Louis Vuitton [Extended] — Ep18 — Grant Dalton despre Sailing Adventures și America’s Cup

Louis Vuitton [Extended] — Ep18 — Grant Dalton despre Sailing Adventures și America's Cup

Louis Vuitton [Extended] — Podcastul: Episodul 18. În acest episod din Louis Vuitton [EXTENDED]—The Podcast, gazda Loïc Prigent se scufundă în lumea fascinantă a Cupei Americii alături de Grant Dalton, legendarul skipper și CEO al emblematicei curse de navigație. Schimbul lor se întinde pe zeci de ani de aventură, de la debutul autodidact în navigație al lui Dalton până la cea de-a 37-a ediție a Cupei Americii din 2024 și revenirea lui Louis Vuitton ca partener de titlu. Strâns împletită cu moștenirea Maison, conversația iluminatoare evidențiază istoria și valorile cursei de la începuturile ei din 1851, inclusiv evoluția dramatică a competiției alimentată de inovații tehnologice și durabile. #GrantDalton #LoicPrigent #LVExtended #louisvuittonparis DESPRE LOUIS VUITTON Din 1854, Louis Vuitton a plasat moda în contextul culturii, aducând modele unice în lume, combinând inovația cu stilul și calitatea fără compromisuri. Astăzi, Maison rămâne fidelă spiritului fondatorului său, Louis Vuitton, care a inventat o adevărată „Artă a călătoriei” prin bagaje, genți și accesorii pe cât de creative, pe atât de elegante și practice. Încă nu v-ați abonat la Louis Vuitton pe YouTube? ► http://on.louisvuitton.com/6053GTKUS CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU LOUIS VUITTON Descoperiți mai multe pe: http://on.louisvuitton.com/6054GTKUs X: http://on.louisvuitton.com/6002H2JY6 Facebook: http:// on.louisvuitton.com/6008H2JYw Instagram: http://on.louisvuitton.com/6008H2JY4


23 thoughts on “Louis Vuitton [Extended] — Ep18 — Grant Dalton despre Sailing Adventures și America’s Cup

  1. What a great man and spokesperson for New Zealand. I will not miss any race in support of how much hard work has been put in.thoroughly enjoyed this real interview with Grant,no issues any longer why the race left our shores for Barcelona

  2. He talks well.
    And a good leader and CEO.
    If I were to critique though… he can be a bit economical with the whole truth.
    Nothing he says is wrong – but it isn't the whole story either.
    For instance… Barcelona was also chosen – because that was where the money is (or at least enough, that he didn't have to try and do the big lift of attempting a middle east venue).
    As for diversity and environmentalism, that is really only important in so far as it – builds audience/engagement/money – pre-empts criticisms/obstruction – and gains political insurance/protection.
    But… that is how you get big projects done… so there is that…

  3. Very good interview from Grant Dalton, he deserves his CEO position. Nevertheless I want to share a different point of view that has been published in NZ press.and news. The main reason for the cup not to be in NZ is the unsuficient proposed funding from the NZ government and the Auckland council. The last AC cycle was a bit of an economic disaster for NZ as being during the pandemic not enough tourists reached NZ to justify the expense. Another reason is that other teams were making massive offers to the ETNZ team members and threatened to dismantle it. Keeping the talent together could not happen without raising team salaries.The economic requests were too much for NZ only and Grant Dalton initiated a search around the world to find a suitable high paying venue.

  4. Massive tooth ache! Very good! Thank you for the insight. I wish Grant and ETNZ all of the best. I have no issues either why the race left our shores for Barcelona

  5. 😊 Yes, we Kan listen to Dem all, 🕊️ non stop 🕊️ all Day 🌍 add the Angeles 🕊️ An'na circumnavigation becomes possible ❤ ash'ent'm ☮️ cheer's! 🐉 🐉 💨

  6. Lets get real here what is the carbon foot print of this show.. Sustainable the word is really connected at the hip to the less than spectacular not so great reset. And i'm f – – ked if I'm living in a 15 min city being jabbed with Bills poison and feed up with Farty great uncle Klaus's bugs not beef menu. This reset is not about sustainability it's about the continued power and wealth of the ruling elitist psychopath's. Yet knowing this I still find myself watching this racing. These boats / flying machines are amazing

  7. Oh dear Mr Dalton. It was never the "One Hundred Guinea Cup". It was the "One Hundred Pound Cup", always has been. Same error as the engraving on The Cup

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