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Tur de iaht de 6 milioane de euro: Pearl 82

50 thoughts on “Tur de iaht de 6 milioane de euro: Pearl 82”
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The only thing I don't like if I imagine myself as an owner is that the crew can't control the ship without me seeing them. If I had the money to buy one of these I'd like to enjoy my privacy. The crew should not be seen. Can't relax if you have strangers around. Imagine wanting to just chill on the couch a bit hungover in your underwear and then the crew is sitting atop a few stairs and can come annoy you at any time.
What a gorgeous gorgeous yacht. That Kelly Dragon Woman certainly does have a great eye for design. A floating home from home. Very cool and stylish. Great tour Nick. Enjoy your trip. K
Wow this is the ultimate in luxury
Another brilliant one Nick, that hot tub is a very nice touch
3772 West View
Whoever designed this beauty is one clever sausage! So many fantastic uses of space and it all flows together so nicely. Great boat and great video Nick as always
Pearl is my favourite
Great video as always Nick, PLEASE can you do the New Swift Trawler 54 and save my sanity, there have been a few attempts but the boat needs your expertise. Thanks.
I was in 2 minds whether to get a Galeon 800 Fly, but looking at this, I think this is better…now off finish stacking shelves and save!
Nice boat nick , galley seems small for working space.
I thought I was in love with the new Sunseeker Ocean 156, also an 82 footer, but this Pearl 82 is better!
I was a massive fan of the Pearl 80, but i really do like this. so much extra in 2ft
That is beautiful!
Great boat great review as always
What a lovely well thought out boat , very nice indeed , thank you for sharing , a great tour as ever
10 guest berths but only room for 8 at the table. Seems like an oversight.
I'd really not heard of Pearl until recently, this 82 is fantastic, it seems to flow very well. The interior is a refreshing change too, although I'm not sure that the bar has a lot of utility. It would be good to have more refreshment area towards the cockpit. I also never knew that this company was headquartered in Warwick, not far from where I grew up. I guess the boats themselves are made in China – that would make for an interesting factory tour!
Beautiful interior and superb layout. Feels like a 90-95. The only downside for me is the overall exterior design.
Outstanding yacht and tour…thank you nick!! Euro ticket stuff of dream…beautiful

Nick please can we have a watch collection video as a special? For us watch nerds
I know it's said all the time but £6m seems like a bit of a bargain (he says, while eating cold beans straight from the tin!)
How did Miele get a monopoly on equiping yachts? Of all the yachts you have shown, Miele probably is in 95% of them.
I'll take two.
Plz make walkthrough tour of kismet 122metri at upcoming monaco yacht show 2024 if possible
Notification bell knocked off Nick. Just checked your channel because not had anything come through for a while. Wonder if it’s happened to anyone else.
Pearl seems to have pulled off a miracle with this 82. Most manufacturers struggle to find a way to include a decent flybridge AND a tender garage, let alone 5 en suite cabins in an 80 footer. The closest Princess have come up with is the latest S80, but that has a compromised flybridge, a smaller garage and only 4 cabins. Truly remarkable, especially for a 'boutique' boat builder. Fantastic tour of this game changing yacht. Thank you!!
Hi Nick
When do we get part 3 of the SETAG refit , thanks
“It just depends what you want…. Well.. I want 6mio € to buy that boat
What a lovely spec Nick
Could you do an indept review of the X-Treme 78 Fly with sea trial? Espcially the systemn what they use for ankering is stunning
Stunning Yacht! One of my favourites.
Having watched your channel for some years now, I’m becoming an ‘armchair expert’
. Whilst I really like Pearl yachts, watching this video and imagining I had €6m to spend on a yacht, I’d be constantly annoyed by the creaks heard when walking about the space . As you were walking up and down the stairs it sounded unacceptably loud for a brand new multi million euro vessel, stationary at harbour!
00:49 hmmmm? Sorry?……
Excellent designed and fully functional for the size ofYacht I was over therein 2019
Very nice indeed.
So nice, why does it seem you get less for your money when buying a sunseeker? What am I missing?
Dream very expensive the boat I love

Superb viewing Nick, very impressed, that master cabin, wow
Brilliant as usual
. This is the third time I’ve seen a video of this boat in the last two days. Your review is BY FAR the best. You show us all the nooks and crannies in detail, even the hinges. You obviously know what boat enthusiasts want to see, not just selling the boat for would be buyers. I would buy this one if I could afford it. I’ve been a fan of your channel since the early days.
The interior decor is so tasteful. it's a wonderful compact size without feeling crammed in. Along with main deck owners cabin, excellent layout, ensuite in each guest cabin, garage etc it would seriously tick all of my boxes if I was in the market at this price point! I just love
this one!
It looks very well done. I like it a lot.
For me, the best owners cabin design by far. Has a very James Bond movie set feel to it. Not sure about not having a VIP cabin, but the overall layout, design & ambience all excellent & the light saturation outstanding. Good job!
Very nice boat! Probably one of my favourites on the channel. My only gripe would be, and I’ve seen (or rather heard it) on quite a few tours and that is creaking floorboards. For 6 million quid(Euros), my floor boards better not be creaking!
Hand basin not a sink. Sinks are for food prep and dish washing.
That's a lot of boat to maintain for only two crew plus a captain.
Thats just an amazing yacht. There is no part of the yacht thats not beautiful and practical
Oh, and all that lovely wood
thank you so much Nick
Awesome video and yatch like always. At the end of the video rigth there behind you yhere is a boat that looks military is a kaki color. Is that a super vessel ? Did you made a videonof that onepr not yet? Looks very interesting!!!!
I always find it a bit fascinating how the consumption of alcohol is so endemic in western societies. What if it were pot, marijuana? Instead of glass and bottle displays, it held canisters of bud and smoking devices? How about peyote as a cultural hub? Food for thought.
What a fantastic video of a fantastic boat sweet dreams tonight dreaming about this boat.