Navigare pe coasta de est a Shetland | VIKING SHETLAND | Navigați prin Florența în jurul Marii Britanii – Ep.187

Navigare pe coasta de est a Shetland | VIKING SHETLAND | Navigați prin Florența în jurul Marii Britanii - Ep.187

Navigand prin cele mai nordice insule ale Marii Britanii gasim o barca lunga vikinga si ne apropiem de Vidra si Gannets pe o insula nelocuita. Pentru conținut suplimentar și actualizări în timp real, vizitați Navigam în jurul lumii de 8 ani după ce am plecat din Anglia în 2016 la bordul ambarcațiunii noastre de 37 de picioare Florence. Acum navigăm în jurul patriei noastre, Insulele Britanice, ca o croazieră shakedown pentru următoarea aventură. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce împărtășim culmile, minimele și provocările călătoriei în jurul lumii cu barca, navigând în larg peste Oceane și explorând locații îndepărtate cu propria noastră casă mică. #sailing #boatlife #boatlifestyle #sailingboat #poweredbymastervolt #RollyTaskerSails #circumnavigation #sailingyachtflorence #yachtlifestyle #syflorence #sailingaroundtheworld 00:00 – Introducere 01:20 – Navigare spre sud pe Coasta de Est a Shetland 14:29: – Rezervația naturală Insula Shetland 14:29: – 5 Shetsland – Navigare către Lerwick, Shetland 20:10 – Muzica următoare în ordinea redării: Dramă eroică – – Licensed Bounty Road – – Licențiat Floating Nordic Ambient – ​​ – Licensed Love Comes Quietly – – Licențiat Epic Moment – – Licențiat Inner Calm – – Licențiat The Shamrock Shuffle – – Licențiat


37 thoughts on “Navigare pe coasta de est a Shetland | VIKING SHETLAND | Navigați prin Florența în jurul Marii Britanii – Ep.187

  1. "Back then before climate change it must have been freezing"? maybe they were sailing in one of the natural warming cycles when the earth was warmer than it is now and greenland was green and settled by the vikings.

  2. Beautiful, just not sure of the Vikings being raiders, being of Norwegian descent I think they were misunderstood peaceful traders 😉 misrepresented in the movies…

  3. Thoroughly enjoying this series. I do hope you manage to visit my beloved Isle of Mull and have time to explore the Island. Its a magical place

  4. it was colder during the viking period than it is now due too climate change 😂 please stick to sailing i love your channel for that.

  5. Is it sinking in yet, that it's a lot more Fun, and far more Comfortable Sailing in the Tropics on a Wide Beamed Aft Cockpit Sloop Rigged Sailboat ? Faffing about in Cold Wet places Really Sucks doesn't it. Best Wishes and Safe Travels from now unsubscribed Bob. 😂😂😂

  6. "…before climate change…" regarding Viking habitations perked my ears. You see, it was the Sagas and Westerly Norse settlement that first revealed to me 2 climate epochs called "climate optimum" and "little climate optimun" roughly between 800 AD and 1200 AD. They are not well taught because they contradict the popular belief that man controls climate. But suffice to say prior to industry, climate changed to a degree that made routine passagemaking to greenland in anything but ice-classed vessels a documentable reality. We are taught that "green"land was a sales pitch, but in fact the Norse needed pastureland to survive and they did survive there. It forever will make the current war on petroleum based products suspect in motive when you find by digging that the climate before man's interference was more than twice again warmer than we are now told we must prevent it from reaching.

  7. Watching your sail handling is inspirational. You have a phenomenal partnership. In every sense of the word. Oh and your videos are beautiful. Thank you

  8. I'd like to thank you so much for sharing your experiences, I've been following you for many years…Just incredible, and thank you for the work and dedication to editing which makes your episodes so mesmerizing…and you're a wonderful couple, "couples" dreams" Enjoy yourselves! we'll be there

  9. You lost me with the climate change comment. I normally watch your vids all the way through. The vikings delt with their age of climate change as well. Our earth is not stagnant.

  10. Remarkable footage, brilliant cinematography, first class editing and knowledgeable local history makes your channel number 1 in our eye's. Enjoy, simply marvelous.

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