Kenai Fjords la Prince William Sound

Kenai Fjords la Prince William Sound

Acest videoclip se deschide în Anchorage, Alaska, și acoperă vizite la fiordurile peninsula Kenai și doi ghețari din minunatul – și greu de accesat – Prince William Sound. Cel de-al 20-lea an de croazieră al lui Venture nu a decurs conform planului, așa cum va deveni evident într-un videoclip ulterior, dar acest videoclip arată frumusețea acestor ape. Latitudinea de ancorare este de 61 de grade – nu de 68 așa cum se spune în narațiune. Videoclipul Alaskan Amblers (Mary și Jay) poate fi găsit aici:


29 thoughts on “Kenai Fjords la Prince William Sound

  1. Thank you for the new addition Tony, my wife and I enjoyed it very much over a glass of wine last night! Though I must say I have a bit of comedic level disgruntlement over this last episode being a cliff hanger…but I will most certainly be waiting with baited breath to see the harrowing next installment!

  2. Beautiful footage again and wonderful to listen to your voice, it’s like poetry. ❤ hope your next video has a good ending despite the worrying announcement 🙏

  3. wonderful, Mr. Fleming! beautiful videography, deeply atmospheric settings, and haunting music… truly enjoyable! looking forward to the next video. best wishes!

  4. Woo-Hoo… welcome back! As always, another epic video – we are now eagerly looking forward to the next episode.
    What drone do you use? We fly the DJI-Mini 3 Pro and find this to be a solid platform for our videos.

  5. I stopped watching a couple years ago, having watched most of your videos. I recently purchased a Delorme Atlas of Alaska, and though it was 2018, it is still easy to follow. Your showing the viewer the topo charts where you traveled, really make your videos better. I appreciate the videos because now I can better remember where is was in 1962–64, as a young college student earning tuition working on a 44-foot purse seine boat. We spent a lot of time around Chenega Island and Port Nellie Juan.

    In those days, 25-foot "Nellie Juan Boats" would often sink after catching too many salmon. Although our boat was not an Alaska limit boat, we were much bigger than the Native Nellie Juan boats. The most we ever caught in one day was 8000 humpies, dogs, and an occasional silver, and we had room for another couple thousand, while half of that would sing the native boats.

    There was one port that I've never been able to find–Port San Juan. It was a Phillipino camp for processing fish. Boats like us, the MV "Pat" from San Juan Island, Washington, would unload our fish onto flat-bottomed motorized scows, using one pronged pitchforks called pews. Then these scows would tie up at Port San Juan in the general Chenega Island area.. I have a good top map but not as good as a nautical chart, so could you tell me some way where that Port is?

    I haven't e-mailed you for a few years, but I'm now back to watching your fine videos. You once toured up the Columbia River and the Snake River to within 75 miles of where I live, which is farther up one of those those large Idaho rivers. Keep up the good work. I've never seen better landscape photography that yours. Probably a lot of viewers tell you that, but I can give you praise from someone who has really been to a lot of those places.

  6. They were attacked by a pack of marine Sasquatchs riding orcas. Boat sustained heavy damage, but the squatches were lured away with a box of snickerdoodles.

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