss for the American peaople who actually owned those beautiful historic gardens.

  7. I had heard of Paul Mellon but not Bunny. She sounds like she was an extraordinary lady who didn’t fritter away her education or money. She solidly invested in her family, education and the education of others, her many real estate, art and equestrian sales and purchases and so many others! I know the Mellon Foundation is still active now and I’m sure her & her husband’s legacy will continue to help others for many years to come ❤

  8. Horrible that Melania Trump DEDTROYED Bunny Mellons White House Rose Garden during That Shameful hour years the Trump's Disgraced the White House.
    How Dare that Trump Wife if his PRESUME she knew anything about American Tradition and what That Rose Garden ,designed by Mrs Mellon at the request of Mrs.John F Kennedy meant to the American people. NO FIRST LADY BUT Lady Bird Johnson had dated to Touch one rose bush. Then Comes a person not born an American ,showing herself as some kind of expert on horticulture?and Destroys a legacy not only of the Years of "Camelot" but if Mrs Mellon's expert Design. I would hope as best as possible The White House Rose Garden be Restored to its Original Glory and what it exists as NOW by Mrs.Trumps, be wiped Clean Away. It is cold and Stark reminder if the one who destroyed the Tribute of Mrs Mellon at the request of Mrs John F.Kenndy.
    I Cryed when the pictures of Decades old Rose Bushes and care were ripped from the ground. As the daughter of a Horticulturist, and Young girl when it was being installed ,I took a great Interest in what a joy the White House Rose Garden would bring each time a Ceremony was given to honor a person or event in its Beauty and symbolism.
    I believe( not sure?) Dr Jill Biden planned to restore the Garden during her time as First Lady of The People's House . I hope progress was made to replace the Original Rose collection to the garden.
    The Mellon's and Lambert's Families were Quiet philanthropists and contributed To the National Enjoyments of the Arts by their contributions from their own Art Collection and ongoing recognition of Talented New artists and Sculptors of the 30th,/21 st century . The Art Museums they crested will last Generations for our Children and Great Grandchildren and beyond to enjoy ,Inspire and Benefit from.
    Thank You "Bunny"Mellon and your families for your Wonderful and Unselfish contribution to the Arts of America and zFrance.
    May you rest in Peace dear Talentd and Caring Lady

  9. I knew more of her husband, Paul, from the horse racing aspect. I remember when Sea Hero won the Kentucky Derby and I believe she was there with Paul. He had other great horses besides Sea Hero. He was a very prominent horse breeder and owner in the horse racing industry and Bunny was his wife. I read about what happened in later years with John Edwards and felt bad for her. I'm sure she knew nothing about what was going on. She had a wonderful life, with tragedy, but things could have always been worse.

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