BERING STREAM: Festivalul de iahting de la Cannes, catamarane noi și planuri de viitor

BERING STREAM: Festivalul de iahting de la Cannes, catamarane noi și planuri de viitor

În acest interviu captivant, fondatorul Bering Yachts Alexei Mikhailov se adună cu Bogdan Gusarev, reprezentantul Bering Europa, pentru a discuta despre participarea noastră strategică la Festivalul de Yachting de la Cannes 2024. Descoperiți de ce prezentarea iahturilor noastre ancorate la acest eveniment de prim rang este o oportunitate semnificativă și ce beneficii are pentru aceasta. aduce. Alexei se scufundă în: · Festivalul de Yachting de la Cannes: Aflați despre decizia noastră de a ancora și despre avantajele unice pe care le oferă pentru prezentarea inovațiilor noastre. · Noua linie de catamaran: Priviți din interior tehnologia noastră revoluționară și măiestria meticuloasă din spatele noilor noastre modele de catamarane cu rază lungă Aluminium Explorer. · Planuri de viitor: Aflați despre viitorul interesant al Bering Yachts și despre viziunea noastră de a depăși granițele iahturilor de lux. Explorați modul în care Bering Yachts stabilește noi standarde în industrie. Flota Bering: Mai mult conținut: MUZICA MB01L6NRHLWU5VO


30 thoughts on “BERING STREAM: Festivalul de iahting de la Cannes, catamarane noi și planuri de viitor

  1. I wouldn't buy a GRP yacht because they burn as quick as petrol. Displacement steel and aluminum is the way to go, and Bering knows it.

  2. I love that Alexei is in to cats now. He seems knows what a practical, versatile go anywhere explorer yacht is and doesn't try to compete with the indulgent, gin palaces that are only fit for mooring offshore in the Med or Bahamas.
    I have no idea how a big cat can traverse the World's oceans but apparently they can and if Alexei commits Bering to providing solutions for a low draft, big tender carrying luxury cat superyacht 60m plus then whoopee!
    No idea if a helo is really required but a sub may be nice and 30 days plus voyage support seems a basic requirement.
    And I'd expect shared guest/crew spaces on long voyages, none of this separation and wasted space, no largesse of guest accommodation and cramped crew quarters, just shared lounges and outdoor decks, common huge dining tables for all except crew on duty.
    Call me nuts but this is my dream, to tour the World by a floating, mobile hotel with a surfeit of comfort and good indulgence, good food and company, as a base to foray and enjoy anywhere and everywhere in the World. Why not?

  3. Presenting a boat in the water? What a novelty🤣 Thank you Alexei for expressing common sense 🙂 I always listen to your talks, as they're always informative and down to earth!

  4. If someone judges or purchases a sailing vessel based on one persons choice of an interior than they don't understand what a ship is and you should be happy they are not buying a ship from you. There are 17 people in the world who have the funds and who understand why they should choose Bering. I wouldn't waste my time with any boat show even how you are doing it now. The customers you want will find you. You want the customer who seeks you out. You are above those materialistic boat shows. I would be happy to see Bering opt out.

  5. Alexia we must talk about the safety of lithium iron batteries, and how to protect against spontaneous fires, and how we can contain a blaze when at sea I have some suggestions

  6. Can't agree more. With so many incidents happening with boats lately, grounded, caught on fire, sinking, listing, etc,. Customers should be more concerned about safety issues first and how to prevent them… not only the paint quality and interior design (which is very subjective). I luv the idea of not docking at a boat show and instead anchoring because so many times I see a boat tour with big windows but you can't see the view because boats on either side are blocking the view. I luv the idea of an all-season boat where you can go in any sea condition. I personally would prefer to do a sea trial at Bering Seas 😁.

  7. Bering yachts are the best to own in my opinion. Alexei, he and his team designs them right from the start from idea to putting it in the water and you don't have to worry about getting back home when you realize that you are home on a Bering yacht because your safety is their number one goal. There is nowhere on this planet that you can't take a Bering yacht. Built strong and has the best nm range from all the ocean trawlers out there. Love these boats.

  8. I agree with Alexei that a boat should be used and not lay as a sardine in a harbor. But if a owner wants to do just that, hey…it is their boat!
    If you sell in your videos that your boats are finished with superyacht quality, then the customer can and will expect exactly that. In fact, if you pay that kind of money for a boat, a customer can expect nothing less than that everything is finished with the highest quality. So, all the paintwork is perfect, all the seams are the same, everything is perfectly aligned, and that the stainless steel work is also perfect. So the excuse of it not being a Fabergé-egg is in my opinion not valid. You can build sturdy ships that can endure any sea condition and have a perfect finish. As it should be.
    I am holding on to my opinion that Bering has grown to fast and that quality control is lacking behind. They should fix that and not come up with Fabergé-egg excuses.

  9. My suggestion would be to place the lithium iron batteries in a floodable sea chest that can be circulated with cool water as they can burn for more than two hours without the supply of air ,it might add costs, but it would be a good safety feature

  10. Surprising important points explained here. Regarding noise and vibration: interiors are important, but noise and slapping kills the most comfortable interior's appeal.
    Marinas are filled with boats on a nice day because the owners are just not interested to be there. They show off to friends at anchor, but then they don't want to spend any real time there.
    This has EVERYTHING to do with the unpleasant droning of running noise, wind, instability, and worries about hazards.

  11. Hey guys,

    Liked ur show w the Bering guy.

    But I’m frustrated, because there were so many lost opportunities to ask a major player in this segment, some really pressing questions about things that characterize this segment, but seem to be out of place, in their blatant omission!

    Rather than go on and on, can i just cut to the chase, and show u what i mean, by simply giving u an example of just one line of questioning? which hardly no one ever asks these guys, much less ever presses them on?! But a line, if perused, that would be so fascinating for people to learn….

    W all these types of hull builders, they almost universally, and blatantly, refuse to try to build something, that is truly revolutionary in all areas, not just one!

    The way they increase range, for example, is by increasing the fuel carrying capacity…. It’s just so blatant, and it’s like the “emperor w no clothes on” phenom, where we all pretend everything is normal, and theres no problem….?

    There are a precious few companies, doing amazing things in this area, and yet, very little of their innovative creations really get much “penetration,” when it comes to hybrid, and even full EV solutions. The Greenline company comes to mind, they are truly innovative in their hybrid solutions. I think they r on their 5 iteration now? Each successive version being that much more efficient!

    Now, for time purposes i’ll stop there. But i think even w just that one example, u can imagine a fascinating discussion over the thought behind refusing, (literally thumbing their nose at this idea even).

    There are a couple of other equally interesting avenues to have discussed w this guy, that could have yielded information that is, almost impossible to get….

    I hope u don’t see this comment to b adversarial in nature, but rather an attempt to bring issues like the rarity of hybrid drive systems up, this segment up?

    Cheers! 👍🏻

  12. maybe you can develop a HouseBoat line just for the Cannes show , and fit it with the gold plated toilets and 10HP outboards . I think that would sell well. they don't need to travel anywhere they can just stay on that boat in marina

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