Ziua 1 a semifinalelor Cupei Louis Vuitton de la Barcelona. ABONAȚI-vă la canalul oficial al Cupei Americii: https://www.youtube.com/c/americascup Apreciați Cupa Americii Pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americascup Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Twitter: https://www. twitter.com/americascup Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/americascup Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ al Cupei Americii: https://www.americascup.com/en/newsletter Cea de-a 37-a Cupă a Americii va fi să fie apărat la Barcelona de patru ori câștigător al Cupei Americii, Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron reprezentat de echipa lor, Emirates Team New Zealand. #AmericasCup #AC37 #Barcelona2024
Cupa Louis Vuitton – Ziua 1 | Semifinale – LIVE

34 thoughts on “Cupa Louis Vuitton – Ziua 1 | Semifinale – LIVE”
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I miss the close racing
The tag is: #cazzodaiboys.
Fantastic, just keep it UP!
Go Luna Rossa go! Luna Rossa is very magic!!!


Fantastic racing, I am loving AC37.
Meno male che abbiamo avuto la fortuna dalla nostra!
Gli americani hanno fatto molti errori nonostante 2 partenze super!
Ma é bene ció che finisce bene.
Forza Luna!
Lunaaaaaaa Rossaaaaaaaa GO, GO,GO
Loving it!!!!
What a race!!!!!!
This America's Cup is great to watch.
24:46 race starts
What’s up with the sound? Keeps dropping every few seconds
Did Ineos shoot themself in the foot by picking Alinghi? Whoever they face of LR or AM will be very practiced in the art of the racing.
American Magic not quite putting it together today but looking good – that series might be really good
AM skipper is the worst decision maker
i'm not a sailor, nor do I have any knowledge re sailing espsially these big one but ewaht is Red Bull racing doing on the Semi finals. They are jusy plain useless. I bet ya anything they will lose 5-0 no doubts. The toehr toe wow now that is real racing.
Why does every interview with the UK coach begin with 'yeah no'?
Any info as to the big 4 masted schooner in the background?
Great seeing the yanks lose
The sailing is amazing how ever is the racing off Barcelona or at another place away from Barcelona
This is the worst America’s Cup I have seen. I think I started in 1992. No pre-start engagements, the race is done if someone falls from the foils, or usually after the first cross if the faster boat won the start, little tactics or passing opportunities going on in the legs, the boats are ugly, the broadcast is terrible, the teamwork non-existent or it doesn’t show at all…it’s the most arid sport spectacle I have had to witness in a long time.
what is the name of that sailing ship in the background is it the Esmerelda?
The Americans doing what they are good at, loosing the lead when they are well ahead lol:)
I hope Patriot does the patriotic thing and goes home early and magically disappear.
Wind speed and direction died with J boat racing:)
Wind and direction died with J boat racing:)
Cyclors look like slaves in the Roman galleys pulling in their oars. Whips cracking. Can I take a peek at the action? NO keep peddling you….
Why do they say "O and two"?! It should be 2 zero or 2 nil! English people!!!
They really wanted that left side… American Magic following LR right. Great tecnica comments from the lady
Day 1= Day 2= DAY 3?