Raportând de la Southampton Boat Show 2024, editorul MBY, Hugo Andreae a avut șansa de a ne duce într-un tur exclusiv al Sunseeker Ocean 156. ► Deveniți un ABONAT GRATUIT la pagina YouTube a MBY acum – https://www.youtube.com/user /ybwtv?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru cele mai recente recenzii, lansări de echipamente noi și știri despre tur, vizitați site-ul nostru aici – http://www.mby.com ► Dă Like-ne pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/motorboatandyachting ► Urmărește-ne pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/mbymagazine ► Urmărește-ne pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motorboat_and_yachting/ ► Ce ai părut? Spune-ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Nu uitați să apăsați butonul de LIKE și să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut #MotorBoatYachting
Exclusiv mondial: superyacht-ul compact care vă va uimi | SO 156 tur | Barcă cu motor și iahting

40 thoughts on “Exclusiv mondial: superyacht-ul compact care vă va uimi | SO 156 tur | Barcă cu motor și iahting”
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The new Pearl 82 offers much more for a lot less money. 5 en suite cabins, a massive flybridge with a hot tub and a tender garage for about £1million less. I know where my money would go…
Trying to compete with the Horizon FD series. I like it, it's not as wedding cake'ish as others. Engine room is not as good as one would expect. I'd like to see 50/60/70 foot versions.
So is that the under the stairs were Harry Potter lives now ?
Not gonna lie. I think the new Pearl beats this…
For a Sunseeker it's ugly. Its basically a block shape and a bit like an apartment on the water. A lot of interior space , but that particular boat lacked any real charm as a motor cruiser / yacht. The plum bow concept designers are going for these days make the boat look like it hit the quay wall. The older Sunseekers always looked like they were going somewhere fast and that was when they were tied to the quay.
How many bars do you want? "Yes"
If someone gave me one I wouldn't complain but personally I am not a fan style wise of the blunt noise boats we are seeing more and more, I prefer the sleek pointy nose on my boats.
An interesting difference between the Ocean boat, and the more sporty Sunseeker boats the company has built .
But she does pack an awful amount of living and deck space areas. 80 footer seems more. I'm not sure about the salon layout on this boat, I'd like to see a different layout to compare. But she got a lot to offer a family or charter boat. But I wish the crew cabin area was bigger with a seating area for them.
She'll have a lot of people interested and I'm sure she'll do well.
They keep attaching big umbers to smaller yachts, giving the interior volume as the number. That's kind of genius, unless youre someone that doesn't know much about yachts and gross tonnage you think is the weight. Lol
Can you get a davit on the back deck of the skyl ounge and get anotther Jet ski or 2 up,there instead of furniture
A huge cockpit extension is what that whole boat is.
As with all sunseeker yachts the crew and engine room are horribly designed compared to other vessels of the same size. The main deck is awesome but the rest of the boat is horrible
Even things like shore power lead will rub
duh 156 is misleading BS for a tiny 80 footer
If a Sunseeker is good enough for Charles Xavier, it's good enough for me.
I think Orange vest is hovering so the crockery stays put
The designers clearly saw the Benetti B.Yond 37 and liked it; or least knew they draw inspiration.
Thanks for taking us along, Hugo.
Yay, Hugo !! Good to have a Hugo tour. Very interesting boat. Great tour. Thanks Hugo xx
Thanks for a very nice tour. Love the single main deck and the amount of space on an eighty two footer is very impressive. Just needs some more range at a slow cruise and it would have made my shortlist.
I wonder how this thing behaves in heavy seas, another floating bungalow
Design and creativity brings new solutions, like in this case. Good!
Hugo, that was a wonderful review of a very beautiful yacht. Just one thing, I dislike that they give such little space to staff accommodation on the yacht. Other than that, all good.
Wow,absolutly beautful!
amazing layout. Great job, but you need at least one outdoor dining table.
Wonderful yacht, though the crew 'accommodation' is stingy and claustrophobic imo. Great for the owners and their guests, not so great for crew. Very interesting and enjoyable tour, Hugo. Thanks very much!
I've seen plenty of poor crew quarters, but these really take the cake. Basically have to leave the 'room' to get dressed.
Love this yacht! Putting in a couple of hours of overtime this week to help pay the deposit.
,,,,,,I’m in,,,,,,,,,,better start saving,,,,,,,,, now,,,,,, £10 a week,,,,,,,, that’ll take

,,,,,,,,, will they take a hand shake??.?.???.?
What a boat £6.9m + VAT
It reminds me of a Penguin skimming along the ice. Yet another of those pudgy boats. It has a thing it is supposed to do and it seems to do it. This is absolutely NOT your grandfather's yacht. It is meant to be a floating lux micro hotel. The crew quarters are skimpy. I find it fascinating but I don't know if I like it.
Only 3 crew beds??? No crew sitting area? A kitchen open to the living room? They totally lost it. Great for an owner who is also the captain and a cook, but this rarely happens for a boat this size. Only an inexperienced new owner will go for it. Honestly, I am amazed. Terrible design.
Is the crew quarters even legal??? Never seen them that small, the twin bunk looked like you'd have to keep the door open for them to get in and out of bed, same with the single bedroom. AND no place for them to hang out. I don't see anyone joining up to be on that crew
Wow that's a gorgeous yacht absolutely love the layout

Beautiful yacht inside, but looking at the lines from outside,no .I think i could spend my nearly 7 mil on one that looks better than that
Ugly or what? Another one you'd only want to take out in the dark!
Lewis Jessica Thomas Sandra Harris James
They have done a nice job with this but I wonder why there is interest in yachts this small? It isn't large enough to properly crew yet is is too large to owner operate. Only three crew is pretty demanding if there is a full compliment of guests on board for any length of time. So you have a captain, an engineer and a chef and these three will have to operate the vessel, keep the vessel properly clean as well as all the "hospitality" chores as well. Add to this the puny crew accommodations and all I can say is I wouldn't want to be a crewman on this yacht.
So brand new this boat goes for just under 7.6 million US dollars.
Love it. ONLY missing a little heads compartment on that top deck!
Everyone following the princes x concepts now. Boats are practical yet lost their elegant lines.