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Compania de iahturi îl dă în judecată pe proprietarul lui Dali | Cel mai mare superyacht VENDIT la Monaco Yacht Show | SY News Ep391
30 thoughts on “Compania de iahturi îl dă în judecată pe proprietarul lui Dali | Cel mai mare superyacht VENDIT la Monaco Yacht Show | SY News Ep391”
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maybe someone will explain how they recycle containers as that has to work for some reason…… #doesitnot
The real world of everyday people is totally dirt to the rich
Gosh, I missed the sale, I would have bought one if I’d known ! 😂
Getting a lot of my yachts bigger than your yacht vibes in this video…..
HAT LOGO, Tell me more?? 😊
Boy you really got money to burn if you would drop a mil for a sabre 43 sedan 😅
Thanks for the updates sysman
I'd love to see a day when other countries get to sanction America for their crimes!
Another historic factoid about Marblehead. Marblehead (along with other local towns), claims to be the town that founded the US Navy.
I thought AHPO was renamed Lady Jorgia?
Question: Does Gross Tonnage alter, depending on the salinity of the water its floating in? Or is it purely volume? Fresh water enthusiast here…
Scumbags suing Dali owners for anything. The owners of the bridge should be sued for building a defective bridge and not mandating that tugs will be used thru a dangerous area! No bumper guards around bridge supports is an accident waiting to happen
yeah, lawsuits are a technicality to start collections on their own insurance……
general average has already been declared.
Where do these world's largest luxury yachts sail and also with pirates in mind?
Or you just move to yacht to another port and send it from there ?
I'm pretty sure that if you check with the brokerage houses, that you would be told that the TOTAL commission is 5%, which is split between the buyers agent and the sellers agent. That of course is 5 million dollars on a 100 million dollar boat. Geoff Rohde
where is the Yacht shows video ?
That Kismet is gorgeous 👌🏼
🙋♂️THANKS ESYSMAN FOR THE UPDATES…🤷♂️ from a long time viewer😁 according to you 💚💚💚
What's the best alternative to vessel finder etc?
I know there are plenty of sanctioned Russians that own property in NYC …. and for that jurisdiction to go after far away assets while protecting reale estate prices at home.
I saw Sixth Sense anchored off Sag Harbor, NY a few months ago. Spectacular vessel to see in person.
And I can't afford health insurance…
Sabre yachts are awesome yachts, among my favorites
Легализована пиратерија ће се вратити као бумеранг једног дана. Неће помоћи штампање безвредних папирића у име компензација.
….notwithstanding the culpability of the Dali. the economic stakes being that high weren't necessarily the Dalis fault. so the bridge should have been built stronger or cleverer
What insurance company? Lloyds?
isn't the weight of a yacht the weight of the amount of water that the yacht displaces?
Could AC DC's video possibly explain the problem?
Record an Instagram story while there is a sky raging with thunder and lightning?
could you please talk about structural defects of the Bayesian? I would like to laugh some more!
Little local Maine boatbuilder vs. big global maritime transport company.. Now that's a headline you dont see everyday . good luck to them