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INEOS Britannia vs. Emirates Team New Zealand – Cursa completă 05.09.2024

48 thoughts on “INEOS Britannia vs. Emirates Team New Zealand – Cursa completă 05.09.2024”
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Thank you
Always good NZL but Ineos twice out the foils is a pity. Perhaps a psychological suffer about Ineos. Too rush in the first maneuver
Please DONT stop putting the result in the thumbnail
Hmm. It would be good to hear some insights why GB was so poor. Bad sailing?
boring race…useless..good only for nz……the beginning is the only interesting part
Big learnings for Ineos to be had on those turns. Hopefully, they can stop that bow dropping so quickly!
We finally get to hear post-race interviews, why haven't these been included previously?
Please turn off the comments so I don't have to see the bots and retards
Kiwis are just to to to to to to bloody GOOD

Ohhh! And the aussie fella
Tremendous racing, as we have come to expect. Thank you very kindly, LV37. I wish I had more upvotes to give you.
But I also wish you'd expose more data for us, so that during the not-quite-so-exciting moments we can see the hydraulic pressure levels, the boats' VMGs, the fly-heights, the cant angles, Ladder lines, headings…
Sir Pompous got another lesson in sailing from the Kiwis

Think the kiwis could have paddled their yatch and still would have won. Ainsley needs to stick to Dinghies.
Who is the lead commentator? He makes so many observations that are wrong. TNZ they might be able to finish that second leg in 1, but proceeded to throw in an extra gybe, and the commentator states they did it in one. I may be being pedantic, but surely a sailing commentator has "some" knowledge of sailing and not just making it up as he goes along.
Great job Kiwi teàm. Great job.

Why do they only shorten the course when INEOS is behind and lengthen it when they're ahead? XD
We need a cyclor cam so we can see how hard these boys work and what RPM there at.
Matt, could you do a short video explaining what jobs the 4 sailors are doing each race (unless cyclors are also trimming) given that 2 sails, foils, ride height, rudder, helming, etc all need doing, cheers
I thought ineos had a good night, great win over magic and a solid race here. LR will have an interesting decision. A great day for Alinghi also. Magic would have some cause for concern and need to find something.
Sailing: if you touch the water you lose. That should be controversial.
Ineos Britannia verse Emirates TNZ
Ineos have mega funding and sadly it appears the campaign is unraveling.
Ainslee lost the plot
i think the future for Ineos in this comp is the big donut?
Just poor sailing by the Brit’s. Maybe time for Ainslee to bow out.
Fast boats – boring races
For anyone unfamiliar with Britain's significant role in the history of the America's Cup. The America's Cup first started 173 years ago with a race between Great Britain and the USA around the Isle of Wight. The Brits lost to the Americans, and a British team has never won the event since.
Need more wind.
First tack & it’s like Ainsley enjoys snorting kiwi gas
Why do they mix up all the measurements?

Distance of race measured in Nautical miles, distance gap measured in meters.
Sail area measured in square cubits and alcoholic drinks measured in 1/6th of a gill.
I am waiting for somebody to refer to the distance to the bar in fathoms or nautical furlongs.
The commentator cannot even pronounce accelerate correctly.
INEOS mainsail looks wrinkly, Prada sails look very nice
What a stupid yachting competition. Drop off the foils game over. Nearly all races a boring drag race. Not a good advert for the sport
Too much white noise
Mute the Mikes
Are the commentators watching the same race as us?
BURLING. Need to make the boat go faster. Faster. boat it make àn easy job…..I know Luna Rosa, can make it means Luna Rosa can win the Americas cup this year 2024 for sure.
Need good colors good trimmer and the skipper and the boat run faster.. faster boàt it making the race easy for the group .
ETNZ boat are too slow on the water.. am I wright?
Beautiful racing great skill boats pumping lots of support to Team New Zealand

What a beautiful looking boat
This is not boat racing that people can relate to. Wind power control is now virtually irrelevant. It is technology show off time. Opaque to the actual on site viewer as many Barcelona residents have said. A TV game with a virtual perimeter. A stupid F1 in boats carnival. A video game.
In the prestart, please show more shots including the two boats and the start line. I know there are loads of cameras on board, but the point of the coverage is to tell the story. In sailing, that means where the boats are in relation to each other and the next make. Visualize elastic always pulling you to a wide angle shot of both boats. There has to be something compelling to pull you away from that shot.
looks like Brittannia is the opposite of Luna Rossa… They always FOLLOW they opponent, even if when you are behind you MUST split the tak….. I really don't understand them, they already have a slow speed in light wind what comes out following the opponent in dirty air? Oh… they seems to forgot that their boat doesn't like to loose too much speed and splash down. In my humble opinion it's a boat build for strong wind, so you need to keep tak at bare minimun at the start, don't engage in fancy duel and please lord keep her straight on a different tak….. Taking duel doesn't look like a strong point too, and its coeherent to her desider to always go fast and straight.
the temptation at the moment must be to say, "everything Jim Ratcliffe touches turns to shit"….
How much wind they had?
What a beautiful boat ETNZ. champions.
Etnz have designed their boat for light to moderate wind conditions.